
SnagIt 2018.2.0.1511

Tech Smith

全方位的畫面擷取軟體 Snagit ,凡視窗、滑鼠游標、區塊、捲動網頁,DOS畫面及文字全能一指搞定。它提供的編輯工具能在畫面上繪製指標、註記符號、對話框等元件。增加的邊緣效果及裁切畫面工具,也都是很實用的新功能。

  • Snagit 是一套全方位、專業的畫面擷取軟體,除了多樣化的擷取功能之外,還提供許多製作文件或簡報時所需的影像編輯工具。
  • 它能讓你隨心所欲地擷取螢幕上的任何元件,包括視窗、滑鼠游標、畫面區塊,甚至是捲動視窗或網頁。新版本在擷取畫面時,提供類似放大鏡的工具,使你在選定範圍時能更精準地定位。不僅如此,還可在畫面上描繪不規則區域,擷取特定形狀的畫面。
  • 特殊的文字擷取功能,能直接擷取網頁上的文字,儘管畫面中含有圖片或元素,它也能在保留格式的條件下把文字擷取出來,讓你能進一步修改或編輯。
  • Snagit Editor提供擷取畫面後的編輯功能,可在畫面上繪製指標、加上註記符號、對話框等元件。新的邊緣效果,能在畫面邊緣加入撕裂陰影或翻頁斜角等等。過長的畫面,也能在中間不重要的區段,以裁切畫面帶過。

檔案版本 SnagIt 2018.2.0.1511
檔案名稱 snagit
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP 64-bit / Vista 64-bit / Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64-bit
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 商業試用
更新日期 2018-06-19

Added French language.
Added cursor view to Eraser tool to show area that will be erased.
Added corner handle to round rectangle shape to allow for adjustable corners.
Resolved error when changing audio devices on Microsoft Windows 7.
Resolved crash when resetting default styles under the Urban Theme.
Resolved bug preventing users from selecting 'Choose a destination folder' in the Dropbox share dialog.
Resolved crash when creating a GIF on Microsoft Windows 10 (1803).
Resolved bug preventing Snagit from working properly on systems running Microsoft Windows 7N.
Resolved bug where disabling system audio also disabled microphone audio for video recording.
Resolved bug where users could not update the background color if a custom color was previously selected.
Resolved bug preventing GIFs from being saved with special characters in the file name.
Resolved French and German language characters from displaying correctly in Snagit banner messages.
Resolved bug that occurred when using scrolling capture on Google Chrome window with certain system DPI settings.
Resolved video capture fail with error 18.

作者 Tech Smith