Maxthon Cloud Browser RC
Maxthon是一個已IE為核心的瀏覽器,其功能支援滑鼠手勢、智慧型填表、Feed訂閱、能針對不同網站自動切換代理伺服器。 以IE為核心技術的多分頁網路瀏覽器。 滑鼠手勢功能,按...
AdBlock 2.49
Adblock Plus是一款功能強大的廣告攔截軟體。它除了提供可以依您的設定要求消除各種的網路廣告外,還能自動添加別人設定好的過濾規則,其強大的攔截功能是常常瀏覽網路的人不二選擇。 可以自動阻擋廣告彈跳出來。 ...
Combofix is designed to scan a computer for known malware, spyware and automatically remove any types of malware that it locates. The app will also allow you to manually remove spyware infections as w...
Actual Transparent Window 8.7
Actual Transparent Window is a desktop enhancement tool, which renders open windows transparent either with the help of a dedicated button on the title-bar or by using a keyboard shortcut. You can...
Soft4Boost Photo Studio
Soft4Boost Photo Studio allows you to edit, fix, crop and rotate your photos. You can use various editing tools to fix photos, adjust color balance, brightness and contrast,apply pre-made effects an...
PowerArchiver 16.00.61
此軟體可新增、開啟、解壓縮、加密、刪除、搜尋、加入檔案,並且還有燒錄、備份和FTP上傳檔案功能。圖示清晰明瞭,非常容易使用。最新版本中支援Windows Vista和7,並且新增只有管理員才可解壓縮檔案的功能。在Windows XP、Vista和7的系統下,使用者可以解壓縮所有壓縮檔。擁有普通版和進階版的功能。 經典版:新增、...
ConvertXToDVD 為免費軟體,功能為轉檔以及燒錄影音檔案,操作介面簡易,為方便的數位媒體軟體工具,使用者將檔案轉換完成後,軟體會自動進行燒錄至DVD上。幾乎支援所有的視訊格式,例如最常見的divx、xvid、rmvb等等類型。除此之外可自動或手動插入章節。 ConvertXToDVD使用多國語言的介面且簡單易懂,所佔...
Konvertor 5.04.2
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shall...
WPS Office
WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition is the most versatile free office suite, which includes free word processor, spreadsheet program and presentation maker. With these three programs you will easily be a...