Opera 58.0.3135.68 Browser for PC Windows
Opera是一套從挪威來的網路瀏覽器,其啟動速度快速,且內建功能豐富,有分頁標籤功能,滑鼠手勢功能,且支援最新的widget技術,可供擴充。 Opera 自訂性強、內建功能多元的多標籤頁的網路瀏覽器,可快速切換網頁。 ...

McAfee Labs Stinger
在目前市面上的企業版防毒軟體中,大部分都已經直接整合個人防火牆、主機入侵防護等端點網路安全功能,McAfee的作法卻跟其他廠商大不相同,他們將各種端點安全的功能分成不同產品來處理,需要時再部署,並且搭配單一主控臺ePolicy Orchestrator。例如,防毒的部份,主要是透過VirusScan Enterprise(VSE)針對病毒與惡意程式做到即時防護,並適用於x86個人電腦與伺服器環境...

IObit Uninstaller for PC Windows
IObit Uninstaller is an effective system utility, which provides a rapid way to uninstall programs, browser toolbars and plug-ins. It comes with a powerful scan function and and a Force Uninstall tool...

Wise Registry Cleaner
Wise Registry Cleaner is a system utility that can scan the Windows Registry and locate any incorrect or obsolete information. After Wise Registry Cleaner analyzes your system for any problems, you...

KMPlayer for PC Windows
KMPlayer 為免費的媒體播放軟體,介面簡單好操作,擁有多國語言和多種調整介面可以更改,支援多種類型的檔案,內部建有編碼譯碼器(Codec),幾乎所有的影音檔案都可播放。聲音檔、影音檔,甚至連圖片都可以播放。還可以擷取想要的圖片、更改螢幕或字幕的大小等,功能十分多樣。 視頻/音頻:視頻部份除了可以觀賞影片外,還可以看圖片,...

The Bat! 8.8.2
The Bat! mail client has a lot of vital benefits and useful features that make your email experience simple and convenient. All these features perfectly fit any Windows OS. Moreover, The Bat! is the f...

The Bat! 8.8.2 Multiple Email Account Manager for PC Windows
The Bat! mail client has a lot of vital benefits and useful features that make your email experience simple and convenient. All these features perfectly fit any Windows OS. Moreover, The Bat! is the f...
TunnelBear 3.7.5 VPN for PC Windows
TunnelBear is a subscription-based virtual private network (VPN) service and companion app, enabling you to browse the Internet privately and securely. TunnelBear is a well designed, fast VPN p...

CudaText 1.75.4
CudaText is a cross-platform text editor that provides an array of plugins to support features such as code snippets, color picker, and macros. The app even comes with a simple module to help in the...

常使用文字編輯程式來撰寫網頁程式的人,又多了一套軟體可供選擇,同時還支援檔案傳輸,讓你免費且一次擁有兩種軟體的功能。 使用文字編輯程式的人,在撰寫網頁程式一段時間後,若想要更改或是改寫,可使用比對功能,它會以顏色來區分那段是原先寫法,那段是後來更改的寫法,讓程式設計人員一目了然。 ...