Comodo Cloud Antivirus 1.1.387596.183
Comodo Cloud Antivirus provides top quality, robust protection from malware, virus infection and suspicious hidden files. Because it is cloud-based, it provides reliable protection that can scan you...

PrivaZer 3.0.3
PrivaZer is a free cleanup utility that helps you master your security over your PC. The app has been designed to permanently and irretrievably erase unwanted traces of your past activity on your comp...

Wise Disk Cleaner 9.24.643
Wise Disk Cleaner helps you claw back misused space on your hard drive by easily removing all sorts of redundant junk files, quickly. Wise Disk Cleaner has support for lots of different file fo...

iPhone Backup Extractor
iPhone Backup Extractor is a simple app that extracts files from an iTunes or iCloud backup for iOS devices, whether that is an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.vIt is useful for restoring downloaded apps ...

SopCast 4.1.0
SopCast用戶端,也叫做SopPlayer,是一個完全免費的P2P軟體,可以用萊觀賞線上的電視頻道與電影。 可以在多種作業系統上執行,如:Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 甚至包含 Linux。 ...

ConvertXToDVD 為免費軟體,功能為轉檔以及燒錄影音檔案,操作介面簡易,為方便的數位媒體軟體工具,使用者將檔案轉換完成後,軟體會自動進行燒錄至DVD上。幾乎支援所有的視訊格式,例如最常見的divx、xvid、rmvb等等類型。除此之外可自動或手動插入章節。 ConvertXToDVD使用多國語言的介面且簡單易懂,所佔...

Stellar OST to PST Converter 5.0
Stellar OST to PST Converter is an easy to use app that can easily convert your offline storage (.OST) file to equivalent personal storage (.PST) file. Upon running the app, you are given two o...

Viber for Windows 6.0.5
許多通訊軟體竄起,像LINE、WeChat 微信、M+ Message...等,而『Viber』則是主打免費語音通話的通訊軟體。最新版本加強文字訊息的部份,在訊息中加入了貼圖與表情圖案,也支援傳送當前定位給其他人,並新增最多支援40人的聊天群組,重點完全免費也沒有擾人的廣告。 Viber主打的功能是語音,就算使用3G網路進行通...

ConstEdit 2.5.0006
ConstEdit is a HTML5 editor that provides users with the possibility to create and edit web pages from an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Unlike cloud apps and online html editors, it does not requi...

UltraVPN 是一個跨平台的客戶端,若您的工作環境有限制您網路的連接,它可以幫助您突破封鎖進入網站,也會在您連接網路時為您做加密處理,或在必要為您斷開vpn伺服器。 您可以在工作地點連接到已被封鎖的網站 ...