Beyond Compare 歷史版本資訊

Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare 4.2.9 for PC Windows

Scooter Software Inc

Beyond Compare 4.0.0 Beta 17628


# All platforms
* File formats with external conversions now store any external applications in the settings folder instead of the install directory.
* Added Replace support to Find panel in Hex Compare.
* Copying a local directory structure into an archive no longer saves the archive multiple times as the folder structure is built.
* Folder Compare's "Find Filename" is now an embedded panel instead of a modalless window.
* Folder Merge now performs content comparisons by default.
* Improved help with changes for v4.
* Hex Compare now uses "Fit to Window" by default.
* Improved Home View's display of remote profile paths.
* Improved "Browse Using Profile" dialog behavior for remote connections.
* Fixed Patch Viewer's "Apply Patch" command.
* Fixed Folder Compare "Synchronize" commands so they don't build top-level folders when "Just selection" is checked.
* Fixed FTP MLSD listings corrupting filenames with extended characters.
* Fixed importing xml files with non-standard names.
* Fixed "Open With" menu so it shows keyboard shortcuts.
* Fixed support for XCRC on's FTP server.
* Fixed changing FTP default profile settings so they update the global state.
* Fixed support for remembering passwords for encrypted archives.
* Fixed crash when moving profiles into subfolders.
* Fixed Home View's Add/Move/Rename when the session list is filtered.
* Fixed file viewer "Session Settings" dialog's behavior when the left and right file formats are different.
* Updated various URLs so they're BC4 specific.
* Improved performance when one side of a text comparison was significantly larger than the other.
* Fixed folder sync session so running it doesn't make it become modified.
* Fixed "Open With"'s %f variable when using it from the editor on the right.
* Fixed buttons appearing on the folder compare toolbar after changing display filters.
* Fixed Text Compare's "Next Difference" handling of lines where one side has text and the other does not
* Fixed Data Compare's calculation of cell differences for right orphans.
* Other minor fixes.
# Windows
* Added support for creating and editing .7z files.
* Added read-only support for all of the archive formats that 7-zip's DLL provides.
* Added support for password protected .7z files and split ones.
* Updated 7-zip DLL to 9.22.
* Fixed loading large directories when comparing from a Windows client against an OS X 10.9 Mavericks server.
* Added Folder Merge commands to Explorer context menu.
* Added focus rectangle to various viewers when they're empty to improve accessability.
* Improved scaling on high DPI displays.
* All included EXEs and DLLs are now digitally signed, have DEP and ASLR protection enabled, and have version resources.
* Fixed support for .psd files.
* Fixed displaying checkboxes when using "Windows Classic" theme.
* Fixed registry compare's parsing of .reg files with "" characters for line continuations.
* Fixed installer not including patch.exe.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.0 Beta 17628

Beyond Compare 4.0.0 Beta


- Fixed importing BC3 sessions in subfolders.
- Fixed browse button so explicitly using "Browse File System..." or "Browse Using Profile..." is remembered.
- Fixed error when trying to uninstall.
- Fixed support for recursive FTP listings on vsFTPd servers.
- Fixed some toolbar and editor buttons not showing when they're clicked or checked.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.0 Beta

Beyond Compare 3.3.8


# Data Compare
- Updated parsing when pasting to work the same as an initial load for the purposes of delimiter type, quotes, leading/trailing whitespace, and consecutive delimiters.
- Fixed Find when the only matches are in hidden columns.
- Fixed tolerance support for localized decimal character.
# File Formats
- Fixed "Registry Dumps" file format so comments only begin at the start of a line.
# File Views
- Fixed gutter width when adding lines adds a digit to the line numbers.
- Fixed splitter moving after saving changes to an originally empty side.
# Folder Compare
- Double clicking in the space across from an orphan file now opens a file comparison view.
- Fixed background coloring so "Same" color is only used for "Same" items.
- Fixed "Flatten Folders" mode when sorting by path so it doesn't reset to sorting by name after certain actions (e.g., Exclude).
- Fixed support for "Name Filter Preset" with name containing parentheses.
# Folder Sync
- Fixed Legend dialog.
- Fixed resizing the window very small and then larger to preserve the toolbar and panel layout.
- Added support for binary and rules-based content comparisons on FTP servers that don't report file sizes.
# Hex Compare
- DEL character is now shown in the ASCII panel as '.'
# Linux
- Fixed "General" options page enabling of "Show keyboard shortcut in hints".
# Misc
- Fixed displaying workspace names containing '&' characters.
- Fixed support for keyboard shortcuts using the semicolon.
- Fixed color combobox not invalidating when switching from an element set to "Default" to one set to "Black".
# Options
- Added registry value to disable check for updates for all users (Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareScooter SoftwareBeyond Compare and create a DWORD value named DisableCheckForUpdates with a value of 1).
- Fixed "Folder Display" options page's "Factory Defaults" button to reset the Selection coloring's "Use System" option.
- Fixed clearing "Shared sessions file" to update session treeviews.
# Picture Compare
- Fixed "Only Difference Layout" handling of "AutoZoom".
# Registry Compare
- Fixed support for modifying or deleting registry values with names containing "/" characters.
# Reports
- Fixed HTML report handling of leading and trailing whitespace.
- Fixed HTML report handling of two space characters that straddle a <span> tag.
- Fixed tab expansion in Text Compare reports.
- Fixed Folder Compare reports to not include FTP passwords and to use /title# command line arguments.
- Fixed HTML report handling of soft hyphens.
- Fixed filename collisions when saving multiple Picture Compare HTML reports to the same folder.
# Sessions
- Fixed manually selected file formats not to appear in the Session dialog's File Format comboboxes twice.
# Text Edit
- Fixed using "Open Clipboard" in a view followed by "Open with Text Edit" using current clipboard instead of the pasted view's data.
# Text Compare
- Fixed displaying replacements with leading '_' characters in the Session Settings dialog.
- Fixed updating the splitter position after saving pasted text.
- Fixed "Next Difference" behavior when there are unimportant alignment gaps.
- Fixed crash on startup.
# Text Merge
- Fixed changing file format settings to prompt before regenerating the merge output.
- Fixed center pane not detecting some grammar elements.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.8

Beyond Compare 3.3.7


# Notable Changes
* Linux: Added support for XDG Base Directory Specification, v0.7: Settings are now stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bcompare or ~/.config/bcompare.~/.beyondcompare is still used if it already exists.
* Data Compare
- Fixed "Treat surrounding whitespace as part of delimiter" checking for non-delimiting space or tab characters.
- Fixed "Details resize columns to fit" option preventing columns from being hidden in details.
* File Formats
- Added *.dot, *.dotx, and *.dotm to the "MS Word Documents" format.
* File Views
- Fixed selection drawing in the center spacer when the right side is selected.
* Folder Compare
- Added support for showing progress on the Windows Vista/7 taskbar button.
* Folder Sync
- Added Windows Vista/7 taskbar progress reporting.
* Linux
- Added support for XDG Base Directory Specification, v0.7: Settings are now stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bcompare or ~/.config/bcompare. ~/.beyond compare is still used if it already exists.
- Fixed crash when dragging non-existant network paths onto a comparison window.
- Fixed crash when pressing [Enter] on the Home view when there aren't any auto-saved sessions.
- Removed numbers outputting to stdout on startup.
- Fixed error handling so a message is shown if startup is terminated during initialization.
* Misc
- Fixed 64-bit Explorer extension crash when launched from Altrap Salamander.
- Possible fix for excessive caching in the "Check for Updates" dialog.
* Options
- Improved message when Explorer extension is disabled for portable installs.
* Scripting
- Added support for explicitly loading a session at the base level by prefixing its name with ".".
- Fixed crash when using STATS-DESCRIPTIVE option for FILE-REPORT.
* Text Views
- Updated PDF text extraction (PdfToText 3.02 -> 3.03).

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.7

Beyond Compare 3.3.5


* Archives
- Fixed crash when loading archives containing file paths of just '' or '/'.
* Data Compare
- Fixed lines between grid rows being overdrawn by text rect.
* File Formats
- Fixed "Perl Scripts" handling of escape before apostrophe or quote in default text
* File Views
- Fixed codepage auto-detection defaulting to UTF-8 instead of ANSI if a better match isn't available.
* Folder Compare
- Added support for setting timestamps of symbolic links/reparse points.
- Fixed crash when using "Up One Level on Both Sides" and the current base folders are filtered out in the parent comparison.
- Fixed using "Move to Other Side" to overwrite a file in a subfolder when flattened.
- Fixed "Move to Folder" moving excluded items within selected folders.
- Fixed parsing Charon VAX 5.4.2 FTP listings.
- Fixed crash when adding '//' to the end of an FTP path in a file view.
* Hex Compare
- Fixed setting "Bytes per line" to 1.
- Fixed crash on systems using a Far East system locale. Removed buggy support for showing double byte character sets in the ANSI column.
* Linux
- Fixed crash when closing or switching away from a Text Merge when the merge output is in a separate window.
* Misc
- Fixed activating a tab from a minimized window on Vista/Windows 7.
- Fixed toolbar dropdown button width on Windows 8.
* Picture Compare
- Fixed support for DIB, MSK, and RLE bitmap file alphablending.
* Registry Compare
- Fixed key coloring after swapping sides.
* Reports
- Fixed applying changes to display filter mode in setup dialog.
* Source Control
- Comparisons launched from PVCS no longer disable editing of files with titles in order to improve compatibility with later PVCS releases.
* Text Views
- Fixed delimited grammar item handling of escape character across multiple lines.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.5

