Origin EA Games for PC Windows
Origin 是一個囊括了世界一流遊戲產品的應用程式。當您安裝好 Origin 之後,就可以透過它購買您喜歡的遊戲。Origin 也支援聊天功能,讓您可以一邊娛樂一邊和朋友溝通。 Origin 具有多項便利的功能,包括即時試玩、免費遊戲暢玩、雲端存取功能等,讓您可以盡量的享受Origin帶來的暢玩快感。 可以透過它購買您喜歡的...
OneDrive Build 19.012.0121.9
如果筆記型電腦沒有光碟機,又需要讀取光碟映像檔時,或是不想將光碟映像檔,先燒錄到光碟片,這時候,我們就需要使用虛擬光碟機,來完成想做的事情。 輕量級的免費軟體Virtual CloneDrive,可滿足大部份使用者的需求, 下載快速、使用簡單,更支援多種光碟映像檔和最新的Windows 7 作業系統。 支援...
Grammarly for Chrome 14.897.2118
Grammarly will make sure your messages, documents, and social media posts are clear, mistake-free, and impactful. Adding Grammarly to Chrome means that your spelling and grammar will be vetted on G...
ApowerPDF editor offers a wide range of PDF editing options, all accessed via a slick user interface. With it, you can easily modify text/graphics, add images, text, watermarks, or even manage PDF p...
Geltbox Money
Geltbox Money is an offline budget and money management tool that gives you the whole picture of your finances. You can simply add all your financial data and ac...
Uplay by Ubisoft 84.0.5994.0
Uplay, Ubisoft’s gaming platform, provides quick and easy access to the games produced by the developer. Here you can download and buy a wide selection of video g...
Skype for PC Windows
Slack is an online, social messaging platform that is designed for teams of all sizes, so they can collaborate on projects more effectively. Users can create a ...