phpMyAdmin 4.3.13
- "Show hidden items" is sometimes hidden
- Breaks when sorting by multiple columns while using UNION
- Missing column when exporting in sql
- Broken find and replace
- Undefined Index after export schema
- Changelog page is not working
- Infinite calls to index.php
- Invalid links to
- simulate query fails, but actual query does not
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.13
phpMyAdmin 4.3.12
- Right-aligned columns have left-aligned header
- PMA_Util::parseEnumSetValues fails on enums with UTF-8 values
- Undefined index savedsearcheswork
- Inline edit of DATE fields with NULL, NULL checkbox is under datepicker
- DROP TABLE/VIEW IF EXISTS are not tracked
- Compatibility with central columns of version 4.4
- Firefox with auth_type to http with multiple server doesn't work anymore
- Views aren't dropped when copying a database
- Incomplete bookmark saving
- SELECT width on relations page
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.12
phpMyAdmin 4.3.11
- SQL links are completely wrong
- MariaDB: version mismatch
- Some images are missing in Designer for original theme
- Drizzle: undefined index in
- Normal field and multi-line field have different margins
- Cannot re-import settings from local storage
- SQL error when database list is sorted by additional columns
- Notice when timestamp column does not have default value
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.11
phpMyAdmin 4.3.10
* Undefined index navwork
* Opening console scroll down the page
* Remove extra column heading in view structure page
* Add missing confirmation when deleting central columns
* Undefined index DisableIS
* Database export with more than 512 tables fails
* Previously set column aliases are destroyed if returned to the same table
* Incorrect page after creating table
* Central Columns not working, showing error
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.10
phpMyAdmin 4.3.9
- Incorrect headings in routine editor
- Notice while browsing tables when phpmyadmin pma database exists, but not all the tables
- Display original field when using "Relational display column" option and display column is empty
- Default values for binary fields do not support binary values
- Changing display options breaks query highlighting
- Undefined index submit_type
- Header lose align when scrolling in Firefox
- in ./libraries/Advisor.class.php#184 vsprintf(): Too few arguments
- Unable to move cursor with keyboard in filter rows box
- Incorrect link in doc
- Tracking does not handle views properly
- Schema export doesn't handle dots in db/table name
- Table Header not displayed correct (Safari 5.0.5 Mac)
- Disable renaming referenced columns
- Column name center-aligned instead of left-aligned in Relations
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.9
phpMyAdmin 4.3.8
* Undefined constant PMA_DRIZZLE
* Wrongly positioned date-picker while Grid-Editing
* Forced ORDER BY for own sql statements
* Undefined property: stdClass::$version
* 'only_db' not working
* Error text: Internal Server Error
* Incorrect width table summary when favorite tables is disabled
* Nav tree error after filtering the tables
* Collapse all in navigation panel is sometimes broken
* Cannot navigate in filtered table list
* Database navigation menu broken when resolution/screen is changing
* Collation column missing in database list when DisableIS is true
* Undefined index central_columnswork
* Undefined index favorite_tables
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.8
phpMyAdmin 4.3.7
#Fixes :-
- js error on marking table as favorite in Safari (in private mode)
- Changing $cfg['DefaultTabTable'] doesn't update link and title
- Undefined index menuswork
- Undefined index navwork
- Undefined index central_columnswork
- Server Status refresh not behaving as expected
- Null argument in array_multisort()
- Navigation panel should not hide icons based on 'TableNavigationLinksMode'
- Unsaved schema page exported as pdf.pdf
- Call to undefined method PMA_Schema_PDF::dieSchema()
- URL is non RFC-2396 compatible in get_scripts.js.php
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.7
phpMyAdmin 4.3.6
* Undefined index notices while configuring recent and favorite tables
* Designer breaks without configuration storage
* Select elements flicker and selects something else
* Setup tool creates "pma__favorites" incorrectly
* Call to a member function isUserType() on a non-object
* Do not include console when no server is selected
* File permissions in archive
* Dynamic javascripts gives 500 when db selected
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.6
phpMyAdmin 4.3.5
* Auto-configuration: tables were not created automatically
* Advanced feature checker does not check for favorite tables feature