Beyond Compare 3.3.4


* Notable Changes
- Fixed context menus on newer versions of Konqueror, Thunar, and Nautilus.
- FILE-REPORT (and TEXT-REPORT, etc.) commands will now accept a saved file compare session name instead of a pair of files. E.g., "file-report layout:side-by-side output-to:printer MySession".
* Archives
- Fixed extracting files where a single deflate block contains more than 1MB of data.
- Fixed zips showing non-existent files if a zip contained another zip and the outer one had additional data after the archive comment.
- Attempting to extract a file from a zip using an unsupported compression algorithm now shows that as an error.
- Split up zip error messages for "Error during extraction" and "Unsupported compression algorithm".
* Data Compare
- Fixed "Extract HTML table(s)" handling of UTF-16 files.
* File Formats
- OpenOffice default character encoding is now UTF-8.
- Fixed "COBOL Source" format to include "Identifier" definition.
- "Picture Files" format added CUT, GED, MSK, PFR, and TUB to mask, removed PAL.
* File Views
- Fixed saving files with paths between 247-259 characters long.
- Fixed foreground selection coloring when using white on blue system colors.
- Added key accelerators to "Save changes" dialog.
* Folder Compare
- Long file operations will now keep Windows from going to sleep due to inactivity.
- Using "Compare to" to open a file view and then using "Next/Previous Difference Files" now closes the file view.
- Fixed support for FTP listings with filenames containing Chinese month/year characters.
- Fixed parsing Comau C5G FTP listings.
* Home View
- When editing a session, dropped files/folders are ignored unless they're on a path edit.
- Expand All and Collapse All commands now affect the shared and auto-saved sessions nodes.
- Fixed behavior when using "Collapse All" hides the currently selected session.
* Linux
- Fixed context menus on newer versions of Konqueror, Thunar, and Nautilus.
- Fixed Folder Compare crash when performing rules-based comparisons.
- Fixed clicking the "Next Difference Files" link on the message panel when using "Next Difference" at the end of a comparison.
- Fixed various comboboxes incorrectly allowing editing.
* Misc
- Fixed menu checkboxes not showing on Vista and Windows 7 when using the Classic Theme.
- Dropping files/folders onto a path edit no longer changes the edit if the drop results in a new view.
- Added "RE Examples" buttons to Grammar Item dialog.
- Improved Open/Save dialog handling of file type options.
* Options
- "Customize Commands" dialog's "Default" command now checks to see if shortcut is already in use.
* Picture Compare
- "Difference Offset", "Flip", and "Rotate" are now persistent session settings.
- Fixed handling of DIB, MSK, and RLE bitmap files.
* Registry Compare
- Fixed loading .reg files with a '' before hex data.
- Fixed loading .reg files with a ']' in a key name.
* Scripting
- FILE-REPORT (and TEXT-REPORT, etc.) commands will now accept a saved file compare session name instead of a pair of files. E.g., "file-report layout:side-by-side output-to:printer MySession".
- LOG command will now create the target folder if it doesn't exist.
- Fixed support for STRIKEOUT-RIGHT-ORPHANS in TEXT-REPORT command.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.4

Beyond Compare 3.3.3


* Data Compare
- Fixed handling of files with fixed width columns but no line endings.
* File Views
- Control characters (0x00-0x19) are now colored based on their difference state and resize to match a smaller font size.
- Fixed support for SFTP connections to ProFTPD/mod_sftp.
* Linux
- Fixed "Help->Support" export crash.
* Registry Compare
- Fixed loading files that have names starting with "HKEY_".
* Reports
- Fixed Data Compare report crash when generating side-by-side or interleaved layouts.
* Text Views
- Fixed "Compare Selection to Clipboard" losing content when an external conversion fails.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.3

Beyond Compare 3.3.2


* Archives
- Fixed support for extended characters in filenames within zip archives (broken in 3.3.0).
* Folder Compare
- Fixed issues with junction points/symbolic links when loading two overlapping comparisons.
* Hex Compare
- Fixed Find crash when searching for an odd number of hex characters.
* Linux
- Fixed support for comparing GIF images in the Picture Compare.
* Misc
- Fixed crash when scaled thumbnail is too small to show anything.
* Registry Compare
- Fixed parsing multi-line strings in .reg files.
- Fixed support for parsing .reg files with line endings in key/value names.
* Reports
- Fixed generating a report from a script with no files selected so it still includes a report header.
- Fixed mixed file report header (for example, when first selected files are pictures).
- Fixed crash when changing text "Patch" report styles after previewing one.
* Text Views
- Fixed "Find" and "Replace All" not matching the word the cursor is in if "Wrap Search" is checked.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.2

