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免費: softperfect ram disk 3.4.7 windows 10 下載軟體在 UpdateStar: - A free RAM disk application that lets you have a disk on your computer entirely stored in its memory. As the memory is much faster than physical hard disks, storing temporary data on a fast in

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DiskDigger是一款檔案恢復工具,可從任何媒介中恢複被誤刪除的各式檔案,例如:文檔、圖檔、影音檔;可掃瞄包含已損壞的扇區及已格式化的硬碟,以利徹底追蹤檔案救回的可能性。 可從硬碟、記憶卡、USB隨身碟……等儲存媒介中救回被誤刪除的檔案。 ...

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  • A full-featured traffic management tool for Windows that offers cost-effective bandwidth c...
    SoftPerfect : software for networks, enterprises and ...
  • RAM Disk for Windows SoftPerfect RAM Disk is a high-performance RAM disk application that ...
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  • 免費: softperfect ram disk 3.4.7 windows 10 下載軟體在 UpdateStar: - A free RAM disk application ...
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  • Free download SoftPerfect RAM Disk for Windows 10. high-performance RAM disk software lets...
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