
The returned Spark connection (sc) provides a remote dplyr data source to the Spark cluster. For more information on connecting to remote Spark clusters see the Deployment section of the sparklyr website. Using dplyr We can now use all of the available dp

相關軟體 Baidu Spark Browser 下載

Baidu Spark Browser is based on Chromium, the same engine which runs Google Chrome. Although Baidu Spark Browser has a standard design, it does have some nice features such as changeable skins and a ...

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  • We’re excited today to announce sparklyr, a new package that provides an interface between...
    sparklyr — R interface for Apache Spark | RStudio Blog
  • R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data processing, see . This...
    sparklyr : R Interface to Apache Spark
  • R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data processing, see <ht...
    sparklyr: R Interface to Apache Spark - The Comprehensive R ...
  • The returned Spark connection (sc) provides a remote dplyr data source to the Spark cluste...
    GitHub - rstudiosparklyr: R interface for Apache Spark
  • Introduction The sparklyr package provides a dplyr interface to Spark DataFrames as well a...
    Creating Extensions for sparklyr - R Interface to Apache ...
  • Tom Zeng is a Solutions Architect for Amazon EMR The recently released sparklyr package by...
    Running sparklyr – RStudio’s R Interface to Spark on Amazon ...
  • Progress bars and Spark UI with sparklyr If you assign the sparklyr connection object to a...
    sparklyr ¶ - Welcome to Databricks — Databricks ...
  • Does someone have an overview with respect to advantages/disadvantages of SparkR vs sparkl...
    SparkR vs sparklyr - Stack Overflow
  • Additional changes and improvements can be found in the sparklyr NEWS file. One can also g...
    sparklyr 0.6 | RStudio Blog