- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index type is not recognized by parser.
- Row count wrong when grouping joined tables.
- Column definition with default value and comment in CREATE TABLE exported faulty.
- New statement but no delimiter and unexpected token with REPLACE.
- Fixed incorrect usage of SQL parser context in SQL export
- Fixed inclusion of gettext library from SQL parser
phpMyAdmin 4.5.5
- Undefined index: is_ajax_request.
- Fix password change on MariaDB 10.1 and newer.
- Validate version information before further processing it.
- Full processlist lost on refresh.
- Adjust privileges fails if database name contains underscores.
- 'Loading...' banner shows on login screen.
- Fixed changing of table parameters, eg. AUTO_INCREMENT.
- Call to undefined function SqlParserctype_alnum().
- - NOW() function not recognized by parser.
- Gracefully handle the DESC statement.
- Fractional timestamp causes corrupted SQL export.
- Static analysis error for valid WHERE condition with IF keyword.
- Syntax Verifier error using REGEXP in SQL statement.
- Backslashes in comments are being interpreted as escape characters.
- Can't insert row into table that contains generated column.
- sql-parser and php-gettext collide.
- Can't disable backquotes in export.
- Inserts via tbl_change.php in VARBINARY columns does not allow using HEX() and MD5().
- Correct content type for uploaded error reports.
- Silent errors from checking local documentation.
- Fixed error on servers with disabled php_uname.
- Correctly store and report file upload errors.
- Avoid javascript errors on invalid location hash.
- Fix PHP warning on configuration errors.
- Silent errors on checking for writable folders.
- Silent warning on invalid file upload.
- Do not fail getting filename with open_basedir limitations.
- unrecognized keyword interval.
- Field names and aliases are being correctly parsed now.
- Fix javascript error in setup.
- Undefined index: TABLE_COMMENT in database structure page.
- Fix PHP error on loading invalid XML or ODS file.
- Missing confirmation while dropping a view in view_operations.php.
- Fix export of index comments in SQL.
- DECLARE not accepted as valid SQL.
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.5.5
- Error with PMA
- Remove hard dependency on phpseclib
phpMyAdmin 4.5.4
- added "virtualserver_min_android_version" and "virtualserver_min_ios_version" to specifically set the minimal allowed client versions for android and iOS on the server.
- added "-mapping" to the serversnapshotdeploy command. This optional parameters will add a mapping of the old and new channelid's in the return
- Grouped several SQL queries together into one statement which improves performance
- fixed clientdbfind command returning false entries
- fixed some hangs after heavy network IO on Linux/FreeBSD/OSX
- fixed issue with clientinfo command
- fixed crash when (automatically) deleting a channel
- fixed tsdnsserver libc++ issue on Linux
- The server will now print a warning if the locale is set to "C"
- Replaced Server query manual PDF file with a HTML version
- Unsigned variables (client/server/instance etc) now only accept positive values and -1 (synonym for maximum value). Other negative values result in conversion error.
- Serverquery manual fixes
- Made a small change to the way the server handles the initialization protocol
- Removed "virtualserver_max_upload_total_bandwidth" and "virtualserver_max_download_total_bandwidth" from the server template if the value was "-1"
- The server binaries file names now do NOT have the platform suffixes any more. They are all called "ts3server"
- The OSX version is now 64 bit only. OSX 10.7 is now the minimum supported version.
- Some SQL queries changed or added- issue #11724 live data edit of big sets is not working
- Table list not saved in db QBE bookmarked search
- While 'changing a column', query fails with a syntax error after the 'CHARSET=' keyword
- Avoid syntax error in javascript messages on invalid PHP setting for max_input_vars
- Properly handle errors in upacking zip archive
- Set PHP's internal encoding to UTF-8
- Fixed Kanji encoding in some specific cases
- Check whether iconv works before using it
- Avoid conversion of MySQL error messages
- Undefined index: parameters
- Undefined index: field_name_orig
- Undefined index: host
- 'Add to central columns' (per column button) does nothing
- SQL duplicate entry error trying to INSERT in designer_settings table
- Fix handling of databases with dot in a name
- Fix hiding of page content behind menu
- FROM clause not generated after loading search bookmark
- Fix creating/editing VIEW with DEFINER containing special chars
- Do not invoke FLUSH PRIVILEGES when server in --skip-grant-tables
- Misleading message for configuration storage
- Table pagination does nothing when session expired
- Index comments not working properly
- Better handle local storage errors
- Improve detection of privileges for privilege adjusting
- Undefined property: stdClass::$releases at version check when disabled in config
- SQL comment and variable stripped from bookmark on save
- Gracefully handle errors in regex based javascript search
- [Security] Multiple full path disclosure vulnerabilities,
- [Security] Unsafe generation of CSRF token,
- [Security] Multiple XSS vulnerabilities,
- [Security] Insecure password generation in JavaScript,
- [Security] Unsafe comparison of CSRF token,
- [Security] Multiple full path disclosure vulnerabilities,
- [Security] XSS vulnerability in normalization page,
- [Security] Full path disclosure vulnerability in SQL parser,
- [Security] XSS vulnerability in SQL editor,
- If you use custom SQL queries, please take note of this.
- The minimum supported FreeBSD version for the server is 10.1 from now on. Release 3.0.13 (next) will need a libc++ from ports/pkg or FreeBSD 10.2.
