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phpMyAdmin devel team

phpMyAdmin 4.2.3


- Moving fields not working
- Table indexes disappear after altering field
- Error while displaying chart at server level
- Cannot import (open_basedir)
- Problem copying constraints (such as Sakila)
- Missing privileges submenu
- Drop db confirmation message when dropping a user
- Insert form numeric field with function drop-down list
- Problems due to missing enforcement of the minimum supported MySQL version
- Add enforcement of the minimum supported PHP version (5.3.0)
- Query error on submitting a column change form containing a disabled input field
- Incorrect menu tab generation from usergroups
- Missing space in index creation/edit generated query
- Unchecking 'Show SQL queries' results NaN

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.2.3

phpMyAdmin 4.2.2


- Disable database expansion when enabled throws Error 500 when database name is clicked in navigation tree
- table display of performance_schema DB structure
- Protect Binary Columns: many problems
- BLOB link transformation is broken
- Respect ['ShowCreateDb'] in the navi panel
- Cannot see databases in nav panel on databases grouping when disabled database expansion
- No more calendar into search tab
- Monitor should fit into screen width
- When copying databases, primary key attributes get lost
- empty maxInputVars on js/messages.php

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.2.2

phpMyAdmin 4.2.1


- Cannot display table structure with enums containing special characters
- Cannot remove the last remembered sorted column
- Correctly fetch length of user and host fields in MySQL tables
- examples/signon.php does not support the SessionSavePath directive
- Missing source for OpenLayers library
- Incorrect attributes for number fields
- Cannot update values in Zoom search
- GIS Visualization Extension does not work with PointFromText() function
- Incorrect "Rows" total shown when truncating or dropping a table on DB Structure page
- Grid edit on sorted columns fails
- Null checkbox covering data input when editing
- Data type changing by itself (no size but attribute present)

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 4.2.1

MySQL 5.5.35

版本下載:MySQL 5.5.35

Download Accelerator Plus

版本下載:Download Accelerator Plus

phpMyAdmin 3.4.4


- [parser] SQL parser breaks AJAX requests if query has unclosed quotes
- [parser] Invalid escape sequence in SQL parser
- [config] $cfg['Export']['asfile'] set to false does not select as Text option
- [export] Working SQL query exports error page
- [interface] "Create an index on X columns" form not validated
- [interface] JS error in Table->Structure->Index->Edit
- [interface] Info message has "error" class
- [interface] TABbing through a NULL field in the inline mode resets NULL
- remove version number in /setup
- usability] Missing "Generate Password" button
- display] Missing Server Parameter on inline sql query
- [navi] Drop field -> lost active table
- remove misleading comment on the "Rename database" interface
- [interface] Fix footnote for inexact count while browsing
- [interface] Fix security warning link in setup
- [display] Backquotes in normal text on import page
- [core] With Suhosin, urls are too long in edit links
- [security] Missing sanitization on the table, column and index names leads to XSS vulnerabilities

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 3.4.4



* A security release.




- A security release.


phpMyAdmin 3.4.3


- [sync] Missing helper icons in Synchronize
- [setup] Redefine a lable that was wrong
- [parser] master is not a reserved word
- [edit] Inline edit updates multiple duplicate rows
- [edit] Inline edit does not escape backslashes
- [interface] Columns class sometimes changed for nothing
- [interface] Some tooltips do not disappear
- [search] Fix search in non unicode tables
- [display] Inline query edit broken
- [privileges] Generate password option missing on new accounts
- [edit] Inline edit places HTML line breaks in edit area
- [interface] Inline query edit does not escape special characters
- minor XSS (require a valid token)

