LibreOffice 歷史版本資訊


LibreOffice 5.4.4 64-bit

LibreOffice 5.0.1 RC 1


Bugs fixed :
- logically dead code
- [abrt] libreoffice-core: ScXMLExport::WriteAnnotation(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV
- Reduce power consumption: timers must end eventually
- : =A1="" returns TRUE when A1 does not contain a blank
- CRASH on FILEOPEN .odp presentation. "Bad allocation" -> Crash. 100% reproducible.
- Other: File > Wizards > Web Pages crashes LibreOffice on Windows
- Undo does not work when modifying a conditional style including Text Body
- FILEOPEN: RTF - Numbering list number font name not retained
- FILEOPEN: OOXML import in Writer very bad on attached DOCX: graphics and drawing in Word table distorted
- track changes - accepting change in MS Word merges tables cells
- Please add UI for new LO 4.4. feature "Text Background Color in Draw"
- Sorting: setting "Range contains column labels" is forgotten if any column Label contains a numeric value or is empty
- DOCX: Bullet character is large
- RTF import: document that starts with a footnote crashes Writer (also on paste from clipboard)
- CRASH - failed assertion in unittest sw_globalfilter in master build OSX (ImplLogicToPixel)
- DDE LINK does not work between two documents Writer
- FILEOPEN XML XLSX causes Calc to terminate
- xlsx formula not importing correctly, with Table structured references in named expressions and MATCH lookup array creation
- SLIDESHOW: presenter console background and buttons not shown during slideshow
- UI: Drawing toolbar doesn't show Select button by default
- FILEOPEN particular MSWORD2008 .docx: misinterprets letters from Symbol font (old bug returns with a twist)
- Database wizard crashes when invoked through remote UNO
- CHART: Show minor gridlines with a lighter color
- Crash on saving document
- Implement caching for native widget rendering in OpenGL rendering
- Basic IDE syntax highlighting does not recognise DoEvents
- Math: LibreOffice locks up if the bar on the left is resized
- Menu highlighting incorrect with libreoffice-gtk
- Menu separator spacing incorrect in libreoffice-gtk
- Web Wizard - no result / crash
- CALC: Excel A1 and R1C1 reference syntax can not reference a cell by worksheet names starting with an ASCII digit
- Subformat ;@ changes date input to number
- Error mime type in Manifest.xml with picture.wmf and picture.emf
- Writer crash when attempting to open one file.
- sheet removeByName error if file loaded as hidden
- Shape text editing is broken in case of double-buffering
- EDITING: Function TIMEVALUE gives only '0' in ReportDesigner
- Rendering artifacts between menu and toolbar with some GTK2 themes
- GTK+3: Tooltips drawn on secondary screen
- Calc Help Conversion document L.O.
- EDITING: Function MINUTE() always 1 minute greater than minute in timefield/timestampfield in ReportDesigner
- UI: Manage Conditional Formatting column header reads "Range or formula expression" instead of "Range"
- Autofilter on date is locale dependent
- Middle Button on Mouse Paste Option Broken for X11
- Windows 64bit: SDBC driver error when attempting to connect to Thunderbird addressbook
- Dialog editor: deleting a language crashes LibO
- Base: text displayed offset in table edit UI listbox dropdown
- rendercontext: missing post-it comment window after insertion
- rendercontext: print preview problems
- Engineering notation lost with buttons Add/Delete Decimal Place
- rendercontext: blinking cursor is drawn directly
- Function Wizard Structure view empty if invoked on existing formula cell
- Copying forms not working anymore
- UI: missing import bitmap button
- "resize shape to fit text" state can't be disabled
- EDITING: For Spanish cell format with the first three letters of a day of week plus date, only for Tuesday (Martes) is not recognized as date.
- Wrong Lithuanian translation: „Susieti su dokumentu“ -> „Spausdinti į failą“
- gtk3: pasting using middle mouse button doesn't work

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.1 RC 1

LibreOffice 5.0.0


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0

LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 5


- Content of a choosen listbox in a tablecontrol isn't shown
- FILESAVE: New DOCX export of text with highlighting works not for all colors
- Show the real icon instead of a black square with gtk vclplug.
- New Theme Issues on Windows Installer
- Splash screen text needs to be moved upwards

