
KeePass 1.37


KeePass 1.10


This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade
from any previous 1.x version to 1.10.

08/01/12 - 1.10
- Added configuration file caching (highly increases
performance when running KeePass from slow devices like USB
- Added key provider API (it now is very easy to write a plugin
that provides additional key methods, like locking to USB
device ID, certificates, smart cards, ... see the developers
section in the online KeePass help center)
- Added support for environment variables in URLs and paths
(%-syntax support for field placeholders was removed because
it conflicts with the environment syntax, see the 'Upgrading
to KeePass 1.10' article)
- Added {INTERNETEXPLORER}, {FIREFOX} and {OPERA} application
path placeholders (can be used in URLs and auto-type)
- Added support for starting very long command lines
- Added mini mode (must be configured in the INI file manually;
in mini mode, a lot of functionality is hidden; see help
file - technical FAQ)
- The quick find control in the main window now remembers the
most recent searches (if you want the search texts to be
remembered across sessions, you need to save the database)
- Added password generator option to exclude/omit
user-specified characters in generated passwords
- Added option to disallow repeating characters in generated
passwords (both character set-based and pattern-based)
- Moved security-reducing / dangerous password generator
options to a separate 'Advanced' dialog (if you enable a
security-reducing option, the 'Advanced' button in the
password generator window is shown in red)
- Added ability to search using a regular expression
- Internal random number generator is now additionally seeded
using random bytes provided by the system's default CSP
- Internal random number generator is now additionally seeded
using a newly generated 128-bit GUID
- A default user name for new entries can now be specified in
'File' -> 'Database Settings'
- Added ability to specify the groups that are automatically
created when creating a new database (in the INI file)
- Banner colors can be changed in the INI file now
(KeeBannerColorStart and KeeBannerColorEnd, set to BGR-Quads)
- XMLImport plugin: entries with no or empty UUIDs are
supported now (KeePass generates new random UUIDs for them)
- KeePass now registers a global sync. application mutex:
'KeePassAppMutexExI' (+ updated Windows installer)
- Added an advanced option to disable the Ctrl-Alt-K hot key
- Added textual cue for the quick-search edit control
- The TAN wizard now shows the name of the group into which the
TANs will be imported

- Changed field order: password follows user name now (note:
if you use your previous configuration file, the columns in
the main window will be ordered the old way; to change it,
drag&drop the column headers manually to adjust the order)
- Code improvements (developers: KeePass now requires the Boost
C++ libraries to compile)
- Empty fields are not shown in the entry details view any more
- Improved startup time
- Improved search performance
- Improved internal menu handling
- Group export menu items are now named more consistently
- Improved print options dialog (replaced "export" by "print",
excluded irrelevant export options, ...)
- Search results list display mode is now adjusted based on
matching items
- When trying to open a database that already is currently
opened by someone else, you are not prompted any more whether
to open it in read-only mode, if the '-readonly' command line
argument is present in the current instance
- Entry list is now automatically focused after a Ctrl-F search
and the first item is selected
- Improved default global configuration file (shipped in setup)
- Improved title drawing in dialog banners
- Improved entry list update behavior when there are no groups
- KeePass now uses the default shell verb for opening URLs and
files instead of 'open'
- Optimized performance of process memory protection algorithm
- The status bar is now updated immediately after performing a
quick search (main window)
- Search results are not cleared any more when having an auto-
sorting option enabled and performing an operation that
modifies a search results entry (like auto-type)
- Replaced 'Gen' button by an image button
- Minor improvements in the installer
- Minor improvements in cmd:// URL handling
- Minor dialog text improvements

- Password generator does not crash any more when trying to
generate a password using an empty pattern + random permuting
- The Ctrl-Alt-K global hot key correctly brings the KeePass
main window to front when it's hidden behind other windows
- Changing the state of the 'Randomly permute characters of
password' option now correctly selects the '(Custom)' profile

版本下載:KeePass 1.10

KeePass 1.09


This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade
from any previous 1.x version to 1.09.

