
Since I don face such problem, I don know how to fix it. May be u disable all addons except OiLvL, and it should be able show ilvl of items in bags. After that, you enable 1 by 1 of the addon to see which addon prevent OiLvL from showing ilvl. TYVM.

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  • Since I don face such problem, I don know how to fix it. May be u disable all addons excep...
    Overview - O Item Level (OiLvL) - Addons - Projects - WoW ...
  • Show Item Level and raid progression of player and all members in instance / party / raid....
    O Item Level (OiLvL) - Raid Frames - World of Warcraft ...
  • /oi或左键单击OiLvL minimap按钮显示OiLvL窗口(小地图图标)右键单击该图标,或右键单击OiLvL minimap按钮显示OiLvL配置面板。/oimatchcol...
    OiLvL 物品等级美化增强插件--魔兽世界插件站-wowui.cc
  • 打开Oilvl.lua 文件 2. 使用查找功能,搜索 OTgathertil ,定位到#616行 3. 向下,找到 if(upgrade == 1) then itemLevel...
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  • O Item Level (OiLvL) Project Manager: olzenkhaw 3,506,681 total downloads
    oilvl - Search - Curse
  • SolidICE is a online gaming community and portal for the distribution of addons, mods, and...
    SolidICE - O Item Level (OiLvL)
  • SolidICE is a online gaming community and portal for the distribution of addons, mods, and...
    ... - Downloads - World of Warcraft - O Item Level (OiLvL) ...
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