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 5

LibreOffice 4.4.5


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 4.4.5

LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 4


# Bugs fixed:
- missing shape bg color
- uninitialized scalar field
- comply attributes name with
- FILESAVE: Pictures on buttons, created in forms, gone after reopening form
- Meta: Enhancing Impress/Draw toolbars and context menu
- EDITING - Calc Function suggestion too agressive
- Extend ODF to support some special scientific formats
- xlsx formula not importing correctly, with Table structured references in named expressions and MATCH lookup array creation
- Style preview in "Styles and Formatting" sidebar should be optional
- JRE defective message unless user installs Visual C++ 2010 runtimes
- UI: No bold headings in dialogues
- GetImplementationName method returns rather than SwXTextDocument as before
- First letter selection by keyboard in combo boxes doesn't work
- CRASH - when autmatically launching table creation wizard after registration of database
- Adding new record in table duplicates values in previous field
- Missing shape color (PPT)

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 4

LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 3


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 3

LibreOffice 4.4.4


- Contains new features and program enhancements

版本下載:LibreOffice 4.4.4

LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 2


# Bugs fixed :
* DOCX import: inline picture should have no spacing
* Allow entire column or entire row ranges in formulae, e.g. A:A or 1:1
* FILEOPEN: docx import regression: graphic is not displayed
* Meta: incomplete Sifr icon theme
* Meta: Enhancing Impress/Draw toolbars and context menu
* Losing endnotes in table cell when reading docx in Writer
* DOCX: Images anchored with 'as character' should have no spacing
* DOCX:bullets picture is big
* EDITING Entire column/row formula incorrectly changes on row/column deletion
* ICONS: Parent icon theme links.txt duplicate records not used in child themes
* wrong defaults for format/orientation in printsettingsdialogs of printerdrivers
* .ui based Docking windows don't have title bars (Windows only)
* UI:Cursors other than the default work but are not displayed
* Updated Catalan bundled dictionaries (spellchker, hyphenation, thesaurus)
* FILEOPEN: Docx importer squishing doughnuts
* StartCenter minimum size now too small with addition of Recent Files button
* UI: Dragging a field from the Data Sources window into a document no longer works
* When opening an RTF file with bracketed sub or super in a footnote, the text body is parsed wrongly, and terminates prematurely
* Appear Document recovery Dialog (Crash?) when open formula bar, and restart LibO
* Crash after exiting source code mode in Writer Web
* headless renderer not doing mask based clipping ...
* Crash of Basic IDE when renaming a Module
* Accessibility completely broken with gtk3 plugin

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 2

LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 1


# Bugs fixed :
- gtk3 Logically dead code
- gtk3 Unused value
- dereference null return value
- uninitialized scalar field
- fix (fatal) perl deprecation in lo-xlate-lang
- fix inc/dec font for complex selections
- fix O(n^2) algorithm in opening pathological file
- [part 2] support all ODFF1.2 and Excel2013 variations
- styles tab addition to the sidebar for writer
- new icons insertendnote and trackchanges
- crash on certain table paste+undo+page cycles
- properly inherit relative and 3D flags when extending, related
- additional tweaks to standard and drawing toolbars
- calc has more rows than writer tables can support
- clone upper left of matrix result if double token
- related: Swap buttons and align to the right
- adapt the numbering popup to more than 8 items
- don't export transparent background colour as white
- sw: make WW8 export of CITATION fields compatible with
- crash when dragging unsupported url to navigator pane
- report builder function wizard segfaults
- ambiguous naming of character background
- also copy external reference status
- correct 3D reference update on sheet deletion, follow-up
- avoid duplicated attribute names in RID_ATTR_NAMES
- no character background (highlight) tab in paragraph styles dialog
- fix freeze when enabling media toolbar in Impress
- add a unit test for this
- remove footnote mark from TOC/List of Figures entry
- remove footnote mark from TOC/List of Figures entry
- remove footnote mark from cross reference
- fix inc/dec font for complex selections
- need to check the format's IsLockModified(), not the node's
- don't cache incomplete tabs.
- autotext (etc) not fully drawn
- end listening only on selected sheets
- FixedText vertical orientation restored
- restore functionality of clicking to .uno:Size status bar element
- don't change selected menu title text color in Aero theme
- fix crash during listbox control editing in database form
- work around writer spelling issue
- fix preview of special characters
- do not adjust RPN named expressions relative references, follow-up
- vertical text entry missing
- invalidate graphics when the gtk window is destroyed
- handle LOK_MOUSEEVENT_MOUSEMOVE in SdXImpressDocument
- fix inc/dec indent buttons in impress
- mixture of icon sizes
- presentation causes Impress crash
- fix Slovenian translation
- save rectangle to DrawingML as a preset shape
- 'Handles' contains array of PropertyValues
- work around writer spelling issue
- crash on mail-merge to printer
- crash on closing color bar after redocking it

