
X-Cache Header Explanation up vote 12 down vote favorite I was going through the firefox local cache folder and found a lot of files containing the X-cache header. Can someone explain the purpose of this header ? ...

相關軟體 X-Proxy 下載

X-Proxy is a great app that lets you surf the Internet anonymously, change your IP address, and prevent possible identity theft and intrusion from hackers by using a proxy IP server. X-Proxy has be...

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  • } server { location / { add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status; proxy_set_header ...
    設定 nginx 為 reverse cache server | 老洪的 IT 學習系統
  • 2015年7月23日 - Caching, even at the reverse proxy/load balancer level, can greatly .... Thi...
    A Guide to Caching with NGINX and NGINX Plus - NGINX
  • 2016年4月1日 - it works, with head X-Proxy-Cache: HIT . But I config with this in another ma...
    caching - nginx cache always return X-Proxy-Cache: MISS - Stack ...
  • nginx cache always return X-Proxy-Cache: MISS up vote 0 down vote favorite I config my ngi...
    caching - nginx cache always return X-Proxy-Cache: MISS - Stack Overflow
  • 2015年9月17日 - In a lot of setups where a reverse proxy is needed, nginx is my first choice...
    ck :: Enable caching in Nginx Reverse Proxy (and solve cache MISS ...
  • X-Cache Header Explanation up vote 12 down vote favorite I was going through the firefox l...
    http - X-Cache Header Explanation - Stack Overflow
  • Run the traffic_line-x command to apply the configuration changes. Setting Absolute Freshn...
    HTTP Proxy Caching — Apache Traffic Server 5.3.2 documentation
  • 2012年2月10日 - Make sure your backend does not return Set-Cookie header. If Nginx sees it, ...
    linux - nginx as cache proxy not caching anything - Stack Overflow
  • Nginx caching can be used in conjunction with a load balancer. Actually, Nginx can act as ...
    Nginx Caching - Servers for Hackers
  • 2015年12月23日 - I'm using nginx 1.9.9 as a proxy for Gravatar (drops the waiting time f...
    Nginx proxy cache expires too soon - Server Fault
  • Nginx not caching data up vote 3 down vote favorite 2 I have a REST API behind an nginx pr...
    proxy - Nginx not caching data - Server Fault
  • 2015年3月31日 - X-Cache-Lookup: HIT from proxy.example.org. the proxy proxy.example.org prob...
    Refresh a proxy cache with Curl - Martin Hoppenheit - hoppenheit.info
  • This is one of the ways I improve performance here at Review Signal. I run an nginx revers...
    Reverse Proxy and Cache Server with Nginx | Review Signal Blog
  • squid-cache.org Optimising Web Delivery Docs Download Donate Support About Contact Shop Bl...
    Squid Internet Object Cache - squid : Optimising Web Delivery
  • Nginx is a high performance reverse proxy server and web server. In this guide, we will ex...
    Understanding Nginx HTTP Proxying, Load Balancing, Buffering, and Caching | DigitalOcean
  • So what does that X-Cache MISS from domain.com X-Cache-Lookup HIT from domain.com:80 mean?...
    X-Cache and X-Cache-Lookup headers explained | The eternal fight between admins and comput...
  • } server { location / { add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status; proxy_set_header ...
    設定 nginx 為 reverse cache server | 老洪的 IT 學習系統
  • 2015年7月23日 - Caching, even at the reverse proxy/load balancer level, can greatly .... Thi...
    A Guide to Caching with NGINX and NGINX Plus - NGINX