vim script regex

How to delete text in a file based on regular expression using vim 0 Copying only the value at column n Vim 3 Adding regex searches to list in Vim Related 1427 How to replace a character by a newline in Vim? 3145 Regular expression to match a line that do

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Vim是一個功能強大的文書編輯器,它應用範圍非常廣泛,可由使用者設計成屬於自已獨特風格的編輯利器。它提供了 Unix, Windows, Mac, OS/2等多種作業系統的版本,讓您在不同的作業系統上保有您習慣的文字編輯工具。 multi level undo 復原且不限於前一個動作。 ...

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  • Basic Regular Expressions Vim is a text editor, which means that a great deal of your Vims...
    Basic Regular Expressions Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
  • How to delete text in a file based on regular expression using vim 0 Copying only the valu...
    How to extract regex matches using Vim - Stack Overflow ...
  • 2016年1月19日 - Vim uses a regex dialect, in which by default you need to escape special let...
    How to match using regular expression in matchstr function of vim script?
  • 2012年10月2日 - Made some more research and found out that what I needed is =~# operator whi...
    How to use regular expressions on variables with text in vimscript?
  • In this course James Halliday (Substack), author with more than 750 packages at npm, walks...
    Introduction to Bash, VIM & Regex
  • I am working with VIm and trying to set up a search and replace command to do some replace...
    regular expression - Replace using VIM, reuse part of the ...
  • When searching in Vim, you enter a search pattern, aka regular expression or regex. This t...
    Search patterns | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • You could exit Vim, make the script executable, run it and see if it has any bugs, and the...
    Turn Vim into a bash IDE | | The source for Linux ...
  • I'm trying to learn vimscript. I've read quite a bit in 'learn vimscript the h...
    vim - How can I tell if a search was successful in vimscript ...
  • 2013年12月20日 - should be in this way: let matchs= matchstr(curLine,'[(][0-9]-+[,][0-9]...
    vim - matchstr not matching regex in vimscript - Stack Overflow
  • 2010年6月28日 - 3. let test = 'a href="">
    vim - regex in vimscript - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年4月7日 - Vim's regular expressions are documented under :help pattern . See also :...
    vim - Vimscript regex for tag - Stack Overflow
  • 2015年12月3日 - If you can negate the regexp to match what's not needed, you can use spl...
    vim - Vimscript: get all matches of a regex over a string - Stack Overflow
  • * pattern.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2011 Feb 25 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram ...
    Vim documentation: pattern
  • Here I would like to compare Vim's regexp implementation with others, in particular, P...
    Vim Regular Expressions 101
  • I have a number of multi million line sets of data to edit before using a program to analy...
    vimscript - Turning a set of vi regexp into a script - Vi an ...
  • 2016年1月26日 - I'm a little confused on VimScript's regex comparison operators. ......
    vimscript - Usage of the =~ operator - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange