GOM Player
ICQ 是一個歷史悠久的網路聊天軟體。經過多年下來版本的演進,最新版有更多功能及介面改良,例如可傳送簡訊、可視訊聊天、可傳送eMail、可串連Google Talk/Facebook,將朋友加入聯絡清單,透過ICQ聊天。 單視窗,多分頁的聊天視窗。 ...
GOM Player
朋友、家人都使用同一個即時訊息軟體(IM)聯絡,那沒什麼問題,可是如果家人朋友所慣用的軟體與您不同,那就會需要安裝多套IM軟體,這樣還真的滿麻煩的,現在有了Miranda後,一切都不麻煩了,它一套就支援多種的IM協定,讓您一套就搞定與家人朋友間的連絡。 Miranda支援AIM, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu, IA...
GOM Player
mIRC 是一種網路中繼交談的用戶端軟體。(Internet Relay Chat),已有超過百萬人及組織在此活動。 簡單且實用的使用者介面。 聯絡人清單。 ...
GOM Player
Teampel is an enterprise project-oriented IM application that works well both on PC and on iOS/Android devices. It houses rich features that users of all level of expertise will find a pleasure to u...
WinX DVD Ripper Platinum 8.5.0
Decrypt and rip the latest DVDs with WinX DVD Ripper Platinum. This Windows-based DVD ripper from WinX offers conversion of a huge range of formats and includes more than 380 preset profiles. WinX DV...
Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 55.0.2883.59
Comodo Dragon is a Chromium technology-based Browser that offers you all of Chrome's features PLUS the unparalleled level of security and privacy you only get fro...