Beyond Compare 歷史版本資訊

Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare 4.2.9 for PC Windows

Scooter Software Inc

Beyond Compare 4.1.6


# File Views
* Fixed current side indication when switching from path edits to other controls (e.g. "Find what" edit).
# Folder Compare
* OS X: Fixed "Touch" dialog modifying dates off by an hour depending on if daylight saving time is in effect.
* Fixed "Open With" to use URL paths instead of profile: based ones when 1 or more than 2 items are selected.
* Fixed excess memory usage when loading FTP/SFTP folder listings.
# Hex Compare
* Removed "Floating Extended" from "Little Endian Values" and "Big Endian Values" submenus.
# Installer
* OS X: Fixed downloading and installing updates failing with a "File missing" error. (Broken in 4.1.4).
# Misc
* Linux: Fixed support for -title1 and related switches.
# Reports
* Fixed resource leak when generating Folder Compare reports.
# Source Control
* Fixed exit codes returned when using ClearCase's -status_only switch.
# Table Compare
* Fixed orphan columns to not be excluded from the comparison.
* Fixed Session Settings dialog's handling of last column.
* Fixed detection of cell type error.
# Crashes
* Fixed Table Compare crash when regional settings are Dutch but file and format overrides are English.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.6

Beyond Compare 4.1.5


- Fixed copying/moving files between disks/partitions/servers not working or not preserving DOS 8.3 names, NTFS ACLs, creation dates, or Unix xattrs. (Broken in 4.1.4)
- Windows: Fixed support for adding files with non-ASCII filenames to zip archives.
- Added INCLUDE-EMPTY option to scripting SNAPSHOT command.
- OS X/Linux: Added/fixed support for Unix mode within zip archives.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.5

HWiNFO 5.22

版本下載:HWiNFO 5.22

Beyond Compare 4.1.4


# Notable Changes
- Windows: Added "/32" switch to installer to force a 32-bit install on 64-bit Windows in order to work around MSSCCI source control providers that don't have 64-bit DLLs.
- Windows: Fixed 64-bit build's support for Explorer submenu's Cut/Copy commands.
- Re-added Table Compare support for overriding decimal and thousands separator characters.
- Fixed crash when using cloud profiles (Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, WebDAV) on February 29th.
- Various fixes and enhancements.
# Archives
- Windows: Fixed support for drag & drop of files in compressed archives from various applications.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for LZMA compression in RPM files.
- OS X/Linux: Upgraded 7-zip support to 15.09.
# Cloud Services
- Fixed Amazon S3 support for listing more than 1000 folders within a single parent.
- Fixed Amazon S3 support for uploading very large files.
- Fixed support for uploading files larger than 100MB to Microsoft OneDrive.
# Command Line
- Fixed /fileviewer= support for "Folder Compare", "Folder Sync", and "Folder Merge" when passed with folder paths.
- OS X: Fixed intermittent delay on startup when launching using command line tools.
# File Formats
- OS X/Linux: Fixed importing and exporting file formats with helper files.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for renaming file formats using right click command and keyboard shortcut.
- Fixed support for .docx files that have internal .xml files using single quotes instead of double quotes for attribute values.
# File Views
- Windows: Fixed "Find what" and "Replace with" edits automatically picking MRUs.
- Improved line details drawing of multi-line content in MP3 Compare, Registry Compare, and Version Compare.
# Folder Compare
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for moving files in subfolders between file system mount points.
# Folder Merge
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" filter.
# Folder Sync
- OS X: Fixed "Delete to recycle bin" option to refer to trash instead.
# Hex Compare
- Fixed "Find Previous" to not include beyond current byte.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed slow performance when editing.
# Home View
- OS X: Fixed path edits not being refreshed when selecting a session in the treeview.
# Installer
- Windows: Added "/32" switch to installer to force a 32-bit install on 64-bit Windows in order to work around MSSCCI source control providers that don't have 64-bit DLLs.
# Misc
- Windows: Fixed 64-bit build's support for Explorer submenu's Cut/Copy commands.
- Opening multiple modal dialogs on a single form will now open them sequentially rather than all at once.
- Windows: Fixed Windows 7+ jumplist including auto-saved sessions that can't be loaded.
- Windows: Fixed icon scaling for simple message dialogs.
- Linux: Fixed slow startup when there are lots of network printers available.
- Linux/Gnome: Fixed default focus on "Save Changes?" and various other dialogs.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Fixed clipped text in About dialog.
# Picture Compare
- Fixed "File Info" panel.
# Reports
- Fixed filename collisions when generating HTML folder reports with linked file reports.
- Fixed plain text reports handling of multiline data.
- Fixed Table Compare and Registry Compare support for strike-outs in reports.
- Fixed HTML linked file reports to use the same style sheet, title, and wrap setting as the parent folder report.
- Footer font, header font, HTML wrap style, and style sheet URL are now stored per report type instead of globally.
# Source Control
- Linux: Fixed support for diffs/merges launched from ClearCase.
# Table Compare
- Re-added support for overriding decimal and thousands separator characters.
- Fixed data not to be treated as numeric if thousands separators are not in correct positions.
# Text Views
- "Next Difference" now scrolls line details so the difference is near the left side.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed slow performance when editing.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for saving files with Unicode characters outside the basic multilingual pane.
- Windows: Fixed "Replace with" edit showing as selected when the panel is first shown.
# Crashes
- Fixed crash when using cloud profiles (Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, WebDAV) on February 29th.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed Folder Compare crash when attempting to collapse folders while loading with folders being automatically expanded.
- Windows: Fixed crash when showing modal dialogs on 64-bit Windows installs.
- OS X: Fixed startup crash on OS X 10.10.1.
- Linux: Fixed report "Print Preview" crash

