Opera 57.0.3098.76
Opera是一套從挪威來的網路瀏覽器,其啟動速度快速,且內建功能豐富,有分頁標籤功能,滑鼠手勢功能,且支援最新的widget技術,可供擴充。 Opera 自訂性強、內建功能多元的多標籤頁的網路瀏覽器,可快速切換網頁。 ...

HWMonitor 1.38
HWMonitor很容易顧名思義,他就是一套知名的 免費硬體檢測軟體,由CPUid發行,可以讀取您的個人電腦系統主要的偵測器,如電壓、溫度、風扇速度等。 HWMonitor支援絕大部分的偵測晶片,如 ITE IT87系列、Winbond ICs系列等等。 ...

IObit Uninstaller
IObit Uninstaller is an effective system utility, which provides a rapid way to uninstall programs, browser toolbars and plug-ins. It comes with a powerful scan function and and a Force Uninstall tool...

IObit Uninstaller for PC Windows
IObit Uninstaller is an effective system utility, which provides a rapid way to uninstall programs, browser toolbars and plug-ins. It comes with a powerful scan function and and a Force Uninstall tool...

Wise Registry Cleaner 10.1.3
Wise Registry Cleaner is a system utility that can scan the Windows Registry and locate any incorrect or obsolete information. After Wise Registry Cleaner analyzes your system for any problems, you...

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 24.35
Zortam MP3 Media Studio 這是一款功能十分完備的 MP3 音樂管理軟體,使用者可以透過此軟體達到 MP3 格式音樂播放及音樂燒錄和建立音樂資料庫等多種功能,推薦給喜歡音樂的使用者不能錯過的好用軟體。 介面簡潔易用 ...

NK2Edit 3.38
NK2Edit是一套實用的Outlook電子郵件輔助軟體。它可以幫你將連絡人的個人訊息加到自動完成列表中,讓你在輸入一個電子郵件地址時自動提供用戶資料與電子郵件地址,讓你在發送信件時,也能更加深對新加入連絡人的印象。支援以txt、html、xml格式匯出資料,對於常使用Outlook的人來說,是一個非常實用的小幫手喔。 可以將...

YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) is the successor to MultibootISOs. It is a really useful tool that lets you create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive that contains multiple operating systems, antiv...

KOPlayer 2.0.0
KOPlayer is a solid, free Android emulator that brings a quality Android playing experience to the Windows platform. In comparison to traditional Android emulators, KOPlayer uses cutting edge ker...

Fortnite Battle Royale 7.16.0
Fortnite Battle Royale is a widely played, 100-player, free-for-all shooter. Initially released in 2017, Fortnite Battle Royale has become incredibly popular with...