* Some of the data stored in configuration storage are not deleted upon db or table delete
* Setup does not allow providing a name for favorites table
* Number of favorite table are not configurable in setup
* 'Central columns table' field in setup does not have a description
* Default connection collation and sorting
* Relational data is not properly updated on table rename
* Undefined index: collation_connection (second patch)
* 4.3.3 & 4.3.4 Import sql created by mysqldump fails on foreign keys
* Auto-configuration issues
* New lines are removed when grid editing (part two: TEXT)
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.5
phpMyAdmin 4.3.4
* Always connection error was shown, on /setup at tab "configuration storage"
* Drag and drop file import always fails
* don't open console with esc
* select min() displays 1 row, but reports the table amount of rows returned
* Undefined indexes in table stucture print view of a view
* Export missing back ticks for order table name
* Remove from central columns error
* CSV import reads both commas and values into first column after first row
* phpmyadmin often fails to load due to specific load order
* Unable to move all columns
* Import of export created with mysqldump
* "Distinct values" does not page
* Consistency in borders
* Illegal string offset (Data_length, Index_length)
* Undefined index: collation_connection
* Delimiter causing page lock
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.4
phpMyAdmin 4.3.3
- The "Recently used tables" setting should be with Nav panel
- Can't disable Favorites
- Version Check Broken
- AJAX request infinite loop
- Attributes field size smaller than others
- Cannot remove table ordering on a Mac
- Fix initial replication configuration
- Undefined index central_columnswork
- Don't have default blowfish_secret
- Some error popups fade away too quickly
- Consistency in borders
- $cfg['Error_Handler']['display'] no longer necessary
- Leading and trailing whitespace in column name
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.3
phpMyAdmin 4.3.2
* PHP error while exporting schema as PDF
* Server selector submits two server parameter values
* Problem with custom SQL queries using cookie authentication
* Undefined index central_columnswork
* Notice in ./libraries/Util.class.php#1916 Undefined index: query
* Wrong parameter in fetchValue
* Error reporting creates an infinite loop
* Token mismatch while creating configuration storage
* Incorrect reference to PHP 6
* failure to handle repeating empty columns when importing ODS
* Default Export Method setting broken
* Export SQL missing indentation first field
* Field Alignment
* Error when browsing tables
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.2
phpMyAdmin 4.3.1
- 'Show all' checkbox label is not clickable
- JS error reporting: Hash fragment is reset
- Undefined index menuswork
- Separator between "Show All" and "Number of rows" disappears
- SQL highlighting in process list breaks on auto refresh
- Warning in db structure print view page
- Undefined index navwork, savedsearcheswork, fields
- Undefined index while adding to the central columns list
- Page scrolls while GIS visualization is zoomed in/out with mousewheel
- HHVM: method 'ob_gzhandler' not found
- Manual "SELECT" doesn't change active table
- Incomplete PHP OpenSSL support
- Ctrl + click on a column not in sort triggers a server call to erroneous url
- "Insufficient space to save the file" on export SQL to file on server
- "file_get_contents(examples/create_tables.sql): failed to open stream" after update
- UI issues with sortable tables
- SELECT LENGTH(`field`) FROM `table` does not sort
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.1
phpMyAdmin 4.3.0
* Smart sorting for int keys
* Confirmation message when dropping user(s)
* Confirm dialog on accidentally leaving a page
* Allow clicking an approximate row count to get a correct one
* Support for editing binary fields in hexadecimal
* MariaDB 10+ multi-master replication support
* Allow saving query charts as images
* Use aliases in SQL export for tables and columns
* Export with table/column name changes
* Dynamic process list
* Drag and Drop SQL import
* Preview SQL instead of executing it
* Run SQL query: Allow rollback for InnoDB tables
* Zeroconf PMA tables support
* Regexp replace
* Avoid session timeout when user is active
* MySQL 5.7.5 compatibility
* Avoid session timeout when user is active
* Multiple-column foreign key relation
* Charts for data in <x-axis, series, value> format
* Range Search Capability
* Improvements for the table editor (index creation)
* PHP OpenSSL support for cookie encryption/decryption
版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.3.0