Vivaldi 1.11.917.43
Vivaldi is a new, feature rich web browser that combines an Opera-like interface with a Chromium open-source platform. Vivaldi is very similar to the Opera browser in many ways. There are some ...
Hiver 4.1
Hiver is a super useful Google Chrome extension that simplifies communication and collaboration in a work or home environment. It makes Gmail a powerful productivity tool by adding useful features s...
Hola 1.59.171
The Hola extension for Chrome is an ad-free VPN proxy service, which gives you a faster and more open Internet. With Hola installed you can access websites that are blocked or censored in your country...
LastPass: Free Password Manager 4.1.63
LastPass is an award-winning password manager that can save your passwords and provide you with secure access from every computer and mobile device you have. With LastPass you need only remember one p...
SaferPass 6.2.2
SaferPass Password Manager makes life easy by ensuring you never forget another password! With SaferPass you have the ability to generate strong password, which you don't have to remember. SaferP...
Password Manager XP 3.3.702
Password Manager XP is a handy little tool that lets you create secure, encrypted databases to store information in. Each database can be given an access password and is encrypted with various algorit...
DiskDigger是一款檔案恢復工具,可從任何媒介中恢複被誤刪除的各式檔案,例如:文檔、圖檔、影音檔;可掃瞄包含已損壞的扇區及已格式化的硬碟,以利徹底追蹤檔案救回的可能性。 可從硬碟、記憶卡、USB隨身碟……等儲存媒介中救回被誤刪除的檔案。 ...
ICQ 10.0.12207
ICQ 是一個歷史悠久的網路聊天軟體。經過多年下來版本的演進,最新版有更多功能及介面改良,例如可傳送簡訊、可視訊聊天、可傳送eMail、可串連Google Talk/Facebook,將朋友加入聯絡清單,透過ICQ聊天。 單視窗,多分頁的聊天視窗。 ...
Miranda 0.10.73
朋友、家人都使用同一個即時訊息軟體(IM)聯絡,那沒什麼問題,可是如果家人朋友所慣用的軟體與您不同,那就會需要安裝多套IM軟體,這樣還真的滿麻煩的,現在有了Miranda後,一切都不麻煩了,它一套就支援多種的IM協定,讓您一套就搞定與家人朋友間的連絡。 Miranda支援AIM, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu, IA...
TeamViewer 12.1.16680.0
TeamViewer 為一款與市面上比較不一樣的遠端控制軟體,這套軟體只要安裝好,便會自動產生一組識別ID,在別台電腦上如果要連上這台電腦則可以直接輸入識別ID及密碼,進行遠端操控。 不需要記住IP,只需要輸入識別ID及密碼即可連上遠端目標。 ...