Beyond Compare 3.3.1


* Notable Changes
- Added full context menu extensions on Linux for Konqueror (KDE), Nautilus (Gnome), and Thunar (Xfce), with configurable visibility and submenus.
- Added support for passing '-' on the command line to load a file from stdin, and added support for FIFOs on Linux.
- Copying to/from FTP/SFTP servers now copies the Unix mode (rwx).
- Character encoding errors during saving now prompt to use a different code page instead of refusing to save.
- Removed prompt to edit read-only files in file views.
- Fixed FTP timezone autodetection.
* Archives
- Fixed zips not showing files that have paths beginning with /.
- Fixed extracting files from some .7z archives.
- Improved memory usage and speed when reading/writing large snapshots.
* Command Line
- Added support for passing '-' on the command line to load a file from stdin.
* Data Compare
- Added "Select All" button to "Find" dialog.
- "Go To" dialog supports column selection in the row details.
- Removed "characters per line limit" file format setting.
- Improved error handling when line is too long (over 65536 characters), particularly for multi-line cells.
- Fixed editing key column settings when the default column handling is unimportant.
- Fixed crash when loading files with extremely long lines.
- Fixed foreground coloring for non-text columns with differences.
- Fixed hang using Find dialog's "Select All" and "Wrap Search" options.
- Fixed Find "Select All" selecting the current line when it doesn't match the search.
- Fixed detection of whether to save before using new file format.
* File Formats
- Improved "Bash Scripts" handling of escaped quotes and apostrophes.
- Fixed "DisplayAlerts" error using MS Office conversion file formats with Office 2000.
- Fixed "PDF Documents" to use unicode handling.
- Fixed "MS Excel Workbooks" to use unicode handling.
- Improved "SQL" file format string definitions.
* File Views
- Added default shortcuts: "Recompare"=[Ctrl+F5], "Copy File to Right and Open Next Difference"=[Ctrl+Alt+R], "Copy File to Left and Open Next Difference"=[Ctrl+Alt+L]
- Using "Swap Sides" command now preserves the scrollbar position when the cursor is offscreen.
- "Compare Files Using" now maintains parent session link.
- Fixed thumbnail flashing when a comparison is loading.
- Fixed crash when painting the thumbnail.
- Fixed crash after minimizing a Find dialog and switching tabs.
- Fixed using "Save As" after an external conversion so the default filename matches the input with a '.txt' extension.
- Fixed focus changing from the right to left side when opening a new file.
* Folder Compare
- Added default shortcuts: "Align With"=[F6], "New Folder"=[Ins], "Refresh Selection"=[Shift+F5], "Mirror Right"=[Shift+Ctrl+R], "Mirror Left"=[Shift+Ctrl+L]
- Improved Samba auto-detection.
- Improved error handling of network errors when loading folder listings.
- Fixed symlinks to drive roots being incorrectly detected as recursive.
- Fixed renaming a symbolic link with "Follow Symlinks" active showing both the original and renamed entries until a refresh.
- Fixed recursive symlinks not getting logged as errors when trying to expand them.
- Fixed "Find" "Select All" button so it will select the current line if it matches.
- Fixed file counts so they use thousands separators.
- Fixed File Filter combobox showing the wrong context menu.
- Fixed invalidation when changing filters that only affect one side of a comparison.
- Disabled using large buffers to retrieve folder listings on remote servers to help with buggy NAS devices.
- Fixed crash when using "Copy file to left and open next difference" in file compare.
* Folder Sync
- Auto-generated session names now include the sync preset name and directional arrows.
- Uploading to FTP/SFTP servers now copies Unix mode (rwx) if possible.
- Added support for symbolic links in Pure-FTPD's MLSD listing.
- Fixed timezone autodetection, and fixed logging positive local biases as off by 1 minute.
- Fixed "Generate SSH Key Pair" dialog's "Generate" and "Cancel" buttons to respond to [Enter] and [Esc].
- Fixed FTP connections not respecting the <default> settings for "Limit ports used for active transfers (PORT)".
- Fixed crash if a server returns an invalid date in an MDTM request.
- Fixed crash when an FTP Profile's "Encoding" setting is set to either "Unicode" or "Unicode (Big Endian)".
- Fixed prompting to connect when an FTPS SSL certificate's common name doesn't match the host name.
- Fixed connecting to CrushFTP SSH servers.
- Fixed freeze when reloading a Text Compare after saving changes and copying them in the Folder Compare.
* Hex Compare
- Fixed Hex find.
- Text display now uses the system encoding instead of Windows-1252.
* Linux
- Added full context menu extensions for Konqueror (KDE), Nautilus (Gnome), and Thunar (Xfce). They support all of the options the Windows release has.
- Added support for comparing FIFOs from the command line.
- .bcss files are now associated with Beyond Compare.
- Downloading from FTP/SFTP to a local filesystem now copies Unix mode (rwx) if possible.
- Improved crash handler dialog.
- Fixed errors installing .deb on Ubuntu 11.04.
- Fixed text merge crash when painting center editor.
- Fixed reports printing without line numbers, titles, or footers.
- Fixed load error when comparing RPMs.
- Fixed deleting a symbolic link to the recycle bin.
- Fixed launching default browser when not running KDE or Gnome.
- Fixed support for [Ctrl+A] to select all in edits.
- Fixed treeviews not responding to [*] as "Expand All Subfolders".
- Fixed focus issues with radio button groups.
- Fixed Text "Go To" dialog's default focus.
- Fixed current folder for external conversion file formats.
- Fixed Hex Compare's background coloring of differences.
- Fixed crash when middle-clicking on a tab to close it.
- Fixed lintian error in .deb installer on Ubuntu 11.04 and later.
* Misc
- Added [Ctrl+Q] as the default shortcut for "Session->Exit".
- XML encoding detection now defaults to UTF-8 instead of ANSI.
- Forms now check if active control handles key accelerator, in particular browse edits.
- Labels showing partial filenames now include the full path as a hint.
- Fixed SpinEdit focus handling, in particular in response to associated key accelerator
- Fixed session tab's "Tear Off" command to affect the right-clicked tab instead of the active one.
- Fixed drag and drop reordering in various lists (File Formats, Grammars, etc) so items can't be dropped onto unrelated windows.
- Fixed converting dates to text on systems with non-ASCII characters (ex. clipboard title on Greek systems).
- Fixed error message for failed Unicode conversions.
- Fixed context menu in Text Compare's "View -> Web Pages" display and in "Check for Updates" dialog.
- Fixed crash when closing BC while the help window is open on a 32-bit Vista/Win7 system with IE9 installed.
- Fixed help window hanging if Beyond Compare's foreground thread is busy.
- Fixed updating menus with toolbar visibility when closing undocked toolbars.
- Fixed control positions when running on Far East systems with scaled fonts.
- Fixed displaying localized dates in various places. (affects Delphi "Select Revisions" dialog, "Startup" options page, Data Compare cells, MP3 Compare tags, FTP "View Certificate" dialog)
* MP3 Compare
- Added "Play Both" to "Session" menu.
- Fixed crash when comparing MP3 tags with line endings.
* Options
- Added explanation that Explorer integration requires non-portable install.
- Added "milliseconds before incremental search resets" tweak.
- "Open With" options page now confirms clearing list.
- Tweaked layout for various pages.
- Fixed changing "Detect partial file locks on" tweak to enable "Apply" button.
* Picture Compare
- Fixed copying to clipboard.
* Registry Compare
- Added "Open in Text Edit" for files.
- Added "Up One Level" spec bar buttons.
- Fixed reading .reg files with comments after the first line.
* Reports
- Text "XML Dump" now includes display filter, show context, ignore unimportant, and just selection states.
- Folder and Picture Compare report headers now include whether unimportant differences are ignored.
- Removed unnecessary "Just Selection" option from MP3, Registry, and Version Compare reports.
- Removed unnecessary "Mode" option from "File Summary" reports.
- Fixed truncation if a Folder Compare report contains characters that don't exist in the system's ANSI code page.
- Fixed Text "Stats" report not to count empty on both sides as added line.
- Fixed report generation when using print preview with different report styles without closing the report dialog.
- Report layouts that don't use colors no longer offer HTML difference highlighting.
- Data Compare report no longer tries to right justify floating point data.
- Fixed crash generating a Picture Compare report of an empty comparison.
- Fixed shortcuts displayed in hints in the Print Preview dialog.
* Scripting
- Added "CRITERIA FOLLOW-SYMLINKS" option to enable the "Follow Symbolic Links" session setting.
- Added "FILTER INCLUDE-PROTECTED" option to disable the "Exclude protected operating system files" filter, and "FILTER EXCLUDE-PROTECTED" to re-enable it.
* Sessions
- Added "Locked" to "Session" menu.
- Fixed extracting session name/path on CJK systems.
* Source Control
- Comparisons launched from PVCS no longer treat the original file as read-only.
- Fixed PVCS integration when launched from Visual Studio.
* Text Views
- Character encoding errors during saving now prompt to use a different code page, rather than refusing to save.
- Added default shortcuts: "Next Replacement"=[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+N], "Previous Replacement"=[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P]
- Improved "Grammar Item" dialog's "Delimited" handling when "to" must be single character (not RegEx, Escape defined).
- Improved "Next/Previous Difference" handling and improved performance.
- Fixed line endings being inserted when copying wrapped lines.
- Fixed "View->Webpages" so it doesn't trigger the file format "Trim trailing whitespace" or "Convert leading spaces to tabs" on save behavior.
- Fixed Find matching the last match repeatedly when wrap is disabled.
- Fixed character alignment gap handling when ignoring unimportant differences (affects "Next/Previous Difference").
- Fixed "Find Next/Previous" so it doesn't support editing in line mode.
- Fixed crash when deleting text with gaps.
- Fixed crash when changing horizontal scroll position.
- Fixed Replace All with "Wrap search" behavior.
- Fixed crash when using "Replace All" with "Show Differences" comparing identical files.
- Fixed crash using "Previous Difference" when first segment is character alignment gap.
* Text Compare
- Removed prompt to edit read-only files.
- Declining to edit a binary files when prompted will prompt again at the next attempt instead of disabling editing.
* Text Merge
- Added "Take Left Then Right" and "Take Right Then Left" to center panel's context menu and fixed position of "Copy".
- Fixed crash when using certain commands with a detached output window.
- Fixed "Open With" and "Open with Text Edit" in output pane.
* Version Compare
- Improved error handling of malformed version information.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.1

