Jan Fiala


  • 使用文字編輯程式的人,在撰寫網頁程式一段時間後,若想要更改或是改寫,可使用比對功能,它會以顏色來區分那段是原先寫法,那段是後來更改的寫法,讓程式設計人員一目了然。
  • 程式內建除了支援多國語系等多樣功能外,還內建FTP Client,這對於在家從事程式設計的人來說,省去購買上傳和下載軟體的費用。
  • 在WORD軟體裡有文字校對的功能,此軟體也有,當你打出computre單字時,軟體會判斷該字是否有拼錯,並在該字下方劃上一條紅線,以提醒使用者要特別注意。

檔案版本 PSPad
檔案名稱 pspad500_setup.exe
檔案大小 6.24MB
系統 Windows (All Versions)
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 免費軟體
更新日期 2018-04-20

PSPad Code updated to Delphi 10.2 - fully Unicode IDE independent of regional settings. It allows 64b version too.
New file plugin format, much more easier for developers - (see the readme file in plugin subfolder).
New code page handling - PSPad now supports 147 code pages and allows you to open and convert.
New CP customization menu dialog (menu Encoding) which allows you select code page set you use.
New Batch CP convert tool in the Encoding menu.
Code page in status bar shows code page menu.
Fast selection of default encoding by Ctrl+Click on menu item in Encoding menu.
Language files are stored in UTF-8 with BOM.
New ASCII chart with encoding selector, Unicode char value and HTML entities.
Script Input Dialog with automatic history.
Batch CP conversion (menu Encoding) was changed to non modal and allows you with Enter and DblClick open selected file from list.
User convertors are stored in .Convertor subfolder with UTF-8 encoding. Conversion extended of regular expressions. See the file template.in_ for definition changes.
Added anonymous program usage program tracking. You can switch it off in the program settings / Program 1. For now in developer builds only.
Code pages - added ISO 8859-2 autodetection.
PSPad remembers height of File explorer file list box.
PHP code explorer - added labels.
HTML highlighter - added highlight matching MAIN.
Hex Editor - Search/replace has been rewritten, fixed problem with 00 in search/replace.
PSPad checks new version on start. Parameters are available in the Program settings / Check update.
PSPad will activate Multiuser environment switch if detect user unpack it manually into Program files folder.
Translators can use for line break for resource strings (starting on rs_).
System dialogs was changed into PSPad 4 style.
C++ added new keywords from 9.9 and 11 version.
Cobol added 114 new keywords (GnuCobol, Open Cobol).
For translators: resource strings was modified. In some resource strings was %s used as line break. It was replaced to . Take translation included in builds, not your internal. Contact me if you need more info.
If no spell dictionary was choosen, PSPad will show you Spell settings dialog if you initiate Spell check.
External help for language in form of URL address accepts new %uword% and %lword% (current word changed to uppercase or lowercase).
New hierarchical Code explorer for TeX language family (LaTeX, ConTeX, ...).
HTML TiDy was updated to version 5.4.
Development environment Delphi was upgraded from Delphi 10 Seattle to Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
ASCII chart - Print function uses HTML page now.
File info dialog - grids column width is sized by window width. Dialog size is remembered during PSPad session.
Sort dialog - added revers string sort functinality.
Code explorer parse files in thread, it means faster program start.
TeX family - added multiline comment support C ... eC.
Compiler with catch output is run in separate thread on the background.
FTP client allows you upload general file with context menu or FTP toolbar button. Open dialog allows you select several files at once.
Batch CP conversion forma changes to be more intuitive.
Power Pro code parser - variables look.
Compilation with output catch is running on the background.
FTP client caches passwords if you don't specify it in FTP connection settings. It means PSPad will ask user for the password one time only during session.
TeX code explorer - added def and define.
File explorer - rename functionality in file context menu is back.
Code explorer remebers expanded/collapsed nodes for refresh.
Backup/Restore configuration changed from CAB to ZIP and added new files (Program settings / Backup).
TexInfo support in user highlighter.
Optional possibility run compiler on background (not as default). Has sense for the long compiler run.
Code explorer speed up.
Import from CSV - rewrited to standard CP support.
Find in Files - rewrited to standard CP support.
File type plugin can be batch file (*.BAT). You can use it to transfotrm parameters for any command line tool. More info in file .pluginsFileTypeReadme.txt.
Added support to gather text from PDF file using PDFToText ( when you open PDF in PSPad. This way uses BAT file type plugin.
Added support for users who fill FTP configuration file with external scripts. Now is possible to write FTP connection passwords in plain text form using variable PlainPassword=readable_password. PSPad will encrypt all passwords when you use FTP client and will remove PlainPasswords lines.
Highlight matching brackets in WordWrap mode is back. Please report any problem.
Take Command TC/TCC batch files user highlighter from user qwerky.
New scripting function tabColor(string) sets/returns file tab color. Parameter is in RGB format: "RRGGBB".
Status bar shows position in form?t: row:column(char position). The difference is with real tabs.
Hash generator was rewriten. It now supports MD5, SHA1, SHA2.
Python highlighter - added new keywords, correct words categorization.
Import FTP from FileZilla imports Base64 encoded passwords too.
Implemented new memory manager FastMM4.
Save color scheme function includes TextDiff colors and pair expressions color.
Find dialog - you can let PSPad place bookmarks to all search occurrences and go through using ALT+Up/Down.
Perl highlighter - partly implemented the 'q' function.
