
miRWalk is a comprehensive database of human, mouse and rat microRNAs ( miRNAs) on their Predicted and Validated Targets associated with genes, ...

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  • miRWalk is a comprehensive database of human, mouse and rat microRNAs ( miRNAs) on their P...
    2. Why does miRWalk search possible miRNA ... - Uni ...
  • miRWalk is a comprehensive database of human, mouse and rat microRNAs (miRNAs) on their Pr...
    2. Why does miRWalk search possible miRNA ... - Uni Heidelberg
  • 22.05.2017 - Testing phase of the new miRWalk version starts now. Follow this Link.The Co...
    apps/zmf/mirwalk/). - miRWalk2.0: a comprehensive atlas of ...
  • 22.05.2017 - Testing phase of the new miRWalk version starts now. Follow this Link.The Cor...
    appszmfmirwalk). - miRWalk2.0: a comprehensive atlas of predicted ...
  • Transcript, All Longest, Select either all or the longest transcript of gene(s). Min Seed...
    Gene Targets - miRWalk - A database on Predicted and ...
  • Transcript, All Longest, Select either all or the longest transcript of gene(s). Min Seed ...
    Gene Targets - miRWalk - A database on Predicted and Published ...
  • Transcript, All Longest, Select either all or the longest transcript of gene(s). Min Seed ...
    MicroRNA Targets - miRWalk - A database on Predicted and ...
  • Transcript, All Longest, Select either all or the longest transcript of gene(s). Min Seed...
    MicroRNA Targets - miRWalk - A database on Predicted and ... ...
  • Promoter kb 5' UTR CDS 3'UTR, Minimum seed length and/or p-value. Other databases...
    MicroRNA-gene Targets - miRWalk2.0: a comprehensive atlas of ...
  • miRWalk2.0 is released for public use (Click Here). miRWalk Version 1 will be shutdown on...
    miRWalk - A database on predicted and published MicroRNAs
  • Step 2: Result tables i.e. official gene names or their identifiers such as EntrezID, Uni...
    miRWalk 2.0: an information retrieval system on predicted ...
  • Step 2: Result tables i.e. official gene names or their identifiers such as EntrezID, UniG...
    miRWalk 2.0: an information retrieval system on predicted and ...
  • Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1182:289-305. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1062-5_25. miRWalk database ...
    miRWalk database for miRNA-target interactions. - NCBI
  • miRWalk presents predicted and validated information on miRNA-target interaction. Such a ...
    miRWalk – Database: Prediction of possible miRNA binding ...
  • miRWalk presents predicted and validated information on miRNA-target interaction. Such a r...
    miRWalk – Database: Prediction of possible miRNA binding sites by ...
  • J Biomed Inform. 2011 Oct;44(5):839-47. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2011.05.002. Epub 2011 May 14....
    miRWalk--database: prediction of possible miRNA binding ...
  • J Biomed Inform. 2011 Oct;44(5):839-47. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2011.05.002. Epub 2011 May 14. ...
    miRWalk--database: prediction of possible miRNA binding sites by ...