vi color scheme recommend

2012年8月26日 - 10 Vim Color Schemes You Need to Own Aug 26th, 2012 There are a lot of Vim color schemes out there. It's always hard to find the perfect one.

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Vim是一個功能強大的文書編輯器,它應用範圍非常廣泛,可由使用者設計成屬於自已獨特風格的編輯利器。它提供了 Unix, Windows, Mac, OS/2等多種作業系統的版本,讓您在不同的作業系統上保有您習慣的文字編輯工具。 multi level undo 復原且不限於前一個動作。 ...

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  • 10 Vim Color Schemes You Need to Own Aug 26th, 2012 There are a lot of Vim color schemes o...
    10 vim color schemes you need to own - Vim plugins, tips, ...
  • 2012年8月26日 - 10 Vim Color Schemes You Need to Own Aug 26th, 2012 There are a lot of Vim c...
    10 vim color schemes you need to own - Vim plugins, tips, tricks and ...
  • 2017年11月3日 - Get the answer to "What are the best VIM color-schemes?" See a lis...
    15 Best VIM color-schemes as of 2017 - Slant
  • Hey guys I am going to be using vim next semester for my class on C ... If you're plan...
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  • NOTE: this color scheme is deprecated, I recommend to install Satori color scheme http://w...
    DarkZen Color Scheme : DarkZen color scheme for Vim ...
  • awesome-vim-colorschemes - Collection of awesome color schemes for Neo/vim, merged for qui...
    GitHub - rafiawesome-vim-colorschemes: Collection of awesome ...
  • Define custom terminal colours (recommended). Due to the limited 256 palette, colours in V...
    GitHub - w0ngvim-hybrid: A dark color scheme for Vim
  • Table of Contents 1 - Using a vim color scheme 2 - Specifying a colorscheme in your vimrc ...
    How to set and use a vim color scheme | ...
  • 安裝與改變 Vim 的佈景主題 ( color scheme) 用不同的程式語言撰寫程式時, 通常我們會希望某一些程式關鍵字能夠被 highlight 起來, 用不同的顏色來顯示關...
    Jedi Linuxer: 安裝與改變 Vim 的佈景主題 ( color scheme) ...
  • 1require 'active_support' 2 3module VimColors 4 class RubyExample 5 CONSTANT = /^[...
    Newest - Vim Colors
  • PM me (bithead) if you'd like to moderate here at r/vim. Postings relevant to Vim. Che...
    Post your favorite colorscheme : vim - reddit
  • Solarized Colorscheme for Vim Developed by Ethan Schoonover Visit the Solarized homepage S...
    Solarized Colorscheme for Vim - Ethan Schoonover
  • Now that I've aliased it properly, it's as if I've got new colour vision. I wa...
    Vimmers, what are your favourite colorschemes? : vim - Reddit
  • In my opinion, Solarized is one of the best and most complete colorschemes (personally, So...
    What are some of the best Vim color schemes? - Quora
  • What is the name of this Vim color scheme? How do I use a given color scheme in art? How d...
    What are some of the best Vim color schemes? - Quora ...
  • 2011年7月5日 - You are actually asking for a syntax plugin. Technically, a Vim theme, or col...
    What Vim themes are recommended for C++ syntax highlighting ...
  • You are actually asking for a syntax plugin. Technically, a Vim theme, or color scheme, on...
    What Vim themes are recommended for C++ syntax highlighting? ...
  • Vim 配色方案 你认为最好看的 Vim 配色方案(color scheme)是哪款?显示全部 关注者 957 被浏览 335237 3 条评论 分享 邀请回答 关注问题 写回答 ...
    你认为最好看的 Vim 配色方案(color scheme)是哪款? - 知乎 ...
  • Vim 除了預設的顏色外, 除了自己設定, 還是有很多前輩已經設好, 將 Color Scheme 釋放出來. 預設的 default、desert、darkblue 等, 都還蠻...
    挑選 Vim 顏色(Color Scheme) - Tsung's Blog ...