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.4

Beyond Compare 4.1.3


# Notable Changes
- Fixed hex compare truncated comparison results for large files with a difference at the very end.
- Fixed support for creating multiple OneDrive profiles so it will prompt for login information every time.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for FTP file transfers larger than 2GB.
- Fixed "Unsupported cipher" error when opening an SFTP connection to mod_ftpd servers (e.g.,
- OS X: Fixed support for using Asian input methods.
- Stability improvements.
# Archives
- Updated WinRAR DLLs to v5.30.
# Cloud Services
- Fixed support for creating multiple OneDrive profiles so it will prompt for login information every time.
- Fixed displaying file sizes larger than 2GB on Amazon S3.
- Fixed high-DPI scaling of OneDrive login page.
- Improved behavior when creating a OneDrive profile and canceling or encountering an error.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for file transfers larger than 2GB.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed SFTP 'Auto' transfers to a Unix system incorrectly converting files to a Windows line ending.
- Fixed IPv4 FTP connections using passive transfers with firewalls that watch for PASV but not EPSV.
- Fixed FTP "HOST" command when using IPv6 addresses.
- Fixed "Unsupported cipher" error when opening an SFTP connection to mod_ftpd servers (e.g.,
# Hex Compare
- Fixed truncated comparison results for large files with a difference at the very end.
- Fixed "Find Next" when selection exists.
# Home View
- Fixed support for dropping multiple files/folders on a path edit.
# Misc
- OS X: High resolution icons are now used on retina displays.
- Windows: Removed unnecessary "Browse File System" command.
# MP3 Compare
- Added support for duplicate tags of all kinds (e.g. PRIV, WOAR).
- Improved handling of "unknown" tags (e.g. NCON, RGAD, TRDO).
- Fixed handling of files that only contain tags.
# Registry Compare
- Fixed support for copying zero-length binary values.
# Reports
- Windows/Linux: Fixed HTML reports generated from computers with high DPI displays showing various images too large.
# Text Views
- OS X: Fixed support for using Asian input methods.
# Crashes
- Windows: Disabled Explorer context menu extensions that rely on the .NET runtime to prevent crashes due to incompatibilities.
- OS X: Fixed startup failure on OS X 10.10.0 and 10.10.1.
- OS X: Fixed crash when there are no windows open.
- Fixed crash connecting to an SFTP server using an HTTP proxy.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.3