Beyond Compare 3.3.0 Beta


* Notable Changes
- Added full context menu extensions on Linux for Konqueror (KDE), Nautilus (Gnome), and Thunar (Xfce), with configurable visibility and submenus.
- Added support for passing '-' on the command line to load a file from stdin, and added support for FIFOs on Linux.
- Copying to/from FTP/SFTP servers now copies the Unix mode (rwx).
- Removed prompt to edit read-only files.
- Fixed FTP timezone autodetection.
* Archives
- Fixed zips not showing files that have paths beginning with /.
- Fixed extracting files from some .7z archives.
- Improved memory usage and speed when reading/writing large snapshots.
* Command Line
- Added support for passing '-' on the command line to load a file from stdin.
* Data Compare
- Added "Select All" button to "Find" dialog.
- "Go To" dialog supports column selection in the row details.
- Fixed editing key column settings when the default column handling is unimportant.
- Fixed crash when loading files with extremely long lines.
* File Formats
- Improved "Bash Scripts" handling of escaped quotes and apostrophes.
- Fixed "DisplayAlerts" error using MS Office conversion file formats with Office 2000.
- Fixed "PDF Documents" to use unicode handling.
- Fixed "MS Excel Workbooks" to use unicode handling.
* File Views
- Added default shortcuts: "Recompare"=[Ctrl+F5], "Copy File to Right and Open Next Difference"=[Ctrl+Alt+R], "Copy File to Left and Open Next Difference"=[Ctrl+Alt+L]
- Using "Swap Sides" command now preserves the scrollbar position when the cursor is offscreen.
- "Compare Files Using" now maintains parent session link.
- Fixed thumbnail flashing when a comparison is loading.
- Fixed crash when painting the thumbnail.
* Folder Compare
- Added default shortcuts: "Align With"=[F6], "New Folder"=[Ins], "Refresh Selection"=[Shift+F5], "Mirror Right"=[Shift+Ctrl+R], "Mirror Left"= [Shift+Ctrl+L]
- Improved Samba auto-detection.
- Improved error handling of network errors when loading folder listings.
- Fixed symlinks to drive roots being incorrectly detected as recursive.
- Fixed renaming a symbolic link with "Follow Symlinks" active showing both the original and renamed entries until a refresh.
- Fixed recursive symlinks not getting logged as errors when trying to expand them.
- Fixed "Find" "Select All" button so it will select the current line if it matches.
- Fixed file counts so they use thousands separators.
- Fixed File Filter combobox showing the wrong context menu.
- Fixed invalidation when changing filters that only affect one side of a comparison.
- Disabled using large buffers to retrieve folder listings on remote servers to help with buggy NAS devices.
* Folder Sync
- Auto-generated session names now include the sync preset name and directional arrows.
- Uploading to FTP/SFTP servers now copies Unix mode (rwx) if possible.
- Added support for symbolic links in Pure-FTPD's MLSD listing.
- Fixed timezone autodetection, and fixed logging positive local biases as off by 1 minute.
- Fixed "Generate SSH Key Pair" dialog's "Generate" and "Cancel" buttons to respond to [Enter] and [Esc].
- Fixed FTP connections not respecting the <default> settings for "Limit ports used for active transfers (PORT)".
- Fixed crash if a server returns an invalid date in an MDTM request.
- Fixed crash when an FTP Profile's "Encoding" setting is set to either "Unicode" or "Unicode (Big Endian)".
- Fixed prompting to connect when an FTPS SSL certificate's common name doesn't match the host name.
- Fixed connecting to CrushFTP SSH servers.
- Fixed freeze when reloading a Text Compare after saving changes and copying them in the Folder Compare.
* Hex Compare
- Fixed Hex find.
- Text display now uses the system encoding instead of Windows-1252.
* Linux
- Added full context menu extensions for Konqueror (KDE), Nautilus (Gnome), and Thunar (Xfce). They support all of the options the Windows release has.
- Added support for comparing FIFOs from the command line.
- .bcss files are now associated with Beyond Compare. (Mantis 3542)
- Downloading from FTP/SFTP to a local filesystem now copies Unix mode (rwx) if possible.
- Improved crash handler dialog.
- Fixed errors installing .deb on Ubuntu 11.04.
- Fixed text merge crash when painting center editor.
- Fixed reports printing without line numbers, titles, or footers.
- Fixed load error when comparing RPMs.
- Fixed deleting a symbolic link to the recycle bin.
- Fixed launching default browser when not running KDE or Gnome.
- Fixed support for [Ctrl+A] to select all in edits.
- Fixed treeviews not responding to [*] as "Expand All Subfolders".
- Fixed focus issues with radio button groups.
- Fixed Text "Go To" dialog's default focus.
- Fixed current folder for external conversion file formats.
- Fixed Hex Compare's background coloring of differences.
* Misc
- Added [Ctrl+Q] as the default shortcut for "Session->Exit".
- XML encoding detection now defaults to UTF-8 instead of ANSI.
- Forms now check if active control handles key accelerator, in particular browse edits.
- Labels showing partial filenames now include the full path as a hint.
- Fixed SpinEdit focus handling, in particular in response to associated key accelerator
- Fixed session tab's "Tear Off" command to affect the right-clicked tab instead of the active one.
- Fixed drag and drop reordering in various lists (File Formats, Grammars, etc) so items can't be dropped onto unrelated windows.
- Fixed converting dates to text on systems with non-ASCII characters (ex. clipboard title on Greek systems).
- Fixed error message for failed Unicode conversions.
- Fixed context menu in Text Compare's "View -> Web Pages" display and in "Check for Updates" dialog.
* MP3 Compare
- Added "Play Both" to "Session" menu.
* Options
- Added explanation that Explorer integration requires non-portable install.
- Added "milliseconds before incremental search resets" tweak.
- "Open With" options page now confirms clearing list.
- Tweaked layout for various pages.
- Fixed changing "Detect partial file locks on" tweak to enable "Apply" button.
* Registry Compare
- Added "Open in Text Edit" for files.
- Added "Up One Level" spec bar buttons.
* Reports
- Text "XML Dump" now includes display filter, show context, ignore unimportant, and just selection states.
- Folder and Picture Compare report headers now include whether unimportant differences are ignored.
- Removed unnecessary "Just Selection" option from MP3, Registry, and Version Compare reports.
- Removed unnecessary "Mode" option from "File Summary" reports.
- Fixed truncation if a Folder Compare report contains characters that don't exist in the system's ANSI code page.
- Fixed Text "Stats" report not to count empty on both sides as added line.
- Fixed report generation when using print preview with different report styles without closing the report dialog.
- Report layouts that don't use colors no longer offer HTML difference highlighting.
- Data Compare report no longer tries to right justify floating point data.
- Fixed crash generating a Picture Compare report of an empty comparison.
* Scripting
- Added "CRITERIA FOLLOW-SYMLINKS" option to enable the "Follow Symbolic Links" session setting.
- Added "FILTER INCLUDE-PROTECTED" option to disable the "Exclude protected operating system files" filter, and "FILTER EXCLUDE-PROTECTED" to re-enable it.
* Sessions
- Added "Locked" to "Session" menu.
- Fixed extracting session name/path on CJK systems.
* Source Control
- Comparisons launched from PVCS no longer treat the original file as read-only.
* Text Views
- Existence of line endings is now always considered a difference.
- Added default shortcuts: "Next Replacement"=[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+N], "Previous Replacement"=[Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P]
- Improved "Grammar Item" dialog's "Delimited" handling when "to" must be single character (not RegEx, Escape defined).
- Improved "Next/Previous Difference" handling and improved performance.
- Fixed line endings being inserted when copying wrapped lines.
- Fixed "View->Webpages" so it doesn't trigger the file format "Trim trailing whitespace" or "Convert leading spaces to tabs" on save behavior.
- Fixed Find matching the last match repeatedly when wrap is disabled.
- Fixed character alignment gap handling when ignoring unimportant differences (affects "Next/Previous Difference").
- Fixed "Find Next/Previous" so it doesn't support editing in line mode.
- Fixed crash when deleting text with gaps.
- Fixed crash when changing horizontal scroll position.
* Text Compare
- Removed prompt to edit read-only files.
- Declining to edit a binary files when prompted will prompt again at the next attempt instead of disabling editing.
* Text Merge
- Added "Take Left Then Right" and "Take Right Then Left" to center panel's context menu and fixed position of "Copy".
- Fixed crash when using certain commands with a detached output window.
- Fixed "Open With" and "Open with Text Edit" in output pane.
* Version Compare
- Improved error handling of malformed version information.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.3.0 Beta

Beyond Compare 3.2.4


# Data Compare
- "Select All" and "Insert" are now available in line details but affect main display.
- Fixed copying to the clipboard including gaps as blank lines.
- "Paste" is now available even if no rows are visible.
- "Edit" is no longer enabled if no rows are visible.

# File Formats
- File Formats not supported by platform are now automatically deleted to prevent invalid imports.
- Added limited support for embedded equations in .docx files.
- Fixed extremely slow loads and dropped characters when converting .doc files to text (broken in 3.2).
- Fixed "MS Excel Workbooks" data format error when using older MS Office releases.

# Folder Compare
- Fixed crash if Explorer menu is opened with no files selected.
- Fixed treeview drawing past the last item to use the background color setting.
- Fixed file operation "Hidden Items" dialog so it shows filtered/empty folders.

# Folder Sync
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" option on Windows.
- Fixed display of sync presets when loading sessions created in 3.1 and earlier.
- Fixed crashes when using "Swap Sides" with orphans.

- Added timezone auto-detection for FTP servers that don't support "SITE ZONE".
- Fixed truncated transfers from vsFTPd servers using SSL.
- Fixed hang if the cache folder is deleted while BC is running.

# Home View
- Fixed pressing [Enter] in multi-line edits opening the session instead of inserting a line.
- Fixed dropping files onto the folder compare/sync buttons.

# Linux
- Reworked auto-update code to use pkexec/gksudo/kdesu/etc instead of an xterm prompt. Fixes auto-updating on Ubuntu.
- Fixed error installing gpg-key when upgrading on RPM-based distros.
- Fixed installing on OpenSUSE not registering Scooter Software's repository.

# Misc
- Fixed "Open With" handling of %f2 parameter.
- View tab can now be dropped beyond right-most one.
- "Copy/Move to Other Side" now shows shortcut of represented command unless it has its own.
- Made expired trial grace period more obnoxious.

# Options
- List views now scroll the current item into view when appropriate.

# Picture Compare
- Fixed crash when dragging to change offsets.
- Fixed corrupt display of JPEG files.

# Registry Compare
- Errors parsing .reg files will now show the content loaded before the error.
- Fixed loading .reg files that include key names containing the "]"character.
- "Open Registry" dialog now shows all local keys if remote name is really local and selects the "Local" radio button if a local key is picked.

# Reports
- Default text color is now black on white instead of following Windows theme.
- Fixed text patch reports showing positive UTC offsets as +-0100 instead of +0100.

# Scripting
- Fixed trying to load an unsupported session type from a script so it gives the correct error message (broken in 3.2.0).

# Sessions
- Fixed "Session Save As" shortcuts for deleting and adding to treeview.

# Source Control
- Fixed crash when using ClearCase source control integration.

# Text Views
- Added support for editing and selection in "Aligned Details".
- "Aligned Details" now uses difference coloring for gaps.

# Version Compare
- Fixed handling of malformed version information.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.2.4

Beyond Compare 3.2.3


# Notable Changes
- Fixed "Update Left" and "Update Right" Folder Sync sessions from 3.1 and earlier incorrectly copying orphans to the source side. Broken in 3.2.0.

# Archives
- Fixed crash when copying .tar contents with implicitly stored folders.
- Timestamps in .tar archives equal to the Unix epoch are now shown as the archive's date instead of 1969 to match other archive types.

# Data Compare
- Fixed "Go to next difference after copying to other side" when copy removes all visible items.

# File Views
- Fixed remote drives reporting "Content Unavailable" if the first attempt to access the drive failed.
- Fixed crash when rapidly repeating "Recompare Files".

# Folder Compare
- Fixed crash when closing after selecting "Align With...".

# Folder Sync
- Fixed "Update Left" and "Update Right" sessions from 3.1 and earlier incorrectly copying orphans to the source side.

