
如何用keep造句 ,用keep造句,keep in a sentence和keep的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 英語翻譯 日語翻譯 法語翻譯 韓語翻譯 俄語翻譯 ...

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  • 句型: keep+V-ing " 意思是指「持續進行某事」, 例句~~ I couldn't keep all children from yelling. 我無...
    用 keep...going 造句 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 如何用keep造句 ,用keep造句,keep in a sentence和keep的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 英語翻譯 日語翻譯 法語翻譯 韓語翻譯 俄語翻譯 ...
    用"keep"造句 - "查查"在線詞典 - 綫上翻譯 ...
  • 最佳解答: In order to keep the children from playing the fire, we put the matches away.為了防止小孩玩...
    keep ... from ...的造句問題 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 如何用keep from造句,用keep from造句 ,keep from in a sentence和keep from的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 英語翻譯 ...
    用"keep from"造句 - "查查"在線詞典 ...
  • with your Google Account Email or phone Forgot email? Type the text you hear or see Next M...
    Google Keep
  • 說明》 eye 在這裡是名詞「注視」的意思,必須用單數; keep an eye on 為「注意;留心」之意,亦可說成 keep an eye open/out for。 示範句》...
    【有趣的英文成語】keep an eye on 注意
  • Keep is the generic term, and is often used where retain or preserve would too much restri...
    keep的意義,意思,發音,例句 - 英英翻譯 - 新浪字典
  • 「做自己、保持真實的樣子」- Keep It Real 2014-03-13 5454 But this talented guy kept it real this whole ...
    Keep It Real的意思 - 希平方 -《看YouTube學英文》
  • keep on,造句.....We will keep on trying and, if we get anything done, will notify you. 百度首页 ...
    keep on,造句............ - 百度知道 - 全球最大中文互动问答平 ...
  • keep track of 簡明英漢詞典 明了 TOP keep off the grass keep on keep on at keep on good terms with ...
    keep track of的意義,意思,發音,例句 - 英漢翻譯 - 新浪字典