
Author: M. Rehmsmeier RNAhybrid is a tool for finding the minimum free energy hybridization of a long and a short RNA. The hybridization is performed in a kind of domain mode, ie. the short sequence is hybridized to the best fitting part of the long ...

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  • Author: M. Rehmsmeier RNAhybrid is a tool for finding the minimum free energy hybridizatio...
    BiBiServ2 - RNAhybrid
  • rnahybrid (1 bugs: 0, 1, 0, 0) Fast and effective prediction of microRNA/target duplexes t...
    Debian Package Tracking System - rnahybrid
  • Moved Permanently. The document has moved here.
    PubMed/NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • 2012年2月7日 - RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy, fast and flexible. Jan Kru¨ger an...
    RNA Studio - BiBiServ
  • Name, Description. RNAhybrid src package, RNAhybrid src package should be compiled on almo...
    RNAhybrid - BiBiServ
  • Description rnahybrid website RNAhybrid is a tool for finding the minimum free energy hybr...
    RNAhybrid - UFRC
  • RNAhybrid is a tool for finding the minimum free energy hybridization of a long and a shor...
    RNAhybrid -- microRNA target prediction easy, fast and ...
  • Among existing target prediction methods, RNAhybrid [M. Rehmsmeier, P. Steffen, M. Höchsma...
    RNAhybrid -- microRNA target prediction easy, fast and flexible | HSLS
  • For each putative or known miRNA, user may query the target sites in the 3'UTR regions...
    RNAhybrid Service Page
  • RNAhybrid is a tool for predicting miRNA (microRNA) targets by calculating the minimum fre...
    RNAhybrid | Bioinformatics.ca Links Directory
  • Harvest the potential of RNAhybrid for RNA interference. Get information about this bioinf...
    RNAhybrid | miRNA target prediction : RNA interference - ...
  • RNAhybrid Job Progress Status | Tutorial of RNAhybrid Service ... When operating RNAhybrid...
    RNAhybrid | miRNA target prediction : RNA interference - OMICtools
  • Abstract In the elucidation of the microRNA regulatory network, knowledge of potential tar...
    RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy, fast and ...
  • 2006年7月27日 - RNAhybrid is a tool for finding the minimum free energy hybridization of a l...
    RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy, fast and flexible
  • Harvest the potential of RNAhybrid for RNA interference. Get information about this bioinf...
    RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy, fast and flexible ...
  • 2006年7月14日 - In the elucidation of the microRNA regulatory network, knowledge of potentia...
    RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy, fast and flexible. - NCBI
  • [PDF] RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy ... - Gene Quantification
  • RNAhybrid is a tool for finding the minimum free energy hybridization of a long and a shor...
    有關 rnahybrid 的學術文章