- Fixed reading Unix owner and group names from SFTP v3 servers using non-UTF-8 encodings.

# Misc
- Comboboxes with long MRU lists now show scrollbars if the list would exceed the monitor or be longer than 30 items.

# Text Compare
- Fixed "Go to next difference after copying to other side" when copy removes all visible items.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.2.3

Beyond Compare 3.2.2


# Notable Changes
- Added Registry Compare view.
- Added Text Edit view which includes "Find in Files" command.
- File Compare Report can now mix reports from different views(text/hex/data/picture/etc).
- Added "Text content" to Folder Compare's "Other Filters".
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" folder compare option which controls whether symbolic links are shown as files or the link target.
- Added support for comparing, copying, and deleting symbolic links and NTFS junction points.
- Added support for bzip2 and bzipped tar archives.
- Added read/write support for Debian .deb packages (Linux only).
- Added read-only support for Total Commander packer (wcx) plugins.
- Added layout, rotate, and flip commands to Picture Compare, along with various other enhancements.
- Added "Exclude protected operating system files" option that excludes system and hidden files, folders, and junction points (Windows only). Enabled by default.
- Added support for SSH2 authentication using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's pageant.
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" Text Merge command.
- Added "View->Detached Output Pane" Text Merge command to show output pane in separate window.

# Archives
- Added support for bzip2 and bzipped tar archives.
- Added read-only support for Total Commander packer (wcx) plugins.
- Added read/write support for Debian .deb packages (Linux only).
- Added support for reading/writing symlinks in zip and tar archives.
- Added option to follow symbolic links when saving snapshots, along with "follow-symlinks" option for SNAPSHOT script command.
- Snapshots now save whether an item is a symbolic link or not (to show arrow overlay), and what the target path is.
- Saving a snapshot now stops when it detects a recursive symlink.
- Fixed crash saving a snapshot containing a filename longer than 255 bytes.
- Fixed snapshot CRCs changing to "<invalid>" after loading a new comparison.
- Fixed .tar file size changing to an incorrect value if the archive included a folder named './'.
- Fixed crash when saving a large snapshot on Win9x or when Logitech SetPoint is installed.
- Fixed .tar archives showing Unix mode without 'l' for symlinks or 'd' for folders.
- Fixed .tar support for archives larger than 2GB.

# Command Line
- Added switch for single pane editor (/edit).
- Scripts, /qc, /automerge will now keep running if loading toolbar/folder/misc icons fails.

# Data Compare
- "MS Excel Workbooks" format no longer processes macros, if they exist.
- "BOM" is now shown in the "File Info" panel if a byte order mark is detected.
- Improved intraline comparisons of non-string data.
- Fixed intermittent crash when cancelling an unsorted alignment.
- Fixed editing a cell so it doesn't affect the raw text of other cells.
- Fixed hang trying to load certain binary files.
- Fixed editing multiline cells introducing additional rows.
- Fixed crash loading a file with no detectable delimiters.
- Fixed changing default column handling to recompare if necessary.
- Fixed crash when pasting columns in session settings dialog.
- Fixed trimming whitespace so it no longer removes other control characters.
- Fixed handling of cells that only contain whitespace.

# File Formats
- Added comment definition to "Registry Dumps" file format.
- Added apostrophe delimited "string" to "HTML" file format.
- Fixed RTF-to-Text conversion for hyphen characters and keywords with mixed case.
- Fixed external conversion error message including wrong exit code.
- Fixed XML Tidy external conversions of filenames containing a '=' or ';'character.

# File Views
- Added "Open with Text Edit" command.
- "Compare Parent Folders" now selects files from file compare (if aligned).
- "Editing disabled" now shown for read-only resources (ex. CHM files).
- "Next/Previous Difference Files" now traverses files in "Compare Contents" results dialog if opened from it.
- "File Info" panels now highlight differences in file format, character encoding, line ending style, etc.
- Added support for horizontal scrolling to MP3 and Version comparisons.
- Improved font dropdown captions.
- Orphan and empty file comparisons no longer show comparison result in status bar.
- Re-added "Load time" to status bar display.
- Fixed support for editing files via NTFS symbolic links (Vista & Windows 7).
- Fixed detecting external file changes if file's size changes but its last modified time doesn't.
- Fixed external change detection so it doesn't flag transitioning from a partial date-only timestamp to a full one.
- Fixed toggling "Single vertical scrollbar" tweak.
- Fixed intraline difference display when mismatched characters are bold.
- Fixed "Compare Files Using" after using "Open Clipboard".
- Fixed crash after saving a file.
- Removed "File->New File" command from all views except "Text Edit"
- Changed various commands to disable instead of hide when they're not available.
- Fixed "Copy File to Left/Right" confirmation to be shown again after clearing parent session.
- Fixed "Compare to Clipboard" support for external conversions for the "selection" side.
- Fixed unimportance handling of embedded line endings in data, MP3,registry, and version compares.
- Fixed color of visible line endings in data, MP3, registry, and version compares.
- Fixed "Open With" %l value when positioned on a gap.

# Folder Compare
- Added "Text Content" file filter.
- "File Compare Report" now determines which kind of session to use for each file.
- Added "Exclude protected operating system files" option that excludes system and hidden files, folders, and junction points. Enabled by default.
- Added support for comparing, copying, and deleting NTFS junction points and symbolic links. Copying symbolic links requires administrator privileges.
- Added "Follow symbolic links" option to Folder Compare "Handling" tab for Windows.
- Added "Find Filename" dialog with advanced search options. Incremental search no longer opens separate dialog.
- Added "Add To Presets" button to "Name Filters" session settings tab.
- Archives (.zip, .tar, etc) can now be opened using the "Open With -> Hex Compare" menu item.
- Added support for ';' characters in filename masks. They will be escaped as [;] automatically in the filters edit string.
- "Sync" commands now default to "Just Selection".
- "Up One Level -> Both Sides" now selects previous base folders.
- "Copy to Left/Right" now respects /nobackups switch.
- "Compare Contents" results dialog now differentiates between CRC and binary comparisons.
- Log now shows when running file operations have been cancelled.
- Added "Browse for Folder" commands to "Session" menu.
- Improved "Alignment Override" dialog's regular expression support.
- "Quick Compare" now supports comparing archives.
- Tweaked "Touch" calendar layout.
- "Folder Compare Info" dialog can now display "Unscanned folders".
- "Folder Compare Info" now lists unopened archives if treating as a file.
- "Filters" combobox now has separator line between presets and MRU list.
- "Comparison Results" dialog now shows results in the same order as the comparison.
- Minor speed improvements.
- Fixed crashes when Logitech SetPoint is loaded.
- Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog so it only allows CRC comparisons if one of the base folders is snapshot.
- Fixed caption showing progress percentage after cancelling file operation.
- Fixed sort changing unexpectedly when sorting by the path column and opening a file view in a new window.
- Fixed file handle leak when using a background content comparison.
- Fixed crash when deleting files that are waiting for a background content comparison.
- Fixed "Exclude files smaller than filter" so it doesn't match files with unknown sizes.
- Fixed using "Ignore Folder Structure" and "Archive handle -> As folders always" together so it no longer includes both the zip files and their content.
- Fixed crash if a folder was deleted/renamed while it or one of its subfolders was being built.
- Fixed flicker on Windows 7.
- Fixed folder sizes incorrectly including sizes of symlinked folders.
- Fixed "Exclude" path handling when ignoring folder structure.
- Fixed "Text content" filter Unicode support.
- "Open With->Text Edit" is now customizable.
- Fixed crash after performing file operations.
- Fixed rename to show a filename if all of the selected files are the same if the last rename used regular expressions.
- Fixed crash when double clicking in "Compare Contents" results dialog to open a file comparison.
- Fixed file operation confirmation dialogs resizing if closed while building folders.
- Fixed crash when rapidly using file view's "Next Difference Files" (Ctrl+M) command.
- Fixed "Browse for Folder" initial folder when the edited path contains environmental variables (e.g,. %Temp%).

# Folder Sync
- Added ability to override sync actions on a per-item basis.
- Added "Next/Previous Conflict" commands, replacing "Next/Previous Difference".
- "Expand subfolders when loading session" is now enabled by default.
- Fixed "Nothing to Sync" appearing after sync has completed.
- Tweaked "Session Settings" dialog layout and options:
- Moved "Sync empty folders" and "Use recycle bin if possible" from "Sync" tab to "Handling" tab.
- Removed "Only expand subfolders with differences" option.
- Condensed "Archive handling" radio group to a "Synchronize within archives" checkbox.

- Added support for SSH2 authentication using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's pageant.
- Added support for copying symlinks over FTP and SFTP. Supported by OpenSSH, proftpd, ncftpd, hpss, ioftpd.
- Improved "Fast" symlink detection so symlinks pointing to files in the same parent folder will be updated based on the available folder information.
- Symlinks detected incorrectly using "Fast" symlink detection will now switch to the opposite type if retrieving the file or loading the folder listing fails.
- Improved "Open File on FTP Site" and "Save File on FTP Site As" dialogs.
- Changing username in response to an invalid login attempt now updates the session path.
- Added "*.sh" to the default ASCII transfer list.
- Added support for Treck Embedded FTP Server's directory listings.
- Fixed cancel and error handling when browsing for a folder.
- Fixed support for XCRC on servers that fail for 0-byte files.
- Fixed ProFTPD/Pure-Ftpd detection to use MFMT instead of SITE UTIME if it's supported.
- Fixed support for NET+OS folder listings with odd permissions.
- Fixed crash trying to a save text file with no line endings.
- Fixed setting last modified times on ProFTPD/Pure-FTPd servers that aren't using UTF-8 for filenames.
- Fixed changing "Force faster uploads on older OpenSSH servers" to enable the profile "Save" button.

