
ViesCraft is a light-weight, easy to use mod that brings something new to Minecraft, the ability to create highly customizable airships! Airships consume fuel to fly and have an expansion module system which can enhance any airship to fit your needs. - 4

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  • ViesCraft is a light-weight, easy to use mod that brings something new to Minecraft, the a...
    ViesCraft - Airships! - Player Transport - Minecraft Mods - ...
  • Note for servers, you must enable flying in the server configs! For recipes, check out the...
    Overview - ViesCraft - Airships! - Mods - Projects - ...
  • ViesCraft was created on the premise that people can do what they want, as long as it is t...
    ViesCraft - Main Site
  • "ViesCraft is a mod that brings something new to Minecraft, the ability to create air...
    AIRSHIP MOD!!! | Viescraft Mod Showcase| Minecraft 1.10.2 - ...
  • ViesCraft is an easy to use and straightforward mod that brings a very innovative new feat...
    ViesCraft Mod for Minecraft | MinecraftSix
  • Viescraft adds a series of flying aircrafts to Minecraft. So now if you want to add flying...
    Viescraft | Minecraft Mods
  • Hi today's mod is the ViesCraft Mod.ViesCraft is a mod that brings something new to Mi...
    Minecraft Mods: " ViesCraft Mod 1.10. 2 " - ...
  • 9Minecraft.Net provides a huge amount of Minecraft mods, Minecraft maps, Minecraft resourc...
    9Minecraft | Minecraft Mod