McAfee Labs Stinger
在目前市面上的企業版防毒軟體中,大部分都已經直接整合個人防火牆、主機入侵防護等端點網路安全功能,McAfee的作法卻跟其他廠商大不相同,他們將各種端點安全的功能分成不同產品來處理,需要時再部署,並且搭配單一主控臺ePolicy Orchestrator。例如,防毒的部份,主要是透過VirusScan Enterprise(VSE)針對病毒與惡意程式做到即時防護,並適用於x86個人電腦與伺服器環境...
Glary Utilities
Glary Utilities is a free system cleaner and performance booster for your Windows PC. The easy-to-use and intuitive interface features one-click functionality and easy, automated options that give you...
Window Manager 5.2.0
WindowManager is handy little system tweaking tool that can improve your workflow. It works by remembering and then restoring the position and size of your apps and windows. There are lots of a...
Foobar2000 1.4 beta 5
Foobar2000 雖然是輕巧型的音樂播放軟體,但功能面卻是重量級,我們除了能使用它來聽音樂外,還能使用它的外掛,在功能上做擴充,也可以編輯音樂檔的標籤,另外它也支援多種音效格式檔案,讓我們要聽音樂時,可以有許多種的選擇。 支援多種音樂格式檔,包括MP3, MP4, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis, F...
Miranda 0.10.77
朋友、家人都使用同一個即時訊息軟體(IM)聯絡,那沒什麼問題,可是如果家人朋友所慣用的軟體與您不同,那就會需要安裝多套IM軟體,這樣還真的滿麻煩的,現在有了Miranda後,一切都不麻煩了,它一套就支援多種的IM協定,讓您一套就搞定與家人朋友間的連絡。 Miranda支援AIM, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu, IA...
PDF Combine
PDF Combine is a powerful application that can turn multiple PDF files into one single document that you may organize and share as you need to. There are multiple ways to complete the combination proc...
Remove VBA Password 4.8.9
Remove VBA Password is a simple, yet powerful tool that can instantly remove any VBA passwords* and can unlock locked VBA projects in almost any type of file. It supports an extensive array** of appli...
SpiderOak 7.0.1
雲端空間擺擺款,SpiderOak是其中一款入會就提供免費2GB的空間,基本的功能包括:備份、同步、分享,以及跨多平台包括:Windows、Mac以及Linux , 也支援Android、iOS兩大行動裝置OS。 功能包括:備份、同步、分享。 ...
Easy Cut Studio
Easy Cut Studio is an efficient and flexible sign making and vinyl cutting app for Windows, which allows you to cut any SVG image, decals, stickers, signs and any design you want using an electronic...
Easy Cut Studio 4.10.2
Easy Cut Studio is an efficient and flexible sign making and vinyl cutting app for Windows, which allows you to cut any SVG image, decals, stickers, signs and any design you want using an electronic...