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 3.4.3

phpMyAdmin 3.4.2


- [interface] Iconic table operations does not remove inline edit label
- [interface] Unnecessary scrolling on Databases page
- [setup] Define a label that was missing
- [interface] Show all button wraps on privileges page
- [config] Config for export compression not used
- [interface] Table is dropped regardless of confirmation
- [auth] Fixed error handling for signon auth method.
- [core] Avoid caching of index.php.
- [interface] Unnecessary Details slider
- [interface] "Show all" not persistent after a sort
- [auth] Version disclosure to anonymous visitors
- [interface] pmahomme and table statistics

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 3.4.2

phpMyAdmin 3.4.1


- [interface] Synchronize and already configured host
- Inline edit and $cfg['PropertiesIconic']
- Show a translated label
- [navi] Table filter is case sensitive
- [privileges] Revert temporary fix
- [synchronize] Synchronize and user name
- [core] Some browsers report an insecure https connection
- [security] Make redirector require valid token

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 3.4.1

phpMyAdmin 3.4.0


- [view] Enable VIEW rename
- [privileges] Export a user's privileges
- [core] Updated mootools to fix some glitches with Safari.
- [interface] Add REGEXP ^...$ to select dialog.
- [interface] Add insert ignore option to editing row.
- [interface] Show warning when javascript is disabled.
- [edit] Call UUID function separately to show it in insert.
- [export] Allow export of timestamps in UTC.
- [core] Remove config data from session as it brings chicken-egg problem.
- [core] Cookie path now honors PmaAbsoluteUri.
- [core] phpMyAdmin honors https in PmaAbsoluteUri.
- [core] Try moving tables by RENAME and fail to CREATE/INSERT if that fails.
- [core] Force reload js on code change.
- [interface] Do not display long numbers in server status.
- [edit] Add option to just display insert query.
- [interface] Move SSL status to the end, it is usually empty.
- [interface] Show numbers of columns in table structure.
- [inrerface] Add link to reload navigation frame.
- [auth] Signon authentication forwards error message through session data.
- [interface] Move ^1 to the end of message.
- [interface] Grey out non applicable actions in structure
- [interface] Allow to create new table from navigation frame (in light mode).
- [browse] Add direct download of binary fields.
- [browse] Properly display NULL value for BLOB.
- [edit] Allow to set BLOB to/from NULL with ProtectBinary.
- [edit] Do not default to UNHEX when using file upload.
- [core] Add option to configure session_save_path.
- [interface] Provide links to documentation in highlighted SQL.
- [interface] It is now possible to bookmark most pages in JS capable browser.
- [core] Fix SSL detection.
- [doc] Add some hints to chk_rel.php for quick setup.
- [interface] Add class to some elements for easier theming.
- [doc] Add some interesting configs to
- [doc] Added advice to re-login after changing pmadb settings
- [interface] Prefill "Copy table to" in tbl_operations.php.
- [lang] Add English (United Kingdom) translation.
- [auth] HTTP Basic auth realm name
- [interface] Do not insert doc links to not formatted SQL.
- [lang] Chinese Simplified update.
- [lang] Turkish update.
- [interface] Focus TEXTAREA "sql_query" on click on "SQL" link
- [lang] Uzbek update.
- [import] After import, also list uploaded filename.
- [structure] Clicking on table name in db Structure should Browse the table if possible.
- [search] New search operators.
- [designer] Colored relations based on the primary key
- [core] Provide way for vendors to easily change paths to config files.
- [interface] Add inline query editing.
- [setup] Allow to configure changes tracking in setup script.
- [edit] Optionally disable the Type column
- [edit] Buttons for quicky creating common SQL queries.
- [interface] Convert loading of export/import to jQuery ready event
- [edit] CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is also valid for datetime fields.
- [engines] Fix parsing of PBXT status.
- [interface] Convert upload progress bar to jQuery.
- [interface] Add javascript validation of datetime input.
- [interface] Default sort order is now SMART.
- [interface] Fix flipping of headers in non-IE browsers.
- [interface] Allow to choose servers from configuration for synchronisation.
