
Store and operate on a 3-dimensional vector = (x, y, z) >. This class stores and operates on a 3-dimensional vector. Methods that begin with a capital letter modify 'this', while methods that begin with a lowercase letter create a new Vec3 to s

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  • class vec3([args]) angle(other) Return angle (in radians) between self and other. cross(ot...
    4.2.1. vec3 - 3d vector — Python Computer Graphics Kit 2.0.0 ...
  • In GLSL, the types vec2, vec3, and vec4 represent 2D, 3D, and 4D floating-point vectors. (...
    GLSL ProgrammingVector and Matrix Operations - Wikibooks, ...
  • Store and operate on a 3-dimensional vector = (x, y, z) >. This class stores and operat...
    Class Vec3 - MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Vec3: Computing With Transforms and Contexts This is a simple example using proto:: extend...
    Vec3: Computing With Transforms and Contexts
  • So a vec3 takes 3 values. However, all vectors can be constructed from a single value; thi...
    Data Type (GLSL) - OpenGL Wiki - The Khronos Group Inc
  • The Vec3 API provides a set of methods to manipulate 3-dimensional vectors as well as some...
    Vec3 | High Fidelity Documentation
  • Number of elements between the start of each vec3. If 0 assumes tightly packed offset Numb...
    Module: vec3 | Blend4Web API Reference
  • Home Blog Projects CV Contact A simple vector library in C++ August 31, 2011 I should star...
    A simple vector library in C++ - Jon Craton
  • A number between 0 and 1. 0 will make this function return u, and 1 will make it return v....
    Vec3 - cannon - GitHub Pages
  • Parameters: } vec First vector } vec2 Second vector number} lerp Interpolation amount betw...
    JsDoc Reference - vec3 - GitHub Pages