Icecream Screen Recorder 4.89
Icecream Screen Recorder is an application for screen capture and taking screenshots. Icecream Screen Recorder can both take screenshots and capture video and you can even switch between these 2 modes...
Thunderbird 52.2.0
此軟體可以讓新手輕鬆上手,快速設定郵件帳號,使用者只要輸入使用者名稱、E-mail、個人密碼,即可新增。使用者可享受全新的體驗,包括分頁、搜索郵件和備存功能,增加使用者的方便。 Thunderbird繼承了Mozilla瀏覽器的分頁功能,讓使用者可以加速瀏覽,同時間觀看多封郵件,對於時常要回覆多封郵件的商務人士來說十分方便。 ...
ICQ 10.0.12188
ICQ 是一個歷史悠久的網路聊天軟體。經過多年下來版本的演進,最新版有更多功能及介面改良,例如可傳送簡訊、可視訊聊天、可傳送eMail、可串連Google Talk/Facebook,將朋友加入聯絡清單,透過ICQ聊天。 單視窗,多分頁的聊天視窗。 ...
Ebook Reader 5.0
Icecream Ebook Reader allows users to add multiple books to the application to create a personalized library. Users can mark books as Favourites and remove books from the library. Each book has a...
Zoom Player Max 13.7 Beta 3
To that end, Zoom Player Max employs a slick and simple user interface, combined with easy to access features while at the same time providing advanced control dialogs over every feature imaginable. ...
Ebook Reader 5.0
Icecream Ebook Reader allows users to add multiple books to the application to create a personalized library. Users can mark books as Favourites and remove bo...