Advanced SystemCare
Advanced SystemCare Pro 是一款能分析系統性能瓶頸的優化軟體. 它的特色是裡面整合了非常多種Window優化軟件,另外還能單鍵快速完成作業系統維護工作。它通過對系統全方位的診斷,找到系統性能的瓶頸所在,然後有針對性地進行修改優化。另外也提供一些小工具,讓我們在微調系統或是管理電腦時,可以更方便。 真正完整...

Attribute Changer 9.10 Beta
Attribute Changer是一個Windows檔案總管的功能補強程式,只要在檔案總管中選好目標,點下右鍵,就可以很方便的進行照片、檔案、資料夾的日期修改。 安裝後,在Windows檔案總管中按右鍵即可呼叫程式。 ...

WashAndGo 19.23.08
Abelssoft WashAndGo是由Abelssoft所推出的一款硬碟清理軟體。它可以快速清除硬碟中的垃圾檔案、無意義文件、無效超連結等,並且可以移除最近開啟的檔案、暫存檔、登錄檔等,為你的硬碟整理出更多的空間,並支援你進行備份、更新動作,是一個非常實用的清理工具喔。 可以快速清除硬碟中的垃圾檔案、無意義文件、無效超連結...

Krita 4.0.0
Krita is an Open Source painting tool that has been designed for illustrators, concept artists, the VFX industry, and matte and texture artists. Krita has numerous innovative features to help the am...

Prism Video Converter 4.06 Beta
Prism Video Converter能成功正常無誤的轉換AVI、MP4、WMV、MOV、MPEG 、FLV等視訊格式。 Prism是一套高可靠度及功能複雜的多媒體格式視訊轉換軟體。 ...

Ron's Editor 2018.03.29.1544
Ron's Editor is a powerful CSV file editor. It can open any format of separated text, including the standard comma and tab separated files (CSV and TSV), and allows total control over their content an...

AnyTrans iPhone Manager 6.3.6
AnyTrans iPhone Manager is an all in one management tool to mange your iPhone. If you need to move your data from Android to iOS, this is the tool you need. With it, you can easily migrate much more...

Binfer is a direct device to device secure communication and data transfer platform. It includes File Sharing, Sync, Web Drop, Communication and Private Cloud products.User data is never stored on a...