Defraggler 1.01.073 Beta
影響電腦效能的原因很多,硬碟的存取時間,就是其中之一。 新電腦使用一段時間後,許多檔案儲存在硬碟的實體位置,會變的更分散, 間接影響到系統的效能,這時候我們便需要重組硬碟, 雖然Windows作業系統也有硬碟重組的工具,但Defraggler 這套硬碟重組軟體,提供了更彈性的功能及選項。 詳細...
NVIDIA Forceware 175.16 WHQL Vista
NVIDIA Forceware WHQL software unleashes the full power and features in NVIDIA's desktop, gaming, platform, workstation, laptop, multimedia, and mobile products. ...
NVIDIA Forceware 175.16 WHQL XP
NVIDIA ForceWare software unleashes the full power and features in NVIDIA's desktop, gaming, platform, workstation, laptop, multimedia, and mobile products. Deliv...