Oracle highlighter - partly implemented the 'q' function.
Open file from internet - works with HTTPS.
OpenSSL libraries was updated to 1.0.2n version.
Splitted PSPad 4 and 5 version. Both version can run together and both version uses different file to store file related information.
Code page change on open file will mark file as "modified".
HTML highlighter - added keyword "picture".
JSON compact - new function in menu format as oposite to JSON reformat function.
Unix Shell Script highlighter accepts TAB char in comments.
Exception during favorite links load on PSpad start.
SpellCheck caused exception.
Settings dialog and HighDPI.
Bookmarks and HighDPI.
JScript code explorer - var declared functions.
Compiler with catch output causes PSPad freeze on Windows 7.
Pascal Code explorer - fixes related to block comment and directives.
Clipboard monitor and shortcut problems (Del e.t.c.).
Hex editor - rewrited Search/Replace. Fixed problem with 00 in replace string.
SpellCheck caused exception if stay active end you close all files and open new.
MarkCurrentFileTab option (Special settings) works again.
Batch CP convert causes exception in case PSPad was stored in Program Files and started as portable - recent entries in dialog.
PSPad update check doesn't load settings into Program settings dialog.
Handled load damaged project file on PSPad start.
Key map direct edit form was empty for default Key map settings.
Serious fix of Code page autodetection. There is set minimal limit of significant chars to code page recognition.
OutOfMemory exception when "big file" is closed.
Few fix from received exception logs.
Handled "UpdateTabIcons" exception when more windows are closed.
Another problem causing File tab flashing was fixed.
Active File Tab highlight when custom tab colors was set.
Linux Shell Script - comment fix.
Switch to HEX mode from new file causes exception.
Fixed several untranslated strings.
wrong text file causes PSPad crash and some config content loss.
Help for language in the URL form doesn't send current word in %word% variable.
Special highlighter settings.
Show special chars + TabWidth=2 with small letters - part of letter behind tab was overwritten.
C++ Code explorer includes wrong code into functions list.
SQL code parser - comments are removed before parsing.
Problem of highlighter specification tab content loading (doc comments e.t.c.).
Submenu items size on high DPI.
Project info form - grid header.
Save project as was disabled if no editor window was open.
Log content wasn't loaded from the file after compilation.
TeX code parse - paragraph out of hierarchy.
PHP code explorer - wrong label detection.
Log extension was associated to TeX extension and causes exception when Code explorer was active.
SpellCheck - some buttons like Skip all wasn't functional.
Sort dialog - reverse string, sort by line length.
Closing splitted editor window caused exception in come cases.
Cobol Code explorer and COPY on the start of line in free form syntax.
Smart char completion - skipping of the closing char.
User highlighter with TextInfo comment style and char @.
Hex editor search.
Multiline File tabs with maximize and restore.
Paste as HTML.
Find in Files - fill selected text into search field.
C++ Code explorer and functions.
File tab icons after file close.
Vertical line on cursor position - wrong position on file with real tabs.
CP autodetection - CP1250 vs ISO-8859-2.
Add text to line function added additional line break.
Swap line bellow/above followed by UNDO/REDO with active auto indent options added spaces on the end of the line if second line contains spaces on the begin.
PSPad x64 Hexeditor - access violation in some cases.
Duplicate line function.
File tabs as buttons - when more rows was visible, the last line was partially hidden.
Ctrl+MouseWheel in editor window for quick font size change.
Editor ruler height for big font size.
TextDiff and compare with file on disk - encoding is taken from the open file.
Escape closes Code explorer in some cases when Escape exist option was off.
Sort function adds empty line.
Copy line (menu Edit / Lines manipulation) with spaces on the begin followed by UNDO and REDO added spaces on the end.
Contex code explorer causes program hang-up with some files.
HTML Multihighlighter - script tag wasn't recognized.
Program settings / Registered file types and User highlighter dialogs don't allow "+" char in file extension.
Wrong CP detection for empty unicode files with BOM only.
Paragraph reformat caused program freeze if the right edge was set to zero.
Windows Shell script - matching brackets.
Project tree - drag/drop functionality was broken.
Comment/Uncomment line(s) keeps cursor position, works for empty line too.
Menu Window / Tab color doesn't show current file tab color.
File in simplified Chinese with special chars - file content wasn't shown correctly.
Fixed problem with help calling.
Code explorer caused program freeze.
Fixed problem with Code page autodetection.
Batch CP conversion doesn't keep line ends from original file.
Batch CP conversion always inserts BOM for UTF-8 conversion.
Unix Shell Script - comment starts with #!.
Windows Shell script - added "net, use" keywords.
Windows Shell script - dash in variable.
Duplicate line when part of the line was selected.
Perl - matching bracket fix in case escaped bracked was in code.
Fixed toolbar problem when PSPad starts as maximized.
User convertors direction.
Ctrl+MouseWheel changes font size but scroll pages too.
Copy/Duplicate line - when selection ends on the start of next line.
JSON reformat - for very long one line file (over million of chars) few last chars stayed on the end of reformated file.
Menu font size with high DPI.

作者 Jan Fiala
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