voice commands for android

If anyone is looking for a voice command app, don't get this one. IT FAILS EVERY TIME! Just install another voice command app. ... Voice Call Dialer enables easy and fast voice calls on Android Free voice command Wise Technology Free WISE VOICE Free .

相關軟體 SpeedCommander 下載

SpeedCommander 是一個方便的文件及檔案管理程式。一個視窗擁有兩個窗口,可以一次看兩個文件夾。要排序、要複製、要移動或刪除都變的方便許多。 同時開啟兩個文件夾,管理方便快速,內容顯而易見。 ...

了解更多 »

  • One that makes fast offline voice recognition for Android a reality! Why so many permissio...
    utter! Voice Commands BETA! - Android Apps on Google Play
  • If anyone is looking for a voice command app, don't get this one. IT FAILS EVERY TIME!...
    Voice Command - Android Apps on Google Play
  • A list of all the Google Now voice commands What can you do with your voice on your Androi...
    List of Google Now voice commands - Greenbot - Android news, tips, and reviews
  • Google Now has become a central part of the Android operating system, introducing new func...
    List of Google Now voice commands
  • When Apple announced the voice recognition app, Siri, every Android owner was thinking the...
    How to use voice commands on your Android phone - CNET
  • When Apple first introduced Siri with the iPhone 4S, it was not the first time the world h...
    How to master Android Voice Commands, beyond Google Now
  • 8 Android voice commands that are actually really useful Everyday Android tasks like setti...
    8 Android voice commands that are actually really useful | PCWorld
  • On your Android device, you can use your voice to find information or say commands so you ...
    Use voice search and commands on Android - Google Maps Help
  • Voice actions are an important part of the wearable experience. They let users carry out a...
    Adding Voice Capabilities | Android Developers
  • Download Voice Commands APK (latest version) for Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, LG, HTC, Lenovo ...
    Voice Commands APK Download for Android
  • 2016年5月3日 - The Voice Access app enables an Android device (Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or new...
    How to Control Your Android Device Entirely with Your Voice
  • You can use your voice to do actions like search, get directions, and create reminders. Fo...
    Use "OK Google" voice searches & actions - Android - Google Search ...
  • The Voice Access app for Android lets you control your device with spoken commands. Use yo...
    Get started with Voice Access - Android Accessibility Help
  • Voice Access commands let you control your Android device by speaking. Step 1: Start Voice...
    Use Voice Access commands - Android Accessibility Help
  • Let users complete actions in your app using voice commands. ... Google Voice Actions give...
    Voice Actions | Google Developers
  • 2017年1月6日 - We've got over 100 Google Now voice commands you can use from today ... I...
    Make the most of Google Now with these voice commands - AndroidPIT
  • 2016年7月1日 - There's a lot you can tell your Android phone to do. ... With Google Now,...
    The complete list of 'OK, Google' commands - CNET