07/10/12 - 1.09
- Added option to permute passwords generated using a pattern
(this allows generating passwords that follow complex rules)
- Added ability to specify custom character sets in password
generation patterns
- Implemented new URL opening method (as workaround for buggy
Firefox file handler registration on some systems)
- Documents can now be opened using cmd:// URLs (shell execute)
- Added support for CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format
(clipboard viewers/extenders compliant with this format
ignore data copied by KeePass)
- Improved window position/size/state handling (added support
for Win+M / 'Show Desktop' command, window managers, ...)
- Improved window positioning (PX=0/PY=0 works now)
- Added -readonly command line switch; if present, the database
will be opened in read-only mode
- Added ability to specify the characters a TAN can consist of
- KeePass now stores the user and machine name in .lock files,
so it can show who's currently editing the file when trying
to open a locked file
- Added support for subitem infotips in various list controls
(languages list, export options, plugins, ...)
- Added support for toggling items in option lists by pressing
the Spacebar key
- Installer can now associate .kdb files with KeePass
- The password generator now remembers the last used settings
(even if they are not saved manually as a profile)
- Network administrators: cascading configuration model now
uses a separate enforced configuration file
- Improved configuration saving/loading (improved behavior
under Windows Vista when using the installer, improved out of
the box support for installation by admin / usage by user,
better limited user account handling, ...)
- Added pattern placeholder 'S' to generate printable 7-bit
ASCII characters
- Added pattern placeholder 'b' to generate brackets
- Added quick key file accessibility test in the password
dialog (shows helpful system message on error)
- Temporary files are now named randomly
- The password generator dialog is now shown in the Windows
taskbar if the main window is minimized to tray
- KeePass now offers to open the help file when importing a CSV
file fails
- The 'About' dialog is now automatically closed when clicking
an hyperlink
- Expired/used TAN entries are not shown in the expired entries
dialog any more
- Expired entries are not shown any more in the auto-type entry
selection dialog
- Improved password generator profile management (UI)
- KeePass now shows a descriptive system error message if
executing a cmd:// URL fails
- Improved text in password generator window to allow easier
- Changed password pattern placeholders to support ANSI
- '-' is now treated as TAN character by default, not as
separator any more
- The main window title now shows 'File - KeePass Password
Safe' instead of 'KeePass Password Safe [File]'; improved
tooltip text for tray icon
- Unhiding the master password now requires unsafe operations
- After searching, the first entry is automatically selected
(but the quick-search box still has the focus)
- The option to automatically open the last database is enabled
now by default
- Database is now marked as modified when generating a password
- Minimizing to tray is now enabled by default
- Renamed some menu commands to be more consistent with Windows
- Removed duplicate message box that appeared when checking for
updates and a new version is available
- Removed deprecated API exports; new API must be used by
plugins from now on
- Main window does not move any more when trying to go below
the minimum size
- UI now mostly follows the Windows Vista UI text guidelines
- Improved high ANSI characters support in command lines
- Improved installer (added start menu link to the CHM help
file, publisher information, ...)
- KeePassLibC: Improved 64-bit compatibility
- The expired entries dialog is not shown any more when the
database is unlocked because of a global auto-type operation
- "Tray/Untray" menu item is now correctly disabled when a
dialog is open
- 'New' and 'Open' menu commands are now also enabled when the
workspace is locked
- Unified dialog elements
- Decreased executable file size
- Fixed various problems that occured when KeePass was
minimized to tray ('--exit-all' not working, problems at
Windows shutdown, IPC problems, ...)
- Fixed a bug in the tray icon third-party component that could
leave an unresponsive button in the Windows task bar
- The tray icon does not freeze any more when the Windows
workspace is locked
- Fixed various drawing bugs that occured when disabling the
'Display images on buttons' option
- The button tooltips in the password generator dialog are
translated correctly now
- The hot key to bring the KeePass window to front now also
works when the 'Disable all auto-type features' option is
- KeePass now selects the correct group when navigating to a
group after performing a search
- Jumping to an entry from the expired entries dialog now also
works correctly when unlocking a database
- The password list is now updated correctly after
drag&dropping entries into another group (view restoration)
- Various other minor improvements and bugfixes

版本下載:KeePass 1.09

KeePass 1.08


- Completely new password generator; it now supports saving
options as profiles, password generation based on patterns,
more options (excluding look-alike characters, ...)
- Added ability to configure the settings of passwords that are
automatically generated for new entries (open password
generator, choose the correct profile, edit and save it)
- Added option to use the local date/time format instead of ISO
notation (see 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> 'Advanced'); it's
enabled by default
- Added '--exit-all' command line parameter; call KeePass.exe
with this parameter to close all other open KeePass instances
(if you do not wish to see the 'Save?' confirmation dialog,
enable the 'Automatically save database on exit' option)
- Added support for silent installation
- Improved 'Enter Password' dialog (more compact, replaced the
hyperlink by a button, improved texts and descriptions)
- The database name is now shown in the title of the 'Enter
Password' window
- KeePass now shows a warning if it cannot find a database that
has been specified using the command line
- The XML import plugin now supports special characters
- Newline characters are encoded now in XML exports
- Pressing the 'Enter' key in the password list now opens the
currently selected entry for editing
- Changing the database master key now requires unsafe
operations permission
- Added support for auto-typing the following characters in US
International mode: ' " ´ ` ~
- The banner of the 'Edit Entry' dialog is hidden now if the
screen resolution is very low (640x480 or lower)
- New entries now by default get the icons of their container
groups, if the icons do not look like folders
- Changed tab order in various places to the more obvious 'left
to right, then top to bottom' pattern
- The clipboard is now also cleared on KeePass exit when the
enhanced clipboard protection option is enabled
- The quick-find box now has the focus after opening a database
- Added Spanish language for installer
- Improved internal random number generation interface
- Updated file format documentation (thanks to Naomaru Itoi)
- Updated CHM documentation file
- Auto-Type now selects the correct sequence when multiple
entries match the current window and multiple sequence/window
pairs are specified (thanks to ThierryP for the patch)
- The expiration time column menu item in the columns context
menu is translated correctly now
- Entry details view is now cleared after deleting entries
- URL length is not limited any more
- Various other minor improvements and bugfixes