Beyond Compare 4.1.2


# Notable Changes
- Improved performance and stability, especially under OS X.
- Fixed connection issues introduced by IPv6 support.
- Numerous bug fixes and tweaks.
# Archives
- Added support for creating new .tar.bz2 archives.
- Newly created archive files are now initialized with default data instead of being created as zero byte files.
- Fixed creating a new 7-zip .7z archive.
- Fixed load error when loading a snapshot of an empty folder compare.
# File Formats
- Removed no longer supported .dbf mask from built-in MS Excel file format.
# File Views
- Fixed "Keep file read-only" option when saving a file.
# Folder Compare
- Linux 32-bit: Fixed "Value too large for defined data type" error when interacting with files larger than 2GB.
- "Align filenames with different extensions" no longer affects folders, except to align them with archives.
- "Open With" and "Copy Filename" now use URL paths instead of "profile:" based ones.
- Sort by extension is now case insensitive.
- Added warning panel if "Suppress Filters" is used with "Ignore Folder Structure" when folder filters may be excluding files.
- Fixed "Ignore Folder Structure" not applying name filters for folders added externally and detected as part of a fast refresh.
- Fixed "Exclude protected operating system files" filter not being respected if "Ignore Folder Structure" is active.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed "Hide Log" not being remembered.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed "Attributes" dialog not showing the octal representation.
- OS X/Linux: Improved rules-based comparison performance regression relative to v3.
- Fixed issues with IPv6 support.
- Fixed connecting to an FTP site using a URL that includes the password.
- Fixed SFTP errors connecting to certain versions of OpenSSH with AES GCM enabled.
# Home View
- Windows: Fixed black fringes around various graphics at > 100% DPI scaling.
# Installer
- Linux: Fixed warning message when installing from RPM if symbolic link to already exists.
# Misc
- OS X: "Browse File System", "Browse Using Profile", "Open File", and "Save File" dialogs now include hidden items based on Finder's "Show All Files" setting.
- OS X: Hidden files/folders are now shown ghosted in "Browse Using Profile" dialog.
- Windows: Fixed archive files not appearing in the "Browse Using Profile" dialog if Explorer's "Hide known file extensions" option is active.
- OS X/Linux: Improved text comparison performance.
- Fixed context sensitive help on tabbed dialogs.
- Windows: Fixed size of menu checkmarks on high DPI displays.
- Windows: Fixed taskbar jumplist subcategories on Windows 8+.
# Options
- OS X: Fixed broken font and color panels on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
# Picture Compare
- Windows: Fixed loading .bmp files with extra padding after the file header.
# Reports
- OS X: Fixed Picture Compare Reports not showing correctly in Safari.
# Scripting
- Windows: Fixed garbage characters being logged for FTP URLs that include passwords.
# Table Compare
- Windows: Fixed loading .xlsx files in translated releases.
- Windows: Fixed conversion error loading MS Excel .xlsx files that worked in 4.0.
# Crashes
- OS X: Fixed various crashes.
- Fixed folder compare crash when the active "Align With" item is removed externally.
- Fixed folder compare crash when changing folder filters while a flattened comparison is loading.
- OS X: Fixed crash when "Home" button is hidden from the toolbar.
- Windows: Fixed crash while saving HTML Picture Compare Report if bitmap does not have 32-bit color depth.
- Fixed crash when loading workspace with undefined Z-orders.
- Fixed crash on startup when loading workspaces before sessions.
- Fixed crash when importing unsupported auto-saved sessions.
- Linux: Fixed crash when closing the Refresh tip dialog.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.2

Beyond Compare 4.1.1


# Notable Changes
- Added "Use IPv6 when available" tweak.
- Fixed crash when opening "File Formats" dialog from an empty MP3, registry, or version compare session.
- Fixed exporting file formats either exporting the wrong formats or crashing.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.1

