Geltbox Money
Hiver is a super useful Google Chrome extension that simplifies communication and collaboration in a work or home environment. It makes Gmail a powerful productivity tool by adding useful features s...
Geltbox Money
The Hola extension for Chrome is an ad-free VPN proxy service, which gives you a faster and more open Internet. With Hola installed you can access websites that are blocked or censored in your country...
Geltbox Money
HTTPS Everywhere is an extension for the Chrome browser, which ensures that your connection to certain websites* is accomplished over secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS). HTTPS Everywhere wi...
Pushbullet 344
The Pushbullet extension for Chrome lets you push a link to any webpage you’re looking at, as well as quick notes, lists, messages, photos, or songs, directly to your connected devices without havin...
McAfee Labs Stinger
在目前市面上的企業版防毒軟體中,大部分都已經直接整合個人防火牆、主機入侵防護等端點網路安全功能,McAfee的作法卻跟其他廠商大不相同,他們將各種端點安全的功能分成不同產品來處理,需要時再部署,並且搭配單一主控臺ePolicy Orchestrator。例如,防毒的部份,主要是透過VirusScan Enterprise(VSE)針對病毒與惡意程式做到即時防護,並適用於x86個人電腦與伺服器環境...
Geltbox Money
ICQ 是一個歷史悠久的網路聊天軟體。經過多年下來版本的演進,最新版有更多功能及介面改良,例如可傳送簡訊、可視訊聊天、可傳送eMail、可串連Google Talk/Facebook,將朋友加入聯絡清單,透過ICQ聊天。 單視窗,多分頁的聊天視窗。 ...
Cyberduck 6.9.4
Cyberduck (Mac版)這是一個專用於MAC系統的軟體,透過這套軟體,使用者可以在MAC上使用FTP、SFTP上傳檔案。 擁有簡單的操作介面 提供可在雲端發布內容 ...
uTorrent 3.5.5 Beta 45095 for PC Windows
µTorrent是一套免費的BitTorrent用戶端軟體與下載管理程式,官方稱具有極高的效能與處理龐大檔案的能力。 BitTorrent用戶端軟體,可以在眾多作業平台與硬體運作。 ...
Geltbox Money
Grammarly will make sure your messages, documents, and social media posts are clear, mistake-free, and impactful. Adding Grammarly to Chrome means that your spelling and grammar will be vetted on G...
Grammarly for Chrome 14.897.2124
Grammarly will make sure your messages, documents, and social media posts are clear, mistake-free, and impactful. Adding Grammarly to Chrome means that your spelling and grammar will be vetted on G...