
Tixati 2.58

Tixati Software Inc

Tixati 2.58


This release contains several very important updates:
Download piece handling, caching, and hashing completely re-engineered.
Long-running incomplete pieces are cached on-disk, giving drastic RAM reduction with many downloads.
All pieces are cached in separate files, within per-transfer folders.
Initial full loading from piece cache upon program start has been eliminated, greatly improving load times.
Final incomplete piece saving has been greatly simplified, which has improved final shutdown time.
Much more efficient scattered hashing of multi-source pieces, can now handle thousands of source peers per piece.
Piece repair algorithm thoroughly searches all multi-source permutations in the most efficient order.
Throttled, multi-threaded piece repair hashing for stability in torrents under heavy attack.
Peer piece assignment algorithm has been greatly improved and now prioritizes repair of long-running pieces.
Fixed rare crash originating in UPNP port-mapping client when receiving unexpected responses from router.
New diagnostic charts in help menu that show memory allocation rate and level.
All diagnostic charts now have full range of separate detail charts for all 15 sub-categories.
Added workarounds to deal with remote clients that continuously reply to block requests with lt_donthave messages.
Numerous fixes to tree/list view controls throughout the program, including faster text rendering.
Fixed display defects relating to progress-bar controls within tree/list view on some GTK themes.
Global disk operation queuing engine has had several improvements to it's task prioritization algorithms.
File/folder names are now correctly incremented when creating duplicate files.
Better support for control label pass-through when working with 3rd-party screen-readers.
Support for clickable fopnu: links in channels, share profiles, and private messages.
Magnet/dsc links with invalid characters in the title field are handled more gracefully.
Fixed display problems with font-fallback when rendering text via Windows Uniscribe (channels/share/messages).
Fixed font-fallback installed font enumeration problems, improved registry reader for better compatibility.
Text views now show correct disabled background color when embedded in a tab.
Lines in text views are now clipped to prevent aggressive unicode diacritic stacking from bleeding upward.
Fixed problems with numeric spin-box notification mechanism that would prevent update upon Settings window close.
Peer event logging has had many readability fixes.
More efficient directory change notification monitor used for optionally watching folders for .torrent files.
Several other minor GUI fixes.
Updated IP-Location tables.

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Tixati 2.57


Much faster peer quick-reconnect selection algorithm, for rapid recovery after stop-start cycle.
Faster connection recovery after long file-allocation.
Added proxy presets feature that allows quick switching.
Re-engineered background config-file saving, now has much smoother operation.
Several improvements to number/bytes formatting throughout program.
Completely revised UPNP client, now with much faster startup, and better compatibility.
WebUI now supports direct download of files in the Transfers > Files view by clicking file name.
Fixed crash in WebUI when using host names.
WebUI option in settings to map port via UPNP/NAT-PMP.
Fixed minor problems when creating WebUI template folder.
Improved WebUI templates, now with better chart sizing when javascript is not available.
Fixed problems with GTK tray balloon notifications causing DBus abort upon bad UTF8 titles.
Better first-run main window sizing.
Several improvements to the channel stream HTTP feed-client, including more aggressive recovery.
Improved support for ICY-metadata protocol in channel stream local playback HTTP server.
Updated IP location tables.
Several other minor GUI fixes and tweaks throughout the program.

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Tixati 2.56

版本下載:Tixati 2.56

Tixati 2.55

版本下載:Tixati 2.55

Tixati 2.53


* Several important fixes and improvements.

版本下載:Tixati 2.53

Tixati 2.51


- fixed multiple problems with tracker connection header formatting.
- sequencing of config file saving and overwriting is now handling orphaned temp files properly.
- fixed problems overwriting temp config files during load error recovery.
- download completion commands should now work correctly.
- minor issues with peer selection have been fixed.
- numerous other minor problems throughout the program due to an issue with a recent build-chain upgrade have been fixed.

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- fixed multiple problems with tracker connection header formatting.
- sequencing of config file saving and overwriting is now handling orphaned temp files properly.
- fixed problems overwriting temp config files during load error recovery.
- download completion commands should now work correctly.
- minor issues with peer selection have been fixed.
- numerous other minor problems throughout the program due to an issue with a recent build-chain upgrade have been fixed.


