Auslogics Disk Defrag
Auslogics Disk Defrag is a compact and fast defragmentation tool that supports both FAT 16/32, and NTFS file systems. It''s supplied with advanced disk optimization techniques, which will remedy your ...
FastPictureViewer 1.2 Build 161 (32-bit)
此軟體專門處理大量數位圖片,運行速度流暢,使用者可輕鬆觀看、旋轉、複製、移除、刪除和備份圖片,軟體功能不複雜卻專精,支援的圖片類型相當多,公司更提供編碼工具來幫助使用者。此外亦針對專業的攝影師的需求,提供一流的色彩管理。 快速上手:使用者透過此貼心小功能,可以迅速了解和操作此軟體。 ...
FrostWire 4.20.8
與許許多多p2p檔案分享軟體一樣,提供給使用者簡易便捷的管道,使其能夠自在地搜尋與下載所需檔案,FrostWire就是這麼一款資訊分享平台。 在台灣,只要提到P2P點對點檔案傳輸共享軟體,使用者一定會想到FOXY、Ezpeer、BT、eMule等知名軟體,但是此次要介紹的產品,是一款完全open sourse且介面乾淨、完全沒...
FastPictureViewer 1.2 Build 161 (32-bit)
FastPictureViewer, an image viewer designed for photographers. Now with powerful workflow tools helping to automate file management duties like copy, move, delete...
FastPictureViewer 1.2 Build 161 (32-bit)
FastPictureViewer, an image viewer designed for photographers. Now with powerful workflow tools helping to automate file management duties like copy, move, delete...