LibreOffice 歷史版本資訊


LibreOffice 5.4.4 64-bit

LibreOffice 5.1.1 RC 3


# Bugs fixed:
- FILESAVE: DOCX - Margins not preserve.
- Decimal alignment (user defined number formats with question marks) lost in ODF.
- FILEOPEN: Lock file is not created on samba share (via gvfs).
- With OpenGL active Impress slide transition Rochade effect blanking entire UI to white.
- OpenGL: dissapear field controls in dialogue Format-Page, tab Page (Calc).
- divide by zero bug.
- FILEOPEN: arrowheads added to lines within groups.
- opengl - corrupted icon with 1bit mask in calc toolbar.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.1 RC 3

LibreOffice 5.1.1 RC 1


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.1 RC 1

LibreOffice 5.1.0


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.0

LibreOffice 5.1.0 RC 3


* Bugs fixed :
- Option Collate in printing copies does not work properly.
- Decimal alignment (user defined number formats with question marks) lost in ODF.
- CUPS: printing multiple copies with "Collate" results in multiple system print jobs .
- Slider does not move if OpenGL enabled.
- Crash on undo row inserts.
- SearchDescriptor Properties cannot be set in 5.1.
- Rounding display error for 15 digits integers.
- The effect of toggling Modes Tab Bar visibility does not last.
- i18n: add language.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.0 RC 3

LibreOffice 5.1.0 RC 2


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.0 RC 2

LibreOffice 5.0.4


This is the fourth bugfix release of the 5.0.x branch of LibreOffice which contains new features and program enhancements. As such, the version is stable and is suitable for all users. This version may contain a few annoying bugs which will be fixed in the next bugfix versions to come. Detailed release notes can be accessed from here:

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.4

LibreOffice 5.1.0 Beta 2


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.1.0 Beta 2

LibreOffice 5.0.3


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.3

LibreOffice 5.0.3 RC 2


# Bugs fixed:
- LibreOffice Database - LONGVARCHAR anomaly when trying to dismiss a window without first saving
- Calc crashes after print preview (PRINTING)
- Calc sheet navigation buttons on extreme left of Tab bar
- References to external files with macros in formulas won't update properly
- Icons appearing with black backgrounds when "use OpenGL for Rendering" is enabled
- Crash when navigating to styles and formatting sidebar tab after properties fill type selector has focus
- Using cell names in functions doesn't work if name begins with 3 letters and an underscore
- Base Crashes when deleting a table in Relationship
- Cross references break on reload.
- Crash after changing paragraph style using mouse click (on tab Font)
- OpenCL: strange behavior in formulas computing
- IFERROR not working correctly under array-evaluation

