McAfee Labs Stinger Antivirus for PC Windows
在目前市面上的企業版防毒軟體中,大部分都已經直接整合個人防火牆、主機入侵防護等端點網路安全功能,McAfee的作法卻跟其他廠商大不相同,他們將各種端點安全的功能分成不同產品來處理,需要時再部署,並且搭配單一主控臺ePolicy Orchestrator。例如,防毒的部份,主要是透過VirusScan Enterprise(VSE)針對病毒與惡意程式做到即時防護,並適用於x86個人電腦與伺服器環境...
EasyMorph is a data manipulation tool that helps transform and analyze data quickly in a visual way. You can design data transformations with EasyMorph faster, compared to writing scripts in manual sc...
McAfee Labs Stinger Antivirus for PC Windows
OfficeSuite, the award-winning and premier Android office app is now here for Windows PC. The free and robust productivity suite is fully compatible with Microsoft Office formats and allows you to q...