Opera 40.0.2308.54
Opera是一套從挪威來的網路瀏覽器,其啟動速度快速,且內建功能豐富,有分頁標籤功能,滑鼠手勢功能,且支援最新的widget技術,可供擴充。 Opera 自訂性強、內建功能多元的多標籤頁的網路瀏覽器,可快速切換網頁。 ...
Lunascape 6.14.1
Lunascape是一個內建三核心的瀏覽器,包含最常使用的IE/FireFox/Chrome三種,號稱最快的瀏覽器之一。提供的功能可相容其他三中常見的瀏覽器之外(匯入書籤等相容性設定皆有提供)最好的一點是,有些網站還是只有支援IE,在之前與到這樣的狀況時,我們只好將 IE打開,但是使用Lunascape時,只要按下工具列上面的選項,即可以更換使用核心! ...
AdBlock 3.2.1
Adblock Plus是一款功能強大的廣告攔截軟體。它除了提供可以依您的設定要求消除各種的網路廣告外,還能自動添加別人設定好的過濾規則,其強大的攔截功能是常常瀏覽網路的人不二選擇。 可以自動阻擋廣告彈跳出來。 ...
Soft4Boost PC Win Booster Free
Soft4Boost PC Win Booster Free (formerly Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner) is a disk utility tool that has been designed to help you keep your hard disk clean and uncluttered by removing any unnecessary or obs...
Soft4Boost Secure Eraser
Soft4Boost Secure Eraser is an effective application that is relatively easy on system resources. It has been designed to overwrite unwanted data from your computer in a thorough manner to ensure it...
Wise Disk Cleaner 9.29.648
Wise Disk Cleaner helps you claw back misused space on your hard drive by easily removing all sorts of redundant junk files, quickly. Wise Disk Cleaner has support for lots of different file fo...
Soft4Boost Photo Studio
Soft4Boost Photo Studio allows you to edit, fix, crop and rotate your photos. You can use various editing tools to fix photos, adjust color balance, brightness and contrast,apply pre-made effects an...
Karaoke 5 45.00
Karaoke 5 is a versatile karaoke player that can be used to mix and synchronize tracks simply and easily. With it you can create or modify basic Karaoke MP3, MIDI and MP4 files to suit your musical st...
Soft4Boost Split Movie
Soft4Boost Split Movie is a video editing package that can easily and quickly cut unwanted scenes out of your movies without any need to re-encode the file. With it you can split and delete unnecessar...
Soft4Boost Video Converter
Soft4Boost Video Converter is a powerful, feature rich application that is capable of converting both video and audio streams of video files from one format to another, and burn DVDs and Blu-ray dis...