Tixati 2.49


- fixed problems with Linux kernel 4.8.10 and newer causing unexpected socket closure
- new setting for maximum simultaneous DHT searches
- default maximum simultaneous DHT searches raised to 20 (from 12)
- several minor compatibility updates and fixes to the internal URI parser
- added new scheduler action that exports configuration file backups
- added new scheduler action that randomizes incoming port
- several minor internal framework updates to leverage newest C++17 features
- added new GUI box classes to support better layout positioning methods
- minor updates to GUI buttons, checkboxes, and radio boxes in preparation for new platforms
- improvements to internal QoS prioritization for outgoing UDP message queues
- several optimizations in transfer piece handling and hash-checking routines to save CPU time
- redesign of DHT query processor soft-throttle system for much smoother engagement under high load
- updated IP-location tables

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Tixati 2.48


- fixed problems with Linux kernel 4.8.10 and newer causing unexpected socket closure
- new setting for maximum simultaneous DHT searches
- default maximum simultaneous DHT searches raised to 20 (from 12)
- several minor compatibility updates and fixes to the internal URI parser
- added new scheduler action that exports configuration file backups
- added new scheduler action that randomizes incoming port
- several minor internal framework updates to leverage newest C++17 features
- added new GUI box classes to support better layout positioning methods
- minor updates to GUI buttons, checkboxes, and radio boxes in preparation for new platforms
- improvements to internal QoS prioritization for outgoing UDP message queues
- several optimizations in transfer piece handling and hash-checking routines to save CPU time
- redesign of DHT query processor soft-throttle system for much smoother engagement under high load
- updated IP-location tables

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Tixati 2.47


- Fixes several minor issues with tooltip display in Windows build treeviews, listviews, and text controls.

版本下載:Tixati 2.47

Tixati 2.45


- faster and more memory-efficient config loading on startup.
- support for config files over 4GB.
- fixed problems with channel share recursive mirroring, added loop prevention.
- update channel share mirrors on channel startup.
- Linux/GTK build now supports drag-dropping .torrent files and text with magnet links from shell.
- several fixes in Windows drag-drop shell interface.
- outgoing stream window now supports drag-dropping media files on list.
- outgoing stream window can now load .pls and .m3u playlist files along with the usual .ts and .mp3 media files.
- outgoing stream window can now save .pls and .m3u files by right-clicking two or more selected entries.
- trackers now report all-time upload/download statistics (same as seen in transfer details tab) instead of re-zeroing on every run.
- font size is now adjustable directly from the tray menu under the Layout submenu.
- on Windows systems, if directory watch notification fails on a network drive, polling method will automatically be tried.
- fixed problems with file replacement confirmation dialogs.
- fixed several problems with moving newly-created seeds while initial hash-checking was still underway.
- several URL decoding fixes when parsing file:// links from the Linux shell (command line, drag-drop, IPC, etc.).
- fixed crash in bandwidth quota actions when a referenced bandwidth preset no longer exists.
- fixed rare crash caused by loading very old configuration files that contain files with a null path.
- additional per-file validity-checks when creating new torrents from local files.
- updated transfer-initiation routines to prevent needless file allocation under certain error conditions.
- better handling of broken symbolic links in Linux file systems.
- transfer preload window "Apply to All" option will not override category-capture paths for subsequent transfers.
- moving a newly-created seed to another device during initial checking will no longer clear the bitfield.
- out of memory termination is handled more gracefully, leaves a log file on desktop.
- improvements to channel search algorithms.
- core UDP/TCP socket wrappers have improved closedown/lingering semantics.
- stream playback pacing algorithms completely re-engineered and re-written, resulting in much smoother playback.
- option to launch streams directly with ffplay is now off by default (vlc is still on by default).
- added charts in stream properties window to show validation rate and playback rate.
- new PNG rendering engine (for icons and graphics) that is much faster and less error-prone.
- fixed several problems with various tree sorting modes in main transfer view layout menu.
- better text positioning inside progress bars.
- the color of checkboxes in treeviews can now be altered in Settings > User Interface > Custom Colors.
- help-handling (F1 key) context subsystem has been replaced.
- resource storage tokenization/compression improvements.
- major updates to GUI settings and color storage (this will allow future addition of columns without disturbing custom order).
- added several advanced positioning directives to GUI layout engine.
- implemented notifications for online contacts.
- implemented notifications for private messages from contacts.
- several minor fixes in the DHT.
- minor fixes in the GUI for channels classic layout.
- updated IP-location tables.
- fixed temporary allocation errors when a transfer file is forced through download - delete - download cycle.
- minor fixes to tray icon / menu and balloon notification system.
- seeding auto-stop on ratio/seeds now waits for file-touching upon transfer startup.
- move-on-complete paths are now properly cleared after completion, instead of falling back to default.
- several other internal upgrades to our GUI layout engine and framework have been made.
- fixed errors when creating directories upon transfer move-on-complete and simultaneous incomplete-rename.