Beyond Compare 4.1.0


# Notable Changes
- Windows/Linux: Added 64-bit version that handles significantly larger comparisons.
- Linux: Updated user interface to use Qt 4.8 instead of Qt 3.3.
- Windows: Comparing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx) is now significantly faster and no longer requires Excel.
- OS X/Linux: Added support for Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx).
- Windows: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive.
- OS X/Linux: Added read/write support for 7-zip .7z archives and read-only support for many additional types (.iso, .rar, .dmg, etc).
- Added support for .xz and .tar.xz archives.
- OS X: Added MP3 compare.
- Added support for 3-way merges in the "External" format.
- Added support for IPv6 to FTP and FTPS connections.
- Windows: Added support for IPv6 to SFTP, WebDAV, and cloud services connections.
- Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities (affects FTPS, WebDAV, and cloud services).
- Linux: "PDF Documents" file format is now included by default.
- Windows: Improved appearance when using 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling and high contrast themes.
- Linux: Dialog button order on Gnome is now right-to-left instead of always following KDE conventions.
- OS X: "Open With" now works with application bundles (.app).
- Numerous bug fixes, performance enhancements, and other improvements.
# Archives
- OS X/Linux: Added read/write support for .7z archives.
- OS X/Linux: Added read-only support for archive types provided by 7-zip (.iso, .rar, .dmg, etc).
- Added support for .xz and .tar.xz archives.
- Fixed problems with modifying an archive while background content comparisons are enabled.
- Windows: Updated 7-zip DLL to v9.38 beta.
- Windows: Updated Unrar DLL to v5.21.100.
- Windows: Fixed support for .rar archives created on OS X or Linux.
- Windows: Fixed performance when extracting files from multiple .rar archives.
- Windows: Removed support for WinZip .zipx JPEG compression (hopefully temporarily).
- OS X: Fixed error when trying to copy/create a folder in a zip file.
# Cloud Services
- Windows: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive.
- Windows: Added support for IPv6.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities.
- Connection errors now include descriptive messages instead of numeric codes.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed loading files/folders with extended characters in their names.
- Improved default names for newly created Dropbox profiles.
- Fixed memory leak when creating a new folder on Amazon S3.
# Command Line
- Windows: Fixed so it loads BC4 instead of trying to load BC3 if it's been copied to a different folder.
- /fileviewer= can now accept "Folder Compare", "Folder Sync", and "Folder Merge" in addition to the file view types.
# File Formats
- Added support for 3-way merges in the "External" format.
- Windows: Comparing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx) is now significantly faster and no longer requires Excel.
- OS X/Linux: Added support for Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx).
- Linux: "PDF Documents" file format is now included by default.
- Windows: Fixed various issues when loading Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx).
- Fixed "Visual Basic Source" comment definition.
- Removed "Microsoft Write" support.
# File Views
- Windows: Failing to save a file because it's locked against deletion will now try again using an alternate method.
- OS X: Open/save dialogs now treat .app bundles as folders to allow selecting files within them.
- Fixed editing files with file extension that match read-only archive types (e.g., .img).
- Windows: Fixed access denied error when trying to overwrite a file with write permissions but not modify permissions.
- Border of the viewport in the comparison thumbnail no longer covers differences.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed load errors when trying to set sharing permissions when opening files.
- Switched save icon color back to blue.
# Folder Compare
- Added icons to the file operation progress reporting panels indicating the file operation that's occurring.
- "Browse Using Profile" dialog now shows more useful text in the browse treeview when a profile has been selected but not loaded.
- Fixed using "Ignore Folder Structure" to not incorrectly include/exclude files in the root of the comparison that match folder name filters.
- Windows: Fixed copied junctions/symlinks showing as folders until after a refresh.