# Hex Compare
- Tweaked "Go To" dialog size.

# Home View
- Pressing [Enter] when multiple sessions are selected now opens all of them.

# Linux
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" folder compare option which controls whether symbolic links are shown as files or the link target.
- "Check For Updates" can now install update automatically.
- Environmental variable expansion now looks for $ENV instead of %ENV%.
- Running Beyond Compare for the first time now copies /etc/skel/.beyondcompare to ~/.beyondcompare if it exists.
- Added checkboxes for disabling file formats in "File Formats" dialog and folder compare session settings.
- BC3Key.txt will now be installed if it's in the same folder as the RPM or DEB package.
- Added support for storing Unix mode in zip files.
- Improved text editor responsiveness and reduced excess flicker.
- Removed STABS debug information (reduces executable size by ~12MB).
- Fixed hang when saving.
- Fixed hang when saving.
- Fixed loading paths with a filename containing two leading periods.
- Fixed determination of whether session is auto-saved.
- Fixed "Permission denied" errors incorrectly showing "Invalid parameter" error message when loading folders.
- Fixed non-resizable dialogs opening at the wrong size.
- Fixed Home View so it fits with default settings on a 1024x768 screen.
- Fixed Text Edit instability.
- Fixed detecting BC3Key.txt when installing .deb using 'sudo dpkg -i ...'.
- Fixed "Open With->Associated Application" failing for paths containing spaces.
- Fixed hang when trying to expand a path containing a '$' followed by a non-alphanumeric character.
- Fixed deleted symlinks not being removed from the comparison if "Follow Symbolic Links" was enabled.
- Fixed adding files to zip archives to set the VersionMadeBy field correctly.
- Fixed hint window not passing clicks to the parent window if a modal dialog is open.
- Fixed crash when trying to change FTP server timezone.
- Fixed dialog context-sensitive help when using the window manager's [?] button.
- Fixed rearranging session tabs using drag & drop.
- Fixed text editor acting like a mouse button was held down after prompting to reload due to external changes.
- Fixed data compare multi-line cell scrollbars.
- Fixed dialogs appearing on the wrong monitor on multi-monitor systems.
- Fixed symlinks with relative paths incorrectly being flagged as read-only.
- Fixed installer support for copying BC3Key.txt.

# Misc
- Added "Edit Text File" to "Tools" menu.
- Added "Compare to Registry" and "Edit with Beyond Compare" commands to shell extension.
- Added incremental search to numerous treeviews and lists (type characters to position).
- Added "Help->Context Sensitive Help" command.
- "ExePath", "Version", "SupportsMerge", and "Expired" flags are now written to both the "Beyond Compare 3" and "Beyond Compare" registry keys. "ExePath" and "Version" are written to both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
- Improved behavior when using "backup 'abc.txt' to folder" if target path is empty.
- Improved confirmation dialog when using "Session->Exit" and "Session->Load Workspace" commands.
- Improved behavior of Windows 7 taskbar live previews.
- Improved "Save Snapshot" user interface and added FTP support.
- Rearranged "Tools" menu.
- Added and tweaked icons for various commands.
- Double clicking in a path edit now selects between path delimiters instead of between spaces.
- Added support for assigning keyboard shortcuts to saved Workspaces.
- Standard edition no longer includes non-functional text replacement and version control commands.
- Session "Info" dialogs are now resizable.
- Clicking on the "Expand" button in a treeview no longer tries to preserve the current offset.
- Double clicking now only affects treeviews if the mouse is over the selected node.
- Fixed various tree views so clicking on expand/collapse button no longer changes current item.
- Fixed crash when window focus changes while closing.
- Fixed crash on startup if BC3Key.txt isn't readable.
- Fixed crash on startup if deleting a previous instance's temp files failed.
- Fixed crashes when starting a second instance while the first is shutting down.
- Fixed crash when trying to overwrite a read-only settings file.
- Fixed button hints in translated releases.
- Fixed calendar day abbreviations in translated releases.
- Fixed clicking past the last item in a listview so it no longer clears the selection.
- Fixed appearance of owner-draw read-only comboboxes on Vista & Windows 7.
- Fixed error handling to return better error messages.
- Fixed crash when exporting settings when shared sessions are loaded.
- Fixed detection of when to automatically hide toolbars.
- Fixed displaying popup hints containing a #0 character.
- Fixed crash on startup when using a revoked license key.

# MP3 Compare
- Added incremental search.

# Options
- Added "Add Plug-in..." button to "Archive Associations" to install Total Commander packer plugins.
- Added "Use New Compare Colors" folder view tweak (Ctrl+Shift+T) to give preview of proposed BC4 folder coloring.
- "Archive Associations" list is now sorted.
- Import and Export dialogs are now resizable.
- Improved editing Folder Compare "Name filter presets".
- Exporting settings now forces an archive association (.bcpkg/.zip) when saving.
- Fixed support for shell extension's "Command line switches" tweak.
- Fixed Export/Import to require at least some settings to be acted on.
- Fixed Import population of confirmation list.
- Fixed Export/Import File Format helpers unicode handling.
- Fixed "File Compare Colors" handling of "Background Contrast" slider so background coloring can be disabled.
- Fixed "Import Settings..." crash when trying to import an invalid zip.
- Fixed session dropdown so it stays on screen.

# Picture Compare
- Added "Blend Mode" that blends images at customizable percentage.
- Added "Rotate Clockwise", "Rotate Counterclockwise", "Flip Horizontally",and "Flip Vertically" commands.
- Added "Difference Side-by-side", "Difference Over-under", "Difference Underneath", "Only Difference", "Side-by-side", and "Over-under" layouts, replacing "Hide Difference Panel" command.
- Added "Show transparency as checkerboarding" option.
- Moved the offset display from the status bar to the "View" toolbar.
- Added the position and color of the pixel under the mouse cursor to the status bars for each pane.
- Right image position now matches what's shown in the difference image.
- Zoom using mouse wheel now scrolls to keep same area of picture under cursor.
- Changed icons for comparison modes.
- "File Info" panel no longer lists file format.
- Improved error handling when running out of memory.
- Removed ".cut" (Dr. Halo) file type from default file format.
- Fixed stretched image to show in new dimensions even if original had transparency.
- Fixed difference offset calculation when mouse is dragged in center image
- Fixed crash when loading a valid PNG image.
- Fixed hang loading corrupt TGA images.

# Reports
- Added Hex Compare "Interleaved" layout.
- Data Compare "Summary" report now supports word wrap in printed output.
- Folder Compare "Summary" report can now display "Unscanned Folders".
- Fixed HTML report word wrapping.
- Fixed Hex Compare "Side-by-side" report's handling of non-printable characters and ANSI text.
- Fixed handling of same items when using non-default "same color" options.
- Fixed handling of font bold/italic.
- Fixed file report handling of huge amounts of files

# Scripting
- Added script SNAPSHOT "follow-symlinks" option. **Default is off, which does not match earlier BC behavior.
- FILE-REPORT command now determines which kind of session to use for each file.
- Added MP3-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added PICTURE-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added REG-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added "n of nn" counts to file operation progress in scripting dialog.
- "LOG NONE <filename>" is now considered a syntax error.
- "LOG NONE" will no longer try to create a log file.
- Fixed crash when using "SELECT EMPTY.FOLDERS" script command.
- Fixed support for scripts encoded as UTF-16.
- Scripts no longer give an error if you try to load a folder compare session with the same name as a non-folder compare session.
- Improved error handling of scripts with malformed characters.
- Fixed 3.2.0 crash when using file-report with no files selected.
- Fixed FILE-REPORT failing when more than 65,000 files are selected.

# Text Edit
- Fixed "Find in Files" results splitter being lost when switching between tabs.
- Fixed "File in Files" Unicode support.
- Using "Find in Files" a second time now cancels previous search instead of waiting for it to complete.
- Closing "Find in Files" results panel now cancels the search.

# Text Views
- Improved display of control characters.
- Improved "Line Weight" dialog's regular expression support.
- "BOM" is now shown in the "File Info" panels if a byte order mark is detected.
- Fixed restoring position when reloading when the cursor is on empty end of file line.
- Fixed support for editing files that don't have any line ending characters.
- Fixed "Copy Line to Other Side" to follow "Go to next difference after copying to other side" option.
- Fixed scrollbars not updating when necessary.
- Fixed crash when closing view with a malformed HTML file open in the webview.
- Fixed "Replace All" with wrapping modifying the wrong characters.
- Fixed "Aligned Details" mode to only use double-wide character handling if necessary.
- Fixed data loss when changing "Characters per line" file format setting after making edits.
- Fixed character alignment when replacements are found.
- Find Dialog's "Select All" button is now enabled when specific side chosen(left, right, output).
- Improved Find handling of multi-byte UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed "Find Previous" when nothing is selected and the match can be the current or previous character (ex "." regex).
- Removed unnecessary editor invalidation/flicker when moving the cursor.
- Fixed find handling of multi-byte characters.