版本下載:KeePass 1.08

KeePass 1.07


- Auto-Type is now supported on Windows 9x systems
- Added ability to use one auto-type sequence for multiple
windows (thanks to Steve Harrison for the patch); see the CHM
documentation file for more
- The '^' character is now auto-typed correctly
- New CHM help file (new layout, new content from the KeePass
Online Help Center, ...)
- The default auto-type sequence can now be changed: in the INI
file set the 'KeeDefaultAutoTypeSequence' string to the
sequence of your choice (there's no option in the user
interface for this yet); see the CHM documentation for more
- WTS notifications are ignored if a dialog is open
- Improved attachments description column naming in exports
- Top-level menu shortcuts now work after closing a database
- Status bar is now updated when navigating in the group tree
- Updated single instance class
- For plugin developers: added delayed initialization message
- Improved help menu
- Added SAL annotations
- Installer now supports a lot more languages
- Installer now uses best compression available
- Fixed a bug that could increase the database size when saving
a database multiple times, which has previously been modified
by KeePassX (Linux/MacOSX port of KeePass); existing inflated
databases are shrinked to their normal size without data loss
- Replaced password generation button by a help button in the
master key dialog
- Replaced help hyperlinks in 'Edit Entry' dialog by a help
popup button
- Added help button in TAN wizard dialog
- Fixed a typo in the random password generation dialog ('§'
isn't a special character -- it's higher ANSI)
- Fixed a bug which could have caused the 'Select Key File'
hyper link to be drawn incorrectly when using non-official XP
- Fixed various tray icon bugs
- Error code is not shown any more in success messages
- Improved error message that is shown when accessing the key
file fails
- Added window positioning support for virtual screens
- Window position/size is now remembered when exiting from tray
- Fixed a bug in the 'Start KeePass at Windows startup'
registration method
- x64 fixes (thanks to Gabe Martin)
- Improved MFC string clearing routine
- Various translation improvements
- Made 'Icon' label wider
- Other minor improvements and bugfixes

版本下載:KeePass 1.07

KeePass 1.06


- Locking workspace when locking Windows or switching user is
now optional (see Security tab, option disabled by default)
- Improved password quality estimation algorithm
- Improved auto-type window focusing; it is recommended that
you try the new default auto-type method (i.e. not the
alternative one)
- Implemented remote control (feature disabled by default)
- After performing a search and opening the Add Entry window,
the first top-level group is selected by default instead of
the search results group
- Added a few icons to the client icons list (password list)
- Last access time is now updated on auto-typing (both context
menu invokation and global auto-type hot key)
- Improved KeePass startup performance (BCMenu)
- Changed default button in 'Overwrite Key-File' dialog
- Improved update-checking messages
- Renamed "Expire Time" to "Expiration Time"
- Improved support for empty databases
- Fixed tab order in Add/Edit Entry dialog
- Improved handling of Windows session ending
- Databases are saved before logging off from Windows
- The 'Save' toolbar button is grayed (but pressable) if the
database hasn't been modified
- Strings containing quotes are now passed correctly over the
- Clarified some messages

版本下載:KeePass 1.06

KeePass 1.05


- KeePass is now developed and compiled using Visual Studio
2005 (with MFC 8.0); older compilers and IDEs aren't
supported anymore
- Implemented C-style interface for plugins (KP_Query and
KP_Call; MFC is not required anymore to build KeePass
- Heavily restructured the source code (extracted KeePass core
library, separated platform-dependent and platform-
independent code)
- Workspace is now locked automatically if Windows is locked or
the user switches to a different account (Windows XP only)
- Improved single-instance behaviour
- Improved support of paths with mixed directory separators
- Improved command-line handling (thanks to Bill Rubin)
- Changed command-line parameter handling for plugin parameters
(thanks to Bill Rubin for this patch)
- Improved plugin handling (DLLs are checked for interface
methods; improved KeePass startup performance)
- Added update checking feature (automatically and manually;
the ChkForUpd plugin project is discontinued)
- Password list is refreshed after auto-typing a TAN number
- Fixed a bug that caused the group focus to jump to the first
group after saving the database (when having the entry-backup
and the delete-backups-before-save options enabled)
- Handle to plugin manager window is passed to plugins in
- When performing 'save-as' the lock files are updated now (the
one of previously opened file is deleted, a new one is
created for the new database)
- Tray menu items are now disabled when KeePass displays a
modal dialog
- Added advanced option to disable the 'save' button if the
database hasn't been modified
- Renamed default file menu items (new, open, save, ...)
- Improved {CLEARFIELD} behaviour
- Other improvements and bugfixes

版本下載:KeePass 1.05

KeePass 1.04

版本下載:KeePass 1.04

KeePass 1.03

版本下載:KeePass 1.03