- Windows: Fixed issues overwriting an existing junction/symlink.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog not displaying the ?= icon.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed using Esc to cancel an in-place file rename.
- OS X: Improved speed of rules-based text comparisons.
- Improved readability of selected "Align With" or "Compare To" item.
- Fixed incremental search matching incorrect filenames.
# Folder Merge
- Added "Session > Folder Merge Info" command.
- Changed mergeable toggle icon colors.
- "Compare to Output" is now only shown if "Merge to" is "Other".
- OS X: Fixed path edits displaying text incorrectly when unfocused.
- Added support for IPv6 to FTP and FTPS connections.
- Windows: Added support for IPv6 to SFTP connections.
- Improved behavior when trying to load an ftp:// URL with an invalid or empty username.
- Added TLS/SSL version fallback when connecting to servers that don't support more recent TLS versions.
- Improved port allocation behavior when using limited ports for active (PORT) transfers.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed timestamps with missing seconds incorrectly showing as hh:mm:01.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities.
- Reconnecting to a server no longer uses the HOST command if the server rejected it previously.
- Fixed Quick Connect password edit showing the password in plain text if the "Username" field was empty.
- Fixed Quick Connect showing "[email protected]" in the password edit when loaded with an sftp:// URL that doesn't include a password.
- Fixed collisions when saving a profile into a subfolder that already contains a profile with the same auto-generated name.
- OS X: Fixed folder listings with invalid characters being treated as an empty.
- Fixed parsing folder listings containing filenames with a '年' character in them.
# Hex Compare
- Fixed positioning after a Find fails when selection existed beforehand.
- Fixed replacing "a" with "aa" in reverse direction.
- Fixed Find to not skip first occurrence when positioned immediately before it.
# Home View
- OS X/Linux: Added support for multi-select in the session treeview.
- Session management panel can now be maximized, hiding quick launch buttons.
- Empty auto-saved sessions folders are now removed.
# Installer
- Linux: Added support for nemo and caja file managers, fixing support for context menus on Mint.
- Windows: .msi installers now disable check for updates by default.
- Windows: Fixed support for the /noicons switch.
- Windows: Fixed installer so it writes ExePath/Version to both 32-bit and 64-bit areas of the registry.
# Misc
- Windows/Linux: Added 64-bit version that handles significantly larger comparisons.
- Linux: Updated user interface to use Qt 4.8 instead of Qt 3.3.
- Linux: Dialog button order on Gnome is now right-to-left instead of always following KDE conventions.
- OS X: "Open With" now works with application bundles (.app).
- Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up. Most frequently used workspaces, sessions, and session types are shown.
- Windows: Improved appearance of icons on 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling.
- Windows: Improved appearance when using a high contrast theme.
- Windows: Path edits now strip enclosing quotes from pasted strings.
- Improved startup and comparison speed.
- Linux: Find & Replace regular expression support is now based on PCRE.
- Linux: Temp file handling now respects the $TMPDIR environment variable.
- Fixed Profiles dialog's "Save As" command creating empty profiles instead of copying the selected profile's settings.
- Fixed Profile dialog preventing multiple profiles from having the same name or having a name containing illegal characters.
- Fixed deleting temp files after a crash to include files with extensions other than .tmp.
- Reduced menu accelerator duplicates.
- OS X: Fixed toolbar Sessions dropdown list sizing too large.
- Linux: Suppressed hints/warnings written to stderr.
- Improved behavior trying to register with a malformed key.
- Windows: Fixed read-only temp files not being deleted.
- Windows: .bcpkg files are no longer included in the Recent Documents list.
- Windows: Updated application manifest to disable compatibility shims on Windows 8 and 8.1.
- Windows: Fixed appearance of alpha-blended icons in the Explorer submenu.
- Fixed truncated German translations.
# MP3 Compare
- OS X: Added MP3 compare.
- Added "Play" command to right click menu.
# Options
- OS X: Fixed changing size of text editor gutter text.
- OS X: Fixed scrolling the Tweaks panel with the mouse wheel.