- [relation] Improve ON DELETE/ON UPDATE drop-downs
- [relation] Improve labels in relation view
- [interface] Use jQuery calendar dialog
- [doc] Incorporate synchronisation docs into main document.
- [core] Include Content Security Policy HTTP headers.
- [CSS] Field attributes use inline CSS
- [interface] Cleanup navigation frame.
- [core] Prevent sending of unnecessary cookies
- [password] Generate password only available if JS is enabled (fixed for Privileges and Change password)
- [core] RecodingEngine now accepts none as valid option.
- [core] Dropped AllowAnywhereRecoding configuration variable.
- [interface] Define tab order in SQL form to allow easier tab navigation.
- [core] Centralized format string expansion, @VARIABLES@ are recommended way now, used by file name templates, default queries, export and title generating.
- [validator] SQL validator works also with SOAP PHP extension.
- [interface] Better formatting for SQL validator results.
- [doc] The linked-tables infrastructure is now called phpMyAdmin configuration storage.
- [interface] Move drop/empty links from being tabs to Operations tab.
- [interface] Fixed rendering of error/notice/info titles background.
- [doc] Language and grammar fixes
- [export] JSON export
- [interface] Editor for SET/ENUM fields.
- [interface] Simplified interface to backup/restore.
- Users preferences
- [relations] Dropped WYSIWYG-PDF configuration variable.
- [relations] Export relations to Dia, SVG and others
- [interface] Added charts to status tab, profiling page and query results
- [interface] AJAXification on various pages
- [core] Remove last remaining parts of profiling code which was removed in 2006.
- [parser] Add workaround for MySQL way of handling backtick.
- [interface] Removed modification options for information_schema
- [config] Add Left frame table filter visibility config option.
- [core] Force generating of new session on login
- [interface] Drop page-break-before as it is useless for smaller tables.
- [interface] Allow to wrap enum values.
- [interface] Do not automatically mark PDF schema rows to delete
- [interface] Do not apply LeftFrameDBSeparator on first character.
- [interface] Column highlighting and marking in table view
- Visual query builder
- [interface] Prevent long queries from being shown in confirmation popup
- [navi] Left panel table grouping incorrect,
- [interface] Avoid double escaping of MySQL errors.
- [interface] Use less noisy message and remove disable link on server charts and database statistics.
- [relation] When displaying results, show a link to the foreign table even when phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not active
- [relation] Foreign key input options
- [export] Better handling of export to PHP array.
- [privileges] No DROP DATABASE warning if you delete a user
- [interface] Add link to documentation for status variables.
- [security] Redirect external links to avoid Referer leakage.
- [interface] Default to not count tables in database.
- [interface] Shortcut for copying table row.
- [auth] Reset user cache on login.
- [interface] Replace hard coded limit with $cfg['LimitChars'].
- [interface] Indicate that bookmark is being used on browse.
- [interface] Indicate shared bookmarks in interface.
- [Search] Ajaxify browse and delete criteria in DB Search
- [interface] New default theme pmahomme, dropped darkblue_orange theme.
- [auth] Allow to pass additional parameters using signon method.
- [auth] Add example for OpenID authentication using signon method.
- [dbi] Default to mysqli extension.
- [interface] Add clear button to SQL edit box.
- [core] Update library PHPExcel to version 1.7.6
- [core] Work without mbstring installed.
- [interface] Add links to variables documentation.
- [import] Fix import of utf-8 XML files.
- [auth] Force signon auth on signon URL change.
- [core] Synchronization does not honor AllowArbitraryServer
- [synchronization] Data containing single quotes prevents sync
- Remove the custom color picker feature
- [privileges] Don't fail silently on missing priviledge to execute REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 3.4.0

phpMyAdmin 3.3.10


- patch [structure] Aria table size printed as unknown
- patch [structure] Ordering by size gives incorrect results
- bug [core] 0 row(s) affected
- bug [core] Edit relational page and page number
- [security] Minor security fixes
- [lang] German update

版本下載:phpMyAdmin 3.3.10



