microsoft speech

Incorporate speech into every aspect of your Universal Windows app. Launch an app or extend Cortana with app functionality and data using voice commands. Accept short input and long dictation using speech recognition. Inform, direct, solicit, or respond t

相關軟體 Platform Update for Windows 7 下載

The Platform Update for Windows 7 enables improved features and performance on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. The Platform Update for Windows 7 enables improved features and performanc...

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  • Use the tools, technology, and intelligence behind Bing to jump start growth and create en...
    Bing for Partners helps businesses and developers succeed
  • 使用 Microsoft Azure 的 Speech API,將語音辨識加入您的應用程式中,包括文字轉語音。 ... 儲存體 儲存體 儲存體 耐用、具高可用性並可大幅調整的雲端儲...
    Bing Speech API - 語音辨識 | Microsoft Azure
  • Allows developers to build and deploy Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech applications ....
    Download Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime (Version 11) ...
  • The Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 adds Automation support to the features of the previous versi...
    Download Speech SDK 5.1 from Official Microsoft Download ...
  • Incorporate speech into every aspect of your Universal Windows app. Launch an app or exten...
    Microsoft Speech - Windows app development
  • Windows Vista includes a new .NET namespace, System.Speech, that allows developers to spee...
    Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.3
  • The Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI is an API developed by Microsoft to a...
    Microsoft Speech API - Wikipedia
  • This section of the MSDN Library provides resources to help you get started developing red...
    Microsoft Speech Platform
  • Use Microsoft Speech API to add speech-driven actions to your apps, including real-time in...
    Microsoft Speech Service | Microsoft Docs
  • Interesting new study on the effectiveness of speech-to-text technologies. Nice to see Mic...
    speech @ microsoft