Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Maxthon是一個已IE為核心的瀏覽器,其功能支援滑鼠手勢、智慧型填表、Feed訂閱、能針對不同網站自動切換代理伺服器。 以IE為核心技術的多分頁網路瀏覽器。 滑鼠手勢功能,按...
SlimBrowser是一個Windows使用的免費網路瀏覽器程式,提供安全及強大的功能的特色,且能迅速啟動網頁,讓您在安全的環境下盡情的瀏覽網站。 SlimBrowser是一個安全、快速加上功能強大的網路瀏覽器。 ...
SuperAntiSpyware 6.0.1212
SuperAntiSpyware Professional可以說為一套防毒軟體,可以檢測數千種的間諜(廣告)軟體、木馬等病毒。讓使用者電腦可有更大的防護能力,以防止資料被竊取等。 能夠檢測及刪除數千種病毒軟體。 ...
Privacy Protector for Windows 10 1.4
It has been widely publicised that Microsoft’s newest operating system, Windows 10, collects astonishing amounts of information about its users, with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 to follow the trend with newl...
Icecream Screen Recorder 3.11
Icecream Screen Recorder is an application for screen capture and taking screenshots. Icecream Screen Recorder can both take screenshots and capture video and you can even switch between these 2 modes...
Konvertor 5.03.9
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shall...
Konvertor 5.03.9
Krita is an Open Source painting tool that has been designed for illustrators, concept artists, the VFX industry, and matte and texture artists. Krita has numerous innovative features to help the am...
MediaCoder PSP
MediaCoder是一款功能強大的影片轉檔軟體。它整合了視頻編碼、解碼器等功能,擁有非常高速與高效率的轉檔速度,支援多種國家語系,是一款非常實用的轉檔工具喔。 擁有簡單易懂的軟體介面。 ...
Ebook Reader 2.52
Icecream Ebook Reader allows users to add multiple books to the application to create a personalized library. Users can mark books as Favourites and remove books from the library. Each book has a...