# Text Compare
- Added "Aligned Details" option that shows character alignment in the line details area with fixed-width font and gaps.
- Added support for Unicode characters in Microsoft Word files.
- Editing binary/read-only files now prompts for permission.
- "Replacements" command is now enabled even if the current text is matching or an orphan.
- Fixed crash when editing affects whether or not file has mixed line endings.
- Fixed crash when auto-indenting on a blank line.
- Fixed crash when using replacements.
- Fixed crash when using "Go to next difference after copying to other side" changes the line ending style.

# Text Merge
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" command.
- Added "View->Detached Output Pane" command to show output pane in separate window.
- Lines that only exist in the ancestor no longer show as gaps if the center pane is hidden.
- Improved difference coloring in ancestor (center) when there are conflicting changes.

# Version Compare
- Added support for comparing all strings in "Variable Info" section instead of just a known list.
- Added ability to get as much version information as possible when reading malformed files.
- Added incremental search.
- Improved error message when no version info available.
- File size is no longer compared explicitly.
- "File Size" is now shown as different if files are not binary same.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.2.2

Beyond Compare 3.2.1 Beta


* Notable Changes
- Added Registry Compare view.
- Added support for comparing, copying, and deleting NTFS junction points and symbolic links.

* Archives
- Added support for reading/writing symlinks in zip and tar archives.
- Added support for importing Total Commander "Packer" plug-ins from Options dialog.
- Moved Total Commander "Packer" plug-ins from install folder to "Packers" subfolder.
- Crashes in Total Commander plugins no longer trigger the exception handler dialog.
- Fixed support for Total Commander plugins that don't support background threads.
- Fixed .tar archives showing Unix mode without 'l' for symlinks or 'd' for folders.
- Fixed .tar support for archives larger than 2GB.
- Fixed snapshot CRCs changing to "<invalid>" after loading a new comparison.

* Command Line
- Using /edit with multiple filenames now opens each in a new view.
- Scripts, /qc, /automerge will now keep running if loading toolbar/folder/misc icons fails.

* Data Compare
- Improved intraline comparisons of non-string data.
- Fixed editing a cell so it doesn't affect the raw text of other cells.
- Fixed hang trying to load certain binary files.
- Fixed editing multiline cells introducing additional rows.
- Fixed crash loading a file with no detectable delimiters.
- Fixed changing default column handling to recompare if necessary.
- Fixed crash when pasting columns in session settings dialog.

* File Formats
- Fixed external conversion error message including wrong exit code.

* File Views
- Orphan and empty file comparisons no longer show comparison result in status bar.
- Added support for horizontal scrolling to MP3 and Version comparisons.
- Fixed support for editing files via NTFS symbolic links (Vista & Windows 7).
- Removed "File->New File" command from all views except "Text Edit"
- Changed various commands to disable instead of hide when they're not available.
- Fixed "Copy File to Left/Right" confirmation to be shown again after clearing parent session.

* Folder Compare
- Added support for comparing, copying, and deleting NTFS junction points and symbolic links. Copying symbolic links requires administrator privileges.
- Added "Follow symbolic links" option to Folder Compare "Handling" tab for Windows.
- "Comparison Results" dialog now shows results in the same order as the comparison.
- Fixed flicker on Windows 7.
- Fixed folder sizes incorrectly including sizes of symlinked folders.
- Fixed "Exclude" path handling when ignoring folder structure.
- Fixed "Text content" filter Unicode support.
- "Open With->Text Edit" is now customizable.
- Fixed crash after performing file operations.
- Fixed rename to show a filename if all of the selected files are the same if the last rename used regular expressions.

- Changing username in response to an invalid login attempt now updates the session path.
- Improved "Fast" symlink detection so symlinks pointing to files in the same parent folder will be updated based on the available folder information.
- Symlinks detected incorrectly using "Fast" symlink detection will now switch to the opposite type if retrieving the file or loading the folder listing fails.
- Added support for Treck Embedded FTP Server's directory listings.
- Fixed support for XCRC on servers that fail for 0-byte files.
- Fixed ProFTPD/Pure-Ftpd detection to use MFMT instead of SITE UTIME if it's supported.
- Fixed support for NET+OS folder listings with odd permissions.
- Fixed crash trying to a save text file with no line endings.

* Home View
- Pressing [Enter] when multiple sessions are selected now opens all of them.

* Linux
- Added support for storing Unix mode in zip files.
- Fixed hang when saving.
- Fixed Home View so it fits with default settings on a 1024x768 screen.
- Fixed Text Edit instability.
- Fixed detecting BC3Key.txt when installing .deb using 'sudo dpkg -i ...'.
- Fixed "Open With->Associated Application" failing for paths containing spaces.
- Fixed hang when trying to expand a path containing a '$' followed by a non-alphanumeric character.
- Fixed deleted symlinks not being removed from the comparison if "Follow Symbolic Links" was enabled.
- Fixed adding files to zip archives to set the VersionMadeBy field correctly.
- Fixed hint window not passing clicks to the parent window if a modal dialog is open.
- Fixed crash when trying to change FTP server timezone.
- Fixed dialog context-sensitive help when using the window manager's [?] button.

* Misc
- Added "Compare to Registry" command to shell extension.
- Added "Help->Context Sensitive Help" command.
- Standard edition no longer includes text replacement or version control commands.
- Session "Info" dialogs are now resizable.
- Clicking on the "Expand" button in a treeview no longer tries to preserve the current offset.
- Double clicking now only affects treeviews if the mouse is over the selected node.
- "ExePath", "Version", "SupportsMerge", and "Expired" flags are now written to both the "Beyond Compare 3" and "Beyond Compare" registry keys."ExePath" and "Version" are written to both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
- Fixed detection of when to automatically hide toolbars.

* Options
- Added "Add Plug-in..." button to "Archive Associations" to install Total Commander packer plugins.
- "Archive Associations" list is now sorted.

* Picture Compare
- Fixed opening clipboard (broken in 3.2).
- Fixed crash when loading a valid PNG image.
- Fixed hang loading corrupt TGA images.

* Reports
- Fixed handling of same items when using non-default "same color" options.
- Fixed handling of font bold/italic.
- Fixed crash when trying to print a report (broken in 3.2.0).
- Fixed file report handling of huge amounts of files

* Scripting
- Added REG-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- "LOG NONE <filename>" is now considered a syntax error.
- "LOG NONE" will no longer try to create a log file.
- Fixed support for scripts encoded as UTF-16.
- Scripts no longer give an error if you try to load a folder compare session with the same name as a non-folder compare session.
- Improved error handling of scripts with malformed characters.
- Fixed 3.2.0 crash when using file-report with no files selected.
- Fixed FILE-REPORT failing when more than 65,000 files are selected.

* Text Edit
- Fixed "Find in Files" results splitter being lost when switching between tabs.
- Fixed "File in Files" Unicode support.
- Using "Find in Files" a second time now cancels previous search instead of waiting for it to complete.
- Closing "Find in Files" results panel now cancels the search.

* Text Views
- Fixed "Copy Line to Other Side" to follow "Go to next difference after copying to other side" option.
- Fixed scrollbars not updating when necessary.
- Fixed crash when closing view with a malformed HTML file open in the webview.
- Fixed "Replace All" with wrapping modifying the wrong characters.
- Fixed "Aligned Details" mode to only use double-wide character handling if necessary.
- Fixed data loss when changing "Characters per line" file format setting after making edits.
- Fixed character alignment when replacements are found.

* Text Compare
- "Replacements" command is now enabled even if the current text is matching or an orphan.

* Version Compare
- Added ability to get as much version information as possible when reading malformed files.
- "File Size" is now shown as different if files are not binary same.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.2.1 Beta

Beyond Compare 3.2.0 Beta


* Notable Changes
- Added Text Edit view which includes "Find in Files" command.
- File Compare Report can now mix reports from different views (text/hex/data/picture/etc).
- Added "Text content" to Folder Compare's "Other Filters".
- Added support for bzip2 and bzipped tar archives.
- Added read/write support for Debian packages (Linux only).
- Added read-only support for Total Commander packer (wcx) plugins.
- Added layout, rotate, and flip commands to Picture Compare, along with various other enhancements.
- Added "Exclude protected operating system files" option that excludes system and hidden files, folders, and junction points (Windows only). Enabled by default.
- Added support for SSH2 authentication using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's pageant.
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" folder compare option which controls whether symbolic links are shown as files or the link target (Linux only).
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" Text Merge command.
- Added "View->Detached Output Pane" Text Merge command to show output pane in separate window.

* Archives
- Added support for bzip2 and bzipped tar archives.
- Added read-only support for Total Commander packer (wcx) plugins.
- Added read/write support for Debian packages (Linux only).
- Fixed .tar file size changing to an incorrect value if the archive included a folder named './'.
- Fixed crash when saving a large snapshot on Win9x or when Logitech SetPoint is installed.

* Command Line
- Added switch for single pane editor (/edit).

* Data Compare
- "BOM" is now shown in the "File Info" panel if a byte order mark is detected.
- Fixed cancelling unsorted alignment intermittent crash.