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 RC 1

LibreOffice 5.0.0 Beta 3


# Bugs fixed :
- gbuild: document what CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS etc. *actually* do
- do not convert ooxml preset shape modifier values
- "Jan1, 2015" is a valid date
- CRASH - Calc Insert Columns Left
- SIGSEGV on toolkit bootstrap without running instance
- remove confusing description for function WEEKDAY
- AutoCorrect: fix not immediately replacement of Emoji :short_names:
- form controls and draw objects
- form controls and draw objects
- do not interrupt search in Impress and Draw.
- improve Sifr
- DOCX import: don't delay text frame conversion of in-header tables
- use SelectHdl instead of ClickHdl
- additional work on the formatting and draw toolbar
- DOCX import: handle table margin when converting floattables
- ORowSetBase::getRow handles insert row correctly
- DrawingML export fix
- postit layout not available in print preview mode
- adjusting some text entries and rearranging and removing others
- secondary pool set to that of temp docs drawing layers
- bad text spacing on OS X
- fix default sdr attribute is special object.
- impress: hide common task toolbar in master view
- rearranging the lower half of slide transition tab
- avoid naming two distinct buttons the same…
- toolbar|sidebar button for text background colour
- fix display names for hicontrast and tango_testing
- missing actions from toolbar
- if no font has 0x202F fallback to a normal space
- numberingChange feature not available in writer
- allow the options color page to load/save palettes
- read icon theme from the config when called too early.
- don't hide+show window before initial show completes
- RTF import: fix colsx default value
- related: ignore empty shape handles struct
- secondary pool set to that of temp docs drawing layers
- breeze: StartCenter new icons according to
- reset group area listeners when splitting group
- remove SfxFieldUnit enum
- i18npool: fix crash in Thai break iterator
- add table insert uno commands to menu bar and fix labels
- shrink the properties sidebar sections in Calc
- sw: ODF import: ignore invalid gradient-name if style SOLID
- toggle out of paste-mode on editing an object
- don't overwrite comments in ScTable::FillFormulaVertical
- import spreadsheetML cells with inline formatting tags
- svx: avoid unconditional SdrObject -> SdrObjCustomShape static_cast
- tweak fix a bit, turns out xmloff was also passing empty URL
- set Cell Background Color in Table Broken in Writer 5.0
- add Venetian [vec-IT] locale data
- fix Writer crash
- cleanup - textboxes extending beyond the page
- reset the PrinterController during dispose.
- invalidate only individual menu items to render highlight.
- fix a couple of animation related lifecycle issues.
- EDITING: Crash when deleting header
- avoid post-dispose charmap crasher.
- VclPtr: crash after tool options and sidebar switching
- no wrtshell during initial layout
- check if the item position is valid
- fix some incorrectly allocated VirtualDevices.
- "Jan1, 2015" is a valid date
- CRASH - Calc Insert Columns Left
- fix DX canvas - missed by VclPtr / Clang plugin.
- do not convert ooxml preset shape modifier values
- fix post-dispose focus issue in color window.
- breeze: fix and add Calc InsertXBeforeAfter icons
- rename uno commands in toolbar xml and fix icons
- fix infinite invalidation loop
- MenuBarHighlightTextColor should default to MenuHighlightTextColor
- convert links in help/about to https
- fix macro editor - Invalidate in paint
- CONDITIONAL FORMATTING: Crash on select Icon Set from dialog
- cleanup AnyRefDialog VclPtr's with an explicit dispose method.
- dispose SfxControllerItem member.
- hopefully fixes the issue by painting immediately
- writer crash using Gallery icon in sidebar
- related: line box width cannot be changed
- TABLE DESIGN window menu option Close causes BASE to crash
- CRASH: when "My Macros & Dialogs Standard" window close
- fix unique_ptr conversion bugs in reportdesign.
- initialize charmap when selecting in SvxShowCharSet
- WRITER crashes when navigating through comments
- sw: prevent recursive layout crash
- dispose chart data-table entries correctly.
- avoid -1 string index
- call ApplySettings at a more correct place
- add missing small freeze pane icon
- store PDF FilterConfigItem options in dispose.
- give this command a saner name
- avoid use of already disposed control
- crash in base report - right click in page header section
- wrong bit mask for BrowserMode
- fix invidsible menu in Base
- partially Revert "crash on layout of novell622972-2.html"
- fix stack-based MessBox allocation.
- after MailMerge print, plain std print is not possible
- AutoFormat: Crash when using an existing name
- default to transparent text background
- add Tigrigna (Ethiopia) [ti-ET] locale data
- unset a dying childwindow as the active window
- impress Crash when click on Transition icon in sidebar
- start Center: Use a different icon for Recent Files
- avoid layout recursion differently

