BullGuard Internet Security 18.0.347.16

BullGuard Internet Security

BullGuard Internet Security是一款有效且功能強大的防毒軟體。它可以在危機四伏的網路環境裡,保護您的電腦不受到惡意的攻擊,並幫助您保護您的重要個人資料不被駭客所竊取。

  • 擁有行為監測功能,可以幫助您防止更多病毒的入侵。
  • 支援安全瀏覽,並標示出危險的網頁以防止您誤入。
  • 擁有漏洞掃描器,可以讓您知道什麼資料現在處在不受保護的狀態中。
  • 支援線上備份功能。
  • 程式內設置家長控制功能,可預防您的孩子誤入色情網站或危險網站。

檔案版本 BullGuard Internet Security 18.0.347.16
檔案名稱 BullGuardInternetSecurity
系統 Windows (All Versions)
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 商業試用
更新日期 2018-05-03

General: Renamed the product identification file and improved it by adding multiple sections to enlist all BullGuard products.
Firewall: Optimized the accuracy of network attacks detection.
Home Network Scanner:
Implemented a new behaviour to perform an external port scan every time a new device connects to the network, in order to determine if the device causes a network vulnerability.
Implemented a new behaviour to perform an on-demand scan when pressing the Monitor button in the new network alert pop-up.
Fixed cases of applications being blocked or crashing when self-protection is enabled.
Solved cases of uninstaller experiencing delays and not displaying the Survey web page.
Fixed instances of real-time file scanner not starting.
Fixed crashes generated by Antivirus optimization processes and conflicts between the behavioural engine and known apps.
Home Network Scanner: Solved occasional cases of Network Scanner service crashing.

作者 BullGuard
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