KeyDepot 2019.6.2
KeyDepot is a user-friendly and intuitive password solution that provides you with a robust way of storing all of your login keys, in a single, password-protected environment, located in the cloud. ...
Thunderbird 60.3.2
此軟體可以讓新手輕鬆上手,快速設定郵件帳號,使用者只要輸入使用者名稱、E-mail、個人密碼,即可新增。使用者可享受全新的體驗,包括分頁、搜索郵件和備存功能,增加使用者的方便。 Thunderbird繼承了Mozilla瀏覽器的分頁功能,讓使用者可以加速瀏覽,同時間觀看多封郵件,對於時常要回覆多封郵件的商務人士來說十分方便。 ...
mIRC 7.53
mIRC 是一種網路中繼交談的用戶端軟體。(Internet Relay Chat),已有超過百萬人及組織在此活動。 簡單且實用的使用者介面。 聯絡人清單。 ...
Grammarly for Chrome 14.883.1937
Grammarly will make sure your messages, documents, and social media posts are clear, mistake-free, and impactful. Adding Grammarly to Chrome means that your spelling and grammar will be vetted on G...
Miranda NG 32-Bit
Miranda NG is a reliable Windows instant messaging client, which is built on the basis of the multi-protocol program, Miranda. It is a successor of Miranda, its h...
Miranda NG 32-Bit
Miranda NG is a reliable Windows instant messaging client, which is built on the basis of the multi-protocol program, Miranda. It is a successor of Miranda, its h...