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.3 RC 2

LibreOffice 5.0.3 RC 1


: Bugs fixed
- vcl: fix substituting missing glyphs
- DOCX import: fix left-from-style and first-from-direct
- better fail with E_EXIST if rename(3) fails
- plausible fix
- xmloff: fix import of stretched background image
- crash on mashing hangul korean keyboard
- check data pilot field name availability
- Vertical writing inferior to MS Word
- Using Right-to-left (vertical) for text, the characters overlap each other
- [ACCESSIBILITY] Panel 'Places' in LibreOffice file dialog is not in TAB-order - can't use it with the key board
- FILESAVE: XLSX formula cell range is not exported for matrix/array formulas
- CRASH (OOM) while scrolling through a specific document
- Meta: incomplete Sifr icon theme
- Other: OfficeMenuBar no longer takes private menu's in StartModule
- FILESAVE: Bullets are lost when saving in OOxml (.pptx or .ppsx)
- DISPLAY: Hashmarks instead of number with * repeat format code if the same number/format was displayed left of it in a wider column
- FILESAVE: Format of bullets destroyed when saving as .pptx
- CJK: Cursor position, line selection and non-printing characters do not take account of hanging punctuation
- FILESAVE: SolidConverter DOCX - On resave margins and images lost and file size doubled
- Wrong punctuation direction after Chinese characters in vertical layout
- Shortcuts sometimes not displayed in toolbar
- SLIDESHOW: cannot start show at selected slide after having changed range
- Crash: data text to columns
- Bookmark: no consecutive name numbering applied when copied
- Freeze with English/Japanese mixture undo
- saving big file crashes writer (and LibreOffice)
- Impress does not export slides bullets to PPTX correctly
- style dialog or sidebar adds undo entries creating/deleting styles
- Links in Impress Are Removed When Exported to PPTX
- UI: Breeze icons appear in Sifr theme
- UI: Switching between Style and Formatting tabs changes document status to modified
- CONDITIONAL FORMATTING: Color not available in default palette not shown in dialog
- Calc adds empty style with new style from selection
- Writer infinite idle spelling loop ...
- Internal corruption prevents BS or DEL deleting final paragraph (after copy/paste or import?)
- DOCX Import: Incorrect display of the headings - numbering style indents
- Unicode character rendering artifacts when substituting missing glyphs
- FILESAVE: loss of page breaks after saving DOCX
- Web Wizard: Not open FTP Configure on Web Wizard Preview Setting.
- BASE: Bitmap background rendering problem when not tiled
- Writer crash after editing with index entry dialog
- Addressbook Integration: Unevaluated variable '$filename$' displayed in error dialog
- Web Wizard: Cannot Export Zip archive.
- When save, generate unused list-styles in context.xml
- General Error. General input/output error with particular pptx file
- last colon of emojis not correctly removed by AutoCorrect in Calc and Impress
- GTK+ 3: Spin box element in navigator is cut off
- Cancel in last mail merge dialog via file->print doesn't stop the printing
- Persistently high background CPU usage by soffice.bin with high-word-count Writer document and auto spell checking disabled
- Greek letter phi and varphi in formulas are swapped when saving in.doc, .docx or .rtf
- Hyperlink inside .DOC not working in .HTML
- Caption of images are hidden behind the image
- getDisplayDirectory returns an empty string for Windows filepicker
- docx: Graph export Offset and mislabelled
- cache binary compiled versions of shaders ...
- Crash when pasting with the middle mouse button (GTK3)
- Problem with AutoCalculate when pasting data from non-adjacent cells
- DOCX import: indent of bullet paragraph is wrong
- Input help tooltips don't disappear after changing sheets
- The tooltip hides the zoom slider
- Crash when uncheck Protect this... in Protec Sheet window
- Iteration steps number
- NETWORKDAYS gives error #VALUE! when Holidays range is empty
- Calc does not save your own created autoformat presets
- Print Document Directly Tooltip No Longer Shows Printer
- Function FINV exported as "COM.MICROSOFT.F.INV" although it is spec'ed in OpenFormula
- Unguarded strlen causes core dump when XKeysymToString returns NULL
- Please update the el_GR hunspell dictionary
- Web Wizard: option shift when loading saved session
- Printing adds garbage to top edge of page
- Web Wizard: Not enough space for date in step 6
- Agenda: Not enough space for date in step 5 (French UI)
- ScPostIt's GetText() replaces tabs with U+0001
- invalid encoding in hyph_zu_ZA
- method nStart overflow in pCode
- LibO Windows don't work into VMware

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.3 RC 1

LibreOffice 5.0.2


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.2

LibreOffice 5.0.2 RC 2


- Open a file in a mounted WebDAV drive and LibreOffice asks for user and password
- Writer fails to open correct ODT file from WebDAV share
- Writer text table rows can't be resized (with disabled rulers)
- Tab type switcher in ruler does not clear previous icon when clicking it
- UI: The case of the disappearing zoom slider
- rendercontext: blinking cursor is drawn directly
- EDITING: Undo of Drag&Drop with annotation/comment object causes crash
- GL / area fill scaling issue.
- gestureLongPress cores being passed a NULL frame
- cache binary compiled versions of shaders
- odd text rendering artifacts in slideshow
- crash on chart insert
- gltf rendering timer is far too fast
- OpenGLContext - ref-counted and manually managed
- Some 3D OpenGL transitions don't work in GL mode
- horrible flickering on window resize
- EDITING: Calc sort crashes
- Gratuitous GL context switching
- mis-use of legacy GL contexts