- OS X: Fixed opening the "Log" preferences from the folder compare interface.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for ~/log.txt style filenames when saving the log to a file automatically.
# Picture Compare
- Re-added option to change the background color behind transparent images.
# Portable Devices (MTP)
- Improved error message when a delete or intra-device copy or move fails.
- Fixed reading files potentially including data past the end of the file.
# Registry Compare
- Fixed "Copy" and "Copy Key Name" commands to switch focus to the editor.
- Fixed displaying "(zero-length binary value)".
# Reports
- Reports for edited files now use UTF-8 instead of ANSI.
- Fixed "Action could not be completed" error when saving reports that contain characters that the output format can't encode.
- MP3 and Version compare reports now show comparison status in the center column when a node is collapsed.
- Tweaked monochrome reports.
# Scripting
- Fixed REPORT commands so they log any errors that occur and fail the script.
- Fixed using ~/log.txt style filenames when using the LOG command with the APPEND: option.
- Fixed scripts failing to run if they used 'smart' quotes rather than ASCII ones.
- Script dialog now shows fatal errors on the "Errors" tab.
# Subversion
- Improved default names for newly created profiles.
- Fixed support for http://, https://, and file:// URLs in folder browse's "Quick Connect".
- Fixed "Up one level" for svn:// URLs.
- Fixed folder browse dialog to show the folder structure up to the repository root when loading an svn:// URL.
- Fixed support for loading svn:// URLs that refer to files when the parent folder hasn't been loaded.
- Fixed loading file content from a Subversion server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
# Text Views
- OS X: Fixed intermittent issue with pasting from other applications.
- OS X: Fixed load errors for files with certain character encodings.
- Fixed cursor positioning on lines that contain multiple control characters.
# Text Compare
- Improved "Align With..." when aligning a selection of lines.
- Windows: "Webpages" uses Internet Explorer again.
- Windows: Fixed clicking on the gutter buttons while the message panel is visible.
# Text Merge
- Fixed incorrect output when using Patience Diff alignment.
# Version Compare
- Tweaked behavior when the StringFileInfo blocks don't match the VarFileInfo Translation block.
# WebDAV
- Windows: Added support for IPv6.
- Improved default names for newly created profiles.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed SSL validation to not warn for certificates signed by trusted certificate authorities.
# Crashes
- Fixed Folder Compare crash when using "Ignore Folder Structure" with a name filter that uses "..." to match any number of subfolders.
- Windows: Fixed crash when mousing over TortoiseHg menu items in the "Explorer" submenu.
- OS X: Fixed crash when unable to find default printer.
- OS X: Fixed crash using the titlebar's maximize button.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed crash in Folder Compare "Touch" dialog.
- Windows: Fixed Registry Compare crash saving export file containing zero-length binary value.
- Fixed Table Compare crash when saving as part of a refresh.
- Fixed crash when generating folder compare reports.
- Linux: Fixed crash when detaching text merge output panel.
- Linux: Fixed crash when passing a command line longer than 512 bytes.
- Linux: Fixed crash when pasting into an empty text editor.
- Windows: Fixed crash when using "Compare Versions" in a folder merge containing .exe files that have been added or deleted.
- OS X: Fixed crash displaying Thai text.
- OS X: Fixed ability to launch on systems that don't have libc++1.dylib (primarily 10.6 Snow Leopard).
- Fixed Home view crash when a shared sessions folder is selected and the shared settings file is changed externally.
- Fixed crash when closing the Profile Browse dialog while it's trying to expand a folder.
- Fixed Hex Compare Next/Previous Difference crash when positioned beyond last byte.
- Fixed Folder Compare crash when deleting/moving a file or folder.
- Fixed Profile Browse dialog crash when trying to browse portable media devices.
- Fixed crash if a MSSCCI provider returns an error code when opening or closing a connection or querying for capabilities.
- Fixed crash when a portable media device was disconnected while it was in use.
- Fixed crash when closing a window.
- OS X: Fixed crash when using a non-gregorian calendar crashes on start up.
- Fixed Options dialog crash when loading commands