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 Beta 3

LibreOffice 5.0.0 Beta 1


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 5.0.0 Beta 1

LibreOffice 4.4.3


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 4.4.3

LibreOffice 4.4.3 RC 2


# Bugs fixed
- gcc-wrappers: command line *must* start with a space
- cui: Area tab page: do not override imported bitmaps
- vcl: fix PDF export of transparent Writer frames in LO 4.3
- vcl: speed up OutputDevice::GetEllipsisString()
- 1.06 turns into a monster
- 1.06 turns into a monster
- xmloff: ODF export: fix style:background-image attributes
- Incorrect label for Table Caption in Spanish localization

版本下載:LibreOffice 4.4.3 RC 2

LibreOffice 4.4.3 RC 1


# Bug Fixes:
- OOXML: fix import of insets when shape and/or shape text is rotated
- OOXML: fix import of insets when shape and/or shape text is rotated
- wrong cell fill color defined by table style
- 3D pie-chart missing guide handles
- don't create a new list for each multiselection portion
- access dav, davs URLs via GVFS
- libreoffice-core: dp_gui::ExtensionBox_Impl::selectEntry(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV
- [libreoffice-base edit window opened in different group
- implement match on empty cells
- insert table copy as nested table in non-starting cell position
- revert "Prioritise Thunderbird address books..."
- propagate errors as errors in matrix calculations
- related Wrong underlining in Reports
- fix Graphite layout
- improve export of formulas to SVG
- management of case in combobox
- fix __refheading__ regression, set only CrossRefs as TOC.
- MM: don't restore section visibility
- respect page orientation of Calc files in recent docs
- sfx2: make the SfxMedium stream-reuse hack runtime-optional
- related: fix int wraparound + crash on export
- improve sifr - connectors and lines - lc
- RTF import: fix missing text after footnote
- ensure RegisterFormat is called before SetModified
- SwDoc::AppendDoc: take care of marks when inserting page break
- attempt to fix the cursor placement after document load.
- typing to select value in dropdown resets after space character
- vcl/text: fix duplicate text in fontwork
- push/Pop before/after messing with the cursor
- fix annoying double shadow in preview
- follow-up call SetRectangleAttributes only once
- menus don't disappear with right mouse click
- editing: suppress all duplicate attributes during export
- remove stray separator
- don't clobber cluster start caret pos
- sw: fix rendering of legacy documents with fly achored at fly
- sw: fix ~SwIndexReg assertion in AutoCorrect
- wrong text rotation inside a preset shape from docx
- don't create a new list for each multiselection portion
- ensure RegisterFormat is called before SetModified
- fix Graphite layout
- SVG export further improved
- sw: add missing SwXPageStyle properties
- sw: fix crash on closing help in Navigator window
- add missing return if error to not crash
- we need to use the edit engine attibute id for rich text,
- sw: add missing SwXPageStyle properties
- SwDoc::GetUniqueNumRuleName: always return pChkStr if it's unused
- ordinal suffix should never be superscript in some languages
- svx: ODF import: SvxBrushItem Graphics should override Color
- fix __refheading__ regression, set only CrossRefs as TOC.
- resize formula buffers after adding a dummy sheet
- sifr icon style "Print document directly" icon same as "Print"
- remove extra space added when assigning styles for TOC
- oox: TotalTime is in minutes
- drop down list sizes locked in too early
- xmloff: fix ODF import of frame with empty style name ref
- editing: fix crash on shutdown after changing AutoCorrect options
- use a read-only GtkEntry for location
- only handle formula group if useful
- fixed wrong behavior of template delete dialog
- group new style and change style together as one undo
- don't clobber new solid-color on seeing old transparency
- don't try to save a marks OtherPos if it doesn't have one
- SwDoc::AppendDoc: take care of marks when inserting page break
- repair invalid docking positions
- rescan for bundled extensions when installing Mac langpack
- string access out of bounds
- queue_resize needs to Invalidate the optimal cache size
- we need a more intelligent increment for the iterator,
- PPTX import: use real table size
- OOXML chart legend import improvement
- too risky to dlclose basctl once opened
- sw: *another* crash on shutdown after changing SvxAutoCorrCfg
- revert "Prioritise Thunderbird address books..."
- related: initial load of bibliography doesn't...
- bibliography doesn't resize after reload
- 3D pie-chart missing guide handles

版本下載:LibreOffice 4.4.3 RC 1

LibreOffice 4.4.2


No change log.

版本下載:LibreOffice 4.4.2