* File Formats
- Added apostrophe delimited "string" to "HTML" file format.
- Fixed RTF-to-Text conversion for hyphen characters and keywords with mixed case.

* File Views
- Added "Open with Text Edit" command.
- "Compare Parent Folders" now selects files from file compare (if aligned).
- "Editing disabled" now shown for read-only resources (ex. CHM files).
- "Next/Previous Difference Files" now traverses files in "Compare Contents" results dialog if opened from it.
- "File Info" panels now highlight differences in file format, character encoding, line ending style, etc.
- Improved font dropdown captions.
- Re-added "Load time" to status bar display.
- Fixed detecting external file changes if file's size changes but its last modified time doesn't.
- Fixed external change detection so it doesn't flag transitioning from a partial date-only timestamp to a full one.
- Fixed toggling "Single vertical scrollbar" tweak.
- Fixed intraline difference display when mismatched characters are bold.
- Fixed "Compare Files Using" after using "Open Clipboard".
- Fixed crash after saving a file.

* Folder Compare
- Added "Text Content" file filter.
- "File Compare Report" now determines which kind of session to use for each file.
- Added "Exclude protected operating system files" option that excludes system and hidden files, folders, and junction points. Enabled by default.
- Added "Find Filename" dialog with advanced search options. Incremental search no longer opens separate dialog.
- Added "Add To Presets" button to "Name Filters" session settings tab.
- Archives (.zip, .tar, etc) can now be opened using the "Open With -> Hex Compare" menu item.
- Added support for ';' characters in filename masks. They will be escaped as [;] automatically in the filters edit string.
- "Sync" commands now default to "Just Selection".
- "Up One Level -> Both Sides" now selects previous base folders.
- "Copy to Left/Right" now respects /nobackups switch.
- "Compare Contents" results dialog now differentiates between CRC and binary comparisons.
- Log now shows when running file operations have been cancelled.
- Added "Browse for Folder" commands to "Session" menu.
- Improved "Alignment Override" dialog's regular expression support.
- "Quick Compare" now supports comparing archives.
- Tweaked "Touch" calendar layout.
- "Folder Compare Info" dialog can now display "Unscanned folders".
- "Folder Compare Info" now lists unopened archives if option to treat as file.
- "Filters" combobox now has separator line between presets and MRU list.
- Minor speed improvements.
- Fixed crashes when Logitech SetPoint is loaded.
- Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog so it only allows CRC comparisons if one of the base folders is snapshot.
- Fixed caption showing progress percentage after cancelling file operation.
- Fixed sort changing unexpectedly when sorting by the path column and opening a file view in a new window.
- Fixed file handle leak when using a background content comparison.
- Fixed crash when deleting files that are waiting for a background content comparison.
- Fixed "Exclude files smaller than filter" so it doesn't match files with unknown sizes.
- Fixed using "Ignore Folder Structure" and "Archive handle -> As folders always" together so it no longer includes both the zip files and their content.
- Fixed crash if a folder was deleted/renamed while it or one of its subfolders was being built.

* Folder Sync
- Added ability to override sync actions on a per-item basis.
- Added "Next/Previous Conflict" commands, replacing "Next/Previous Difference".
- "Expand subfolders when loading session" is now enabled by default.
- Fixed "Nothing to Sync" appearing after sync has completed.
- Tweaked "Session Settings" dialog layout and options:
- Moved "Sync empty folders" and "Use recycle bin if possible" from "Sync" tab to "Handling" tab.
- Removed "Only expand subfolders with differences" option.
- Condensed "Archive handling" radio group to a "Synchronize within archives" checkbox.

- Added support for SSH2 authentication using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's pageant.
- Added support for copying symlinks over FTP and SFTP. Supported by OpenSSH, proftpd, ncftpd, hpss, ioftpd.
- Improved "Open File on FTP Site" and "Save File on FTP Site As" dialogs.
- Fixed cancel and error handling when browsing for a folder.

* Hex Compare
- Tweaked "Go To" dialog size.

* Linux
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" folder compare option which controls whether symbolic links are shown as files or the link target.
- "Check For Updates" can now install update automatically.
- Environmental variable expansion now looks for $ENV instead of %ENV%.
- Running Beyond Compare for the first time now copies /etc/skel/.beyondcompare to ~/.beyondcompare if it exists.
- Added checkboxes for disabling file formats in "File Formats" dialog and folder compare session settings.
- BC3Key.txt will now be installed if it's in the same folder as the RPM or DEB package.
- Fixed loading paths with a filename containing two leading periods.
- Fixed determination of whether session is auto-saved.
- Fixed "Permission denied" errors incorrectly showing "Invalid parameter" error message when loading folders.
- Fixed non-resizable dialogs opening at the wrong size.

* Misc
- Added "Edit Text File" to "Tools" menu.
- Added "Edit with Beyond Compare" command to shell extension.
- Added incremental search to numerous treeviews and lists (type characters to position).
- Improved behavior when using "backup 'abc.txt' to folder" if target path is empty.
- Improved confirmation dialog when using "Session->Exit" and "Session->Load Workspace" commands.
- Improved behavior of Windows 7 taskbar live previews.
- Improved "Save Snapshot" user interface and added FTP support.
- Rearranged "Tools" menu.
- Added and tweaked icons for various commands.
- Double clicking in a path edit now selects between path delimiters instead of between spaces.
- Added support for assigning keyboard shortcuts to saved Workspaces.
- Fixed various tree views so clicking on expand/collapse button no longer changes current item.
- Fixed crash when window focus changes while closing.
- Fixed crash on startup if BC3Key.txt isn't readable.
- Fixed crash on startup if deleting a previous instance's temp files failed.
- Fixed crashes when starting a second instance while the first is shutting down.
- Fixed crash when trying to overwrite a read-only settings file.
- Fixed button hints in translated releases.
- Fixed calendar day abbreviations in translated releases.
- Fixed clicking past the last item in a listview so it no longer clears the selection.
- Fixed appearance of owner-draw read-only comboboxes on Vista & Windows 7.
- Fixed error handling to return better error messages.
- Fixed crash when exporting settings when shared sessions are loaded.

* MP3 Compare
- Added incremental search.

* Options
- Added "Use New Compare Colors" folder view tweak (Ctrl+Shift+T) to give preview of proposed BC4 folder coloring.
- Import and Export dialogs are now resizable.
- Improved editing Folder Compare "Name filter presets".
- Fixed support for shell extension's "Command line switches" tweak.
- Fixed Export/Import to require at least some settings to be acted on.
- Fixed Import population of confirmation list.
- Fixed Export/Import File Format helpers unicode handling.
- Fixed "File Compare Colors" handling of "Background Contrast" slider so background coloring can be disabled.

* Picture Compare
- Added "Blend Mode" that blends images at customizable percentage.
- Added "Rotate Clockwise", "Rotate Counterclockwise", "Flip Horizontally", and "Flip Vertically" commands.
- Added "Difference Side-by-side", "Difference Over-under", "Difference Underneath", "Only Difference", "Side-by-side", and "Over-under" layouts, replacing "Hide Difference Panel" command.
- Added "Show transparency as checkerboarding" option.
- Moved the offset display from the status bar to the "View" toolbar.
- Added the position and color of the pixel under the mouse cursor to the status bars for each pane.
- Right image position now matches what's shown in the difference image.
- Zoom using mouse wheel now scrolls to keep same area of picture under cursor.
- Changed icons for comparison modes.
- "File Info" panel no longer lists file format.
- Fixed stretched image to show in new dimensions even if original had transparency.
- Fixed difference offset calculation when mouse is dragged in center image

* Reports
- Fixed HTML report word wrapping.
- Data Compare "Summary" report now supports word wrap in printed output.
- Folder Compare "Summary" report can now display "Unscanned Folders".
- Fixed Hex Compare "Side-by-side" report's handling of non-printable characters and ANSI text.
- Added Hex Compare "Interleaved" layout.

* Scripting
- FILE-REPORT command now determines which kind of session to use for each file.
- Added MP3-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added PICTURE-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added "n of nn" counts to file operation progress in scripting dialog.
- Fixed crash when using "SELECT EMPTY.FOLDERS" script command.

* Text Views
- Improved display of control characters.
- Improved "Line Weight" dialog's regular expression support.
- "BOM" is now shown in the "File Info" panels if a byte order mark is detected.
- Fixed restoring position when reloading when the cursor is on empty end of file line.
- Fixed support for editing files that don't have any line ending characters.

* Text Compare
- Added "Aligned Details" option that shows character alignment in the line details area with fixed-width font and gaps.
- Added support for Unicode characters in Microsoft Word files.
- Editing binary/read-only files now prompts for permission.
- Fixed crash when editing affects whether or not file has mixed line endings.
- Fixed crash when auto-indenting on a blank line.
- Fixed crash when using replacements.

* Text Merge
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" command.
- Added "View->Detached Output Pane" command to show output pane in separate window.
- Lines that only exist in the ancestor no longer show as gaps if the center pane is hidden.

* Version Compare
- Added support for comparing all strings in "Variable Info" section instead of just a known list.
- Added incremental search.
- Improved error message when no version info available.
- File size is no longer compared explicitly.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 3.2.0 Beta