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.0

Beyond Compare 4.1.0 Beta 20431


# Notable Changes
- Windows: Portable installs can now be either 32-bit or 64-bit.
- Improved appearance of icons on 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling.
- Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up.
- Various bug fixes and tweaks.
# Cloud Services
- OS X/Linux: Fixed loading files/folders with extended characters in their names.
# Command Line
- /fv="xyz" can now accept "Folder Compare", "Folder Sync", and "Folder Merge" in addition to the file view types.
# File Formats
- Fixed "Visual Basic Source" comment definition.
# File Views
- Windows: Fixed access denied error when trying to overwrite a file with write permissions but not modify permissions.
- Border of the viewport in the comparison thumbnail no longer covers differences.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed load errors when trying to set sharing permissions when opening files.
# Folder Compare
- Windows: Fixed copied junctions/symlinks showing as folders until after a refresh.
- Windows: Fixed issues overwriting an existing junction/symlink.
- Fixed sync and exchange action progress bar icons.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog not displaying the ?= icon.
# Folder Sync
- OS X: Fixed path edits displaying text incorrectly when unfocused.
- Fixed IPv6 FTP connections to IIS FTP servers.
# Home View
- OS X/Linux: Added support for multi-select in the session treeview.
# Installer
- Windows: Portable installs can now be either 32-bit or 64-bit.
# Misc
- Improved appearance of icons on 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling.
- Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up. Most frequently used workspaces, sessions, and session types are shown.
- Windows: .bcpkg files are no longer included in the Recent Documents list.
- Windows: Fixed taskbar thumbnails in 64-bit builds.
- Windows: Fixed copying a file in Explorer and pasting into a path edit so it no longer includes leading/trailing " characters.
- Beta expiration date is shown on the Home View.
# Options
- OS X: Fixed scrolling the Tweaks panel with the mouse wheel.
# Picture Compare
- Re-added option to change the background color behind transparent images.
# Reports
- Windows: Fixed printing reports on 64-bit Windows.
- MP3 and Version compare reports now show comparison status in the center column when a node is collapsed.
- Tweaked monochrome reports.
# Scripting
- Fixed scripts failing to run if they used 'smart' quotes rather than ASCII ones.
# Settings
- OS X/Linux: Fixed importing settings from a Linux 4.0 release into 4.1.
# Table Compare
- Windows: Fixed loading .xlsx files with external 2007 table references.
# Text Views
- Fixed cursor positioning on lines that contain multiple control characters.
- OS X: Fixed load errors for files with certain character encodings.
- Removed "Microsoft Write" support.
# Text Compare
- Fixed MS Word .docx files not including inserted text when "Track Changes" is enabled.
# Text Merge
- Fixed incorrect output when using Patience Diff alignment.
# Crashes
- Fixed Table Compare crash when saving as part of a refresh.
- Fixed crash when generating folder compare reports.
- Linux: Fixed crash when detaching text merge output panel.
- Linux: Fixed crash when passing a command line longer than 512 bytes.
- Linux: Fixed crash when pasting into an empty text editor.
- Windows: Fixed crash when using "Compare Versions" in a folder merge containing .exe files that have been added or deleted.
- OS X: Fixed crash displaying Thai text.
- OS X: Fixed ability to launch on systems that don't have libc++1.dylib (primarily 10.6 Snow Leopard).

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.0 Beta 20431

Beyond Compare 4.1.0 Beta 20251


- Windows/Linux: Added 64-bit (x86-64) native installs, with support for significantly larger comparisons.
- Linux: Updated user interface to use Qt 4.8 instead of Qt 3.3.
- OS X/Linux: Added read/write support for .7z archives and read-only support for many additional types (.iso, .rar, .dmg, etc).
- Added support for .xz and .tar.xz archives.
- OS X: Added MP3 compare with playback support.
- Windows: Added support for Microsoft OneDrive.
- Windows: Comparing MS Excel spreadsheets (.xls/.xlsx) is now significantly faster and no longer requires Excel.
- OS X/Linux: Added support for MS Word documents (.doc/.docx).
- Linux: "PDF Documents" file format is now included by default.
- Linux: Find & Replace regular expression support is now based on PCRE.
- Windows: Added support for IPv6.
- Added support for 3-way merges in the "External" format.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.1.0 Beta 20251

Beyond Compare 4.0.7


- Fixed trial mode issues on OS X 10.6.8.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.7

Beyond Compare 4.0.6


# Notable Changes
- Added support for non-interactively importing .bcpkg files.
- Fixed SSL/TLS connection issues.
# Cloud Services
- Changed secure connections to use TLS 1.0-1.2 rather than SSL3 and TLS 1.0.
# Command Line
- A settings package file (.bcpkg) can now be imported non-interactively from the command line using bcompare <filename> /silent
# Folder Compare
- Fixed connecting to a UNC path without permission to access parent folders.
- Failed/cancelled copies will now delete partially transferred files if the target file was created during the copy.
- Fixed high-DPI scaling of Browse dialog's "Quick Connect" panels.
# Folder Sync
- Fixed long translations of preset descriptions overwriting the summary label.
# Misc
- Fixed support for canceling update downloads.
# Scripting
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for "~/log.txt" style filenames in "LOG" command.
# Text Merge
- Fixed issues with lines that only exist in the ancestor file when that panel is hidden in the display.
# WebDAV
- Fixed problems connecting to older SSL servers.
- Fixed folders showing within themselves.
- Fixed support for filenames containing '#'.
# Crashes
- Fixed Hex Compare crash when resizing view.
- Fixed MP3/Registry/Version Compare crash when using Find with no items visible.
- Windows: Fixed crash when another application has the clipboard open.
- Fixed crash when reading files with malformed UTF-8 sequences.
- OS X: Fixed folder browse dialog crash when $HOME is set to a non-standard location.
- Fixed crash when importing sessions