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.5.4
phpMyAdmin 4.5.3
- Incomplete results of UNION ALL
- MATCH AGAINST keywords not recognized
- syntax verifier is not knowing "STRAIGHT_JOIN"
- REPLACE() function confused with REPLACE statement
- FLUSH word not recognized by parser
- Online syntax verifier bug - "IF" on SELECT statement
- Format breaks query with COUNT()
- Undefinex index: SendErrorReports
- Incorrect script name in include
- Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- Delimiter missing while exporting multiple db routines
- mysql_native_password with MariaDB bug
- Flush privileges overusage
- Query was empty on creating User in 4.5.2
- PMA_getDataForDeleteUsers() warning
- Cannot create user on Percona Server
- Properly report error on connecting
- Database export template not saving compression option
- Fix single quote export for servers in ANSI_QUOTES mode
- Avoid duplicite fetching of table information
- Temporary fix for live data edit of big sets is not working
- IE 8 compatibility in console
- Exporting feature does not work with union table
- CSV import skip row count after
- Cannot export results of some queries
- Message "An account already exists..." incorrectly displayed
- Missing quoting of table in ALTER CONVERT query
- PMA 4.5.2 breaks MySQL Master-Master Cluster
- Export and preview show different SQL for character set
- Fix possible undefined variables in table operations
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.5.3
phpMyAdmin 4.5.2
- Incorrect parameter in mysqli_fetch_fields()
- Missing headers in zipped export
- Parser: Array to string conversion
- Huge binary log growth on 4.5.x
- 'only_db' config option bug when db names contain underscore and are grouped
- Unable to change password from Login information tab
- Undefined variable: res_rel
- Warning while exporting schema to PDF
- Undefined index: new_row_format
- Changing hostname kills password
- Undefined variable: db
- CREATE TABLE/INSERT INTO executed twice (ctrl+enter)
- Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given
- Exporting GIS visualization ignores start and row count
- Errors instead of git info when PHP has no gzip support
- CodeMirror tooltip shows below modal window
- Bug with the MainBackground Color
- Profiling checkbox is missing
- Properly handle session expiry after POST requests
- Notice in ./export.php#214 Undefined index: quick_or_custom
- Unrecognized keywords
- Sql not executed properly
- Linter warnings when creating new user
- wrong row count for query results
- Analyzer doesn't recognize GRANT statements
- Parser warnings (subqueries)
- Collation column is empty in table Structure
- Error changing table's column encoding
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.5.2
phpMyAdmin 4.5.1
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array
- Notice Undefined index: drop_database
- Server variable edition in ANSI_QUOTES sql_mode: losing current value
- Propose table structure broken
- phpMyAdmin suggests upgrading to newer version not usable on that system
- 'PMA_Microhistory' is undefined
- Incorrect definition for getTablesWhenOpen()
- Error when creating new user on MariaDB 10.0.21
- Notice on htmlspecialchars()
- Notice in Structure page of views
- AUTO_INCREMENT always exported when IF NOT EXISTS is on
- Some partitions are missing in copied table
- Notice of undefined variable when performing SHOW CREATE
- Error exporting sql query results with table alias
- SQL editing window does not recognise 'OUTER' keyword in 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'
- "NOT IN" clause not recognized (MySQL 5.6 and 5.7)
- Yellow star does not change in database Structure after add/remove from favorites
- Invalid SQL in table definition when exporting table
- Foreign key to other database's tables fails
- Bug while exporting results when a joined table field name is in SELECT query
- Strange behavior on table rename
- Rename table does not result in refresh in left panel
- Missing arguments for PMA_Table::generateAlter()
- Notices about undefined indexes on structure pages of information_schema tables
- Change minimum PHP version for Composer
- Import parser and backslash
- "Visualize GIS data" seems to be broken
- Confirm box on "Reset slave" option
- Fix cookies clearing on version change
- Cannot execute SQL with subquery
- Incorrect syntax creating a user using mysql_native_password with MariaDB
- Cannot use third party auth plugins
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.5.1
- AUTO_INCREMENT statements are partly missing from exports
phpMyAdmin 4.5.0
- Improvements to the Console feature
- Include structure in PDF export
- Validate data before import
- Support CHECKSUM TABLE operation
- Improved operations regarding partitions
- Alter privileges when renaming or copying a database or table
- Several improvements related to speed and responsiveness
- Improved print view
- Use CTRL or ALT plus arrow keys to navigate in grid editor
- Use plain-English destinations for $cfg['NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable'], $cfg['DefaultTabServer'], $cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'], and $cfg['DefaultTabTable']. The old style values will still work, but this makes it easier for new users to easily understand the destination links.
- Integrate SQL debugging into Console
- Restore row editing when no unique/primary key exists
- Allow exporting one file per table and one file per database
- Improvements to using multiple servers with the auth_type cookie
- Support virtual columns (MySQL 5.7.5+)
- Add or improve support for several MariaDB features including process list and virtual/persistent columns
- Improved handling of cached data when upgrading phpMyAdmin
- Add SHA256 security password support
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.5.0
phpMyAdmin 4.4.15
- Undefined "replace" function on numeric scalar
- Stored-proc / routine - broken parameter parsing
- Missing name for configuration read_as_multibytes
- Incorrect "No row selected" message
- MySQL 5.5 and the language system variable
- Semantics of export and import icons are mixed up
- Designer-Bug in move.js on multiple server configuration
- Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument
- Request URI too large
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- Foreign key constraints for InnoDB tables with upper-case letters disabled
- Warning when entering Query page
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.4.15
phpMyAdmin 4.4.14
- Export after search, missing WHERE clause
- Incomplete message after import
- Incorrect scalar type declaration (reported under PHP 7)
- ReCaptcha produces deprecated messages under PHP 7
- phpseclib < 2.0 produces deprecated messages on PHP 7
- "Switch to copied table" doesn't work
- Missing quotes after calling "distinct values"
- Cannot import database with long data in one column
- SPATIAL index option is not clickable
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.4.14