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Tixati 2.43


- new Share sub-menu for transfer categories allows easy mirroring in Channels.
- upgraded DHT core, now with 50% more simultaneous searches, increased startup speed.
- much faster SHA1 hashing routines, providing faster file checking, lower CPU while downloading, and faster peak throughput.
- option in Settings > Transfers > Files for alternate polling method of watching folders for .torrent files, works with NFS/Samba drives.
- delete key while hovering on a recently-used location in a Transfer context menu will remove it.
- several optimizations to piece verification logic, resulting in lower CPU usage while downloading and higher speeds.
- optional Auto-Shutdown persistence after restart.
- optimizations in program startup routines for faster GUI loading.
- eliminated directory-creation errors when using Move on Complete with incomplete file naming in transfers with deep folders.
- fixed problems applying custom tracker headers parsed from URLs or from individual tracker options.
- option in Settings > Transfers > Files to allow file deletion of locally-created transfers.
- notification sound for channel activity can now be rate-limited in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications.
- several optimizations to the WebUI server to make it operate more efficiently with large numbers of transfers in list.
- fixed problems with copying text from chat windows.
- minor GUI fixes in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications window.
- corrected minor number formatting problems when using non-default Output Formatting settings.
- optimized main Settings window to load faster on systems with many thousands of fonts installed.
- fixed minor startup sorting and updating problems in main transfer list.
- problems in the transfer preload window with editable full-path locations have been fixed.
- minor fixes in channel synchronization routines to avoid excessive notifications for offline users.
- default refresh interval for mirrored transfers in Share window is now 15 minutes instead of previous 30.
- updated IP-location tables.
- numerous other minor fixes throughout the program.

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Tixati 2.42


- eliminated occasional channel member permission rapid-toggling during download of cached messages.
- applied optimizations to channel configuration loading routines to prevent slowdowns when loading channels with many members.
- minor adjustments to peer message timing routines for transfers.
- fine-tuning of channel shared data syncronization algorithms and protocol to improve efficiency.
- a few other minor fixes to improve compatibility with systems that have file-scanning utilities such as auto-backup or AV.

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Tixati 2.41


- new Notification settings window accessible via Settings > User Interface > Behavior
- new channel shared data fast syncronization protocol that synchronizes all member shared links within minutes
- numerous optimizations in the handling of shared data in channels, especially for large collections
- auto-segmenting of channel info and member shared data, so minor changes or additions do not invalidate all data
- fixed problems with manual editing of channel shared data on Windows systems
- file/folder moves and renames will be retried after temporary errors such as file-access locking by other processes
- rigid sequencing of per-file move on complete, whole-transfer move on complete, file shell commands, and transfer shell commands
- final rename of incomplete-named files is better-incorporated into move on complete logic
- final rename of incomplete-named files will be retried after temporary errors, unless manually cancelled
- file open-linger times extended slightly when less than 20 handles are open (better compatibility with some AV scanners)
- fixed transfer startup grey-file problem when not using "error on missing files" setting
- checking now excludes freshly-allocated files or freshly-extended sections
- minor fix in piece prioritization to avoid selection of allocating yet existing pieces under rare conditions (eg. extending files)
- differentiated handling between Linux EACCESS error (hard-stop) and Windows (temporary error/soft-stop)
- additional checking and delays for seed ratio stop and seed count stop features, to prevent stopping in middle of move on complete
- minor fixes to file/xfer status while waiting to move
- a file complete, delete, reallocate cycle will now use incomplete naming correctly
- inner file-only move can be cancelled from transfer main menu
- better handling of inter-device moves when interrupted by a file rename
- fixed crash when loading corrupted configuration .dat files
- a few minor fixes in configuration .dat saving routines
- a multi-file transfer that has only a single file selected will now correctly open the file by right-click or double-click main transfer
- double-click on transfer now initially defaults to Open File/Folder instead of Start/Stop
- other minor GUI fixes have been made in several areas of the program
- updated IP-location tables

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Tixati 2.38


* fixed crashing problems caused by invalid initial configuration and/or missing incoming files path
* fixed rare crashes when changing location in preload window and transfer has invalid path setting
* minor fixes in initial configuration dialog relating to incoming path selection
* a few other very minor GUI adjustments
* updated IP-Location tables

版本下載:Tixati 2.38