
All of a sudden, I'm getting this BSOD every time about 5-10 seconds after loading a profile. Can't start the computer in safe mode; it hangs each time trying to load the drivers (or ...

相關軟體 Abelssoft Registry Cleaner 下載

As with all Windows based computers, the system registry becomes fragmented over time, in the same way that your hard disk becomes fragmented. This means that Windows needs to jump to different loca...

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  • All of a sudden, I'm getting this BSOD every time about 5-10 seconds after loading a p...
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  • Hi guys, I was having an issue with a Toshiba Tecra A10 whereby it was hanging a lot. I in...
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  • REGISTRY_ERROR STOP: 0x00000051 Description A critical registry error has occurred, likely...
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