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.6

Beyond Compare 4.0.5


* Fixed support for connecting through SSL using FTPS, Webdav, and other connection methods after patches for Poodle exploit.
* Fixed re-prompting for an SSH private key passphrase if the first one entered isn't correct.
* Fixed loading the public key portion of a PuTTY .ppk file when the private key is encrypted.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.5

Beyond Compare 4.0.4


# Notable Changes
* Re-added ability to disable grayscale coloring in picture compare "Tolerance" mode.
* Fixed issues on OS X 10.6-10.8.
* Improved importing settings from v3.
# Folder Compare
* Added current folder to dropdown for "Copy/Move to Folder" path edit.
* Added "Merge Base Folders" command.
* Added "Close Subfolders" command.
* "Folder Not Available" dialog is now wider and resizeable.
# Installer
* OS X: Update within BC hangs on 10.8 and older
# Misc
* OS X: Fixed inability to launch on OS X 10.6 and 10.7.
* Made various dialogs wider.
# Picture Compare
* Added "Ghost Mode" to switch between ghost and solid when in "Tolerance Mode".
# Settings
* Import now supports auto-saved sessions.
* Fixed Import handling when picked xml filename does not match expected.
* Fixed importing folder compare's "Toggles", "Up one level" and name filter edit visibility from v3.
* Fixed importing BC3 settings when installing into a portable folder.
# Crashes
* Fixed crash when running a script and exiting when finished.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.4

Beyond Compare 4.0.3


# Notable Changes
* OS X: Fixed code signature failure on OS X 10.9 and 10.10.
* Bug fixes and polish.
# Archives
* Linux: Added support for symlinks in .rpm archives.
* Linux: Fixed support for .rpm archives containing files with spaces in their names.
* Linux: Improved error message when rpm isn't installed.
* OS X/Linux: Fixed support for archive files on smb:// servers.
* Windows: Improved error message when unable to load a 7-zip provided archive format.
* Windows: Tweaked descriptions of some 7-zip provided archive formats.
* Windows: Fixed support for uncompressed Shockwave Flash files (.swf) and added support for zlib compressed ones.
# File Views
* OS X/Linux: Fixed editing files on SMB servers using the smb:// path syntax.
* Added accelerators to popup menu commands.
* Fixed File Info panel text clipping.
# Folder Compare
* Improved speed when opening Compare Contents results dialog.
* Actions menu is no longer hidden while in "Align with..." mode.
# Folder Sync
* Fixed swapping overridden sync actions.
* Fixed support for connecting to FTP servers that disconnect in response to a HOST command.
# Hex Compare
* Fixed "Go to next difference in files after copying to other side".
# Home View
* Added "Edit Defaults" button when the session editing panel is hidden and a new session type is selected in the treeview.
* Improved visibility handling of the session edit panel.
* Fixed support for HTTP comparisons of SOAP services that don't accept HEAD requests.
# Misc
* OS X: Fixed code signature failure on OS X 10.9 and 10.10.
* OS X: Fixed failure to write log file when set to continuously do so.
* OS X: Fixed some files in the Beyond bundle being stored as duplicates rather than symbolic links.
* Improved position and sizing of floating in-line edits in folder compare and table compare.
* Session Settings dialog's "Scope" combobox is now aligned vertically with the Ok/Cancel buttons.
# Options
* Fixed File Views Gutter Font swatch clipping.
# Picture Compare
* Increased max zoom to 2000%.
* Tweaked drawing of selected pixel in the details grid.
# Settings
* Installing BC4 into a BC3 portable folder now moves BC3 settings into a subfolder and offers to import them.
* Fixed importing settings from some older releases.
# Subversion
* Windows: SSL connections will now trust self-signed and expired certificates instead of being unable to connect.
# Text Compare
* Edit menu is no longer hidden while in "Align with..." mode.
* Fixed Text Replacement handling of right-sided difference.
# Crashes
* Fixed crash when performing a Quick Compare with an External Format.
* Fixed crash when using the FTP Quick Connect "Connect & Browse" button when the "Host" edit is empty.
* Fixed Text Merge crash when changing "Merge to" changes detected file format.
* OS X: Fixed crash when showing Hex Compare find frame.

版本下載:Beyond Compare 4.0.3