FastPictureViewer 1.9 Build 301 (32-bit)
此軟體專門處理大量數位圖片,運行速度流暢,使用者可輕鬆觀看、旋轉、複製、移除、刪除和備份圖片,軟體功能不複雜卻專精,支援的圖片類型相當多,公司更提供編碼工具來幫助使用者。此外亦針對專業的攝影師的需求,提供一流的色彩管理。 快速上手:使用者透過此貼心小功能,可以迅速了解和操作此軟體。 ...

Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader allows you to create, view and print PDF''s. The application is noticeably smaller than Adobe''s Acrobat software and therefore makes it ideal for those of you who need a powerful progra...

Notepad++ 6.4.1
Notepad++是套介於NotePad及WordPad之間的編輯軟體,簡單且易懂的操作介面,讓第一次使用的人,也能立即上手。 它也提供了程式開發的環境,提供十幾種程式語言的語法檢查、程式碼屬性的顏色配置、程式縮排等功能。 詳細說明 提供多國語言的操作介面,包括繁體中文。 ...

FastPictureViewer 1.9 Build 301 (32-bit)
FastPictureViewer, an image viewer designed for photographers. Now with powerful workflow tools helping to automate file management duties like copy, move, delete...

FastPictureViewer 1.9 Build 301 (32-bit)
FastPictureViewer, an image viewer designed for photographers. Now with powerful workflow tools helping to automate file management duties like copy, move, delete...