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.2 RC 2

LibreOffice 5.0.2 RC 1


# Fixed bugs
- Revert "When printing ... 'Order' did not count."
- DOCX import: rot=90 and vert=vert270 means no text rotation
- Uninitialized scalar field
- Fix mis-merge
- Fix Calc header background image saving
- handle the NULL clip correctly for pdf output
- svtools: don't commit SvtMenuOptions too early
- [abrt] libreoffice-core: sdr::table::SvxTableController::SetTableStyle(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV
- [fix available] Calc: Random Number generator can't be edited and applied for cell location
- Printing/Exporting to PDF adds text to the side of form elements ('checkbox',...)
- UI: Format Cells dialog displays misleading value for 'Decimal places'
- The operation on <path> was started with an invalid parameter
- Sidebar: Styles are missing from Properties tab
- password protected library does not honnor end user type definition
- Trend line invisible if first data point is missing x value
- FORMATTING: CJK ruby text (furigana) in vertical mode pushes characters to the left of the base line
- UI: "Freakout"-behaviour and freeze during resize of docked sidebar
- FILEOPEN: DOCX with a footnote hangs LO on open
- Macro with Find @ Replace crash Calc
- UI: Horizontal scrollbar backwards with RTL sheet and kde4 ui
- Layout of custom handouts is ignored
- SIDEBAR: content panels in tray don't open with accelerators when sidebar is enabled but fully hidden
- 4.4.0.x Automatic font color no longer works
- FILEOPEN: DOCX - text in shape is wrong direction
- EDITING: Insert Frame dialog shows empty lists for area fill types
- FORMATTING, FILESAVE: Header and footer background images are not saved
- ValueSet has rendering issues in RTL interface
- Highlighted comment text with replies have dark color
- FORMATTING: Autocapitalisation does not happen if the last word in the previous sentence has a comment in the middle of the word
- Incorrect Dates in Report created with legacy report wizard
- LO impress crashes when opening pptx with comments
- UI: Dialogue for Advanced filter is transparent.
- FORMATTING: Parts of Paragraph Border missing when Border around more than one Paragraph
- Implement texture atlas for OpenGL
- UI - StartCenter and Application windows can not be resized diagonally with mouse after initial window size increase and covers OSX Dock
- INDIRECT function lost interoperabilty with calc documents migrated by OOo3.2.1
- printing of labels (Next dataset fields) via file->print is broken
- ODF import: styles with fo:background-color wrongly imported causing wrong frame and paragraph backgrounds
- Right-clicking after applying "paint buckets" leads to multiple Undo
- Incorrect cell border drawing in DOC file after saving in 5.0
- rendercontext: blinking cursor is drawn directly
- Chart: Data table category view format bad for table of times
- START CENTER: Icon sizes in breeze cause help and extensions buttons not to be visible
- UI: General format: useless trailing zeroes for scientific notation
- Dialog editor: adding a language crashes LibO
- Selecting text with keyboard (partially outside current view) results in wrong highlighting and mangled text
- Unexpectedly quit when use Data->Sort (crash)
- Closing media player crashes Writer
- clock face emoji autocorrect collisions in some languages
- FILEOPEN: LibO crashes on loading .RTF
- rendercontext: animgifs are painted directly
- FORMATTING: "Edit style" button in "Schema & Numbering" tab in paragraph style edition navigates wrong
- Master document does not show diagrams included and properly shown in documents linked into the master
- Copy/paste of a range of cells with IF formula and format set to General causes crash
- rendercontext: style combo box is not always updated
- rendercontext: comment spelling is drawn directly
- Crash when deleting cell contents
- status indicator progress bar not shown while loading big file
- Draw crashes when changing line width using sidebar
- NullPointerException while connecting to LibreOffice via Java UNO API
- Once the Function Wizard has been Displayed, it is not Possible to Select Columns or Rows or to Open the Context Menu of Columns and Rows
- Menu-Icons are always hidden
- Non free cs_CZ (Czech) thesaurus dictionary
- OpenGL tracker bug ...
- menu non-rendering on click ...
- Image / CRC32 not enough ...
- Crash when launching Tools > AutoText (comment 6)
- Need way to hard disable any OpenGL usage / probing etc.
- detect OpenGL crashes and disable it
- Preview of Bullets is hard to see with a dark theme
- Linux: no save on crash
- Condition Formatting: Entering "=" in comparison value crashes program
- Detect hanging OpenGL drivers & disable GL ...
- help -> about should list GL status ...
- white-list only the latest GL hardware and drivers
- "Unprotect Cells" missing from Table Menu and Table Toolbar (comment 6)
- Bottom stroke line of a rectangle is half-drawn when using OpenGL
- EMF+ is not displayed at all
- GL textures destroyed while still bound to framebuffers
- switching context does not un-bind framebuffers correctly ...
- Impress copy wrong style name to clipboard when style name contains Chinese character
- apitrace and glerrors ...
- disable background saving with GL enabled ...
- PPTX import: DrawingML fallback of Vertical Picture List SmartArt is not imported correctly
- opengl glyph caching misplaces start center text
- vdevs shared OpenGLContexts - end up broken.
- shader compilation can take a while ...
- opengl glyph caching misplaces writer text
- Radio buttons are all "selected" when using OpenGL
- using GL threads across threads incorrectly ...
- Disable DirectX slideshow when in OpenGL mode ...
- The close button in menubar is empty with openGL

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.2 RC 1

LibreOffice 5.0.1


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.1

LibreOffice 5.0